Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from July 6, 2011 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Fri. Mar 14th, 9am - Noon: John Allen and his Co-Host Clay Pigeon

Favoriting July 6, 2011

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
ellen fullman  flowers   Favoriting through glass panes  important  2011  CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
john mannion    slice through or/in glassmetal  hanson  2011  LP  0:14:58 (Pop-up)
leigh stephens  indians   Favoriting red weather  phillips  1970  LP  0:24:48 (Pop-up)
blues explosion  firefly child   Favoriting now i got worry  matador  1996  LP  0:29:15 (Pop-up)
hygiene  done before / o-level girl   Favoriting public sector  la vida es un mus  2011  LP  0:32:34 (Pop-up)
angeldust  release   Favoriting   heavy psych  2011  7"  0:35:50 (Pop-up)
lorelle meets the obsolete  that suit is dope   Favoriting on welfare    2011  LP  0:37:01 (Pop-up)
the mick cox band  questions   Favoriting the mick cox band  capitol  1973  LP  0:39:30 (Pop-up)
noveller  waxwing   Favoriting glacial glow  weird forest  2011  LP  0:57:32 (Pop-up)
anne le berge  800 speakers   Favoriting speak  new world  2011  CD  1:07:05 (Pop-up)
white shark  waiting for the day   Favoriting muggy boy  nuf sed  1994  10"  1:14:14 (Pop-up)
alexi binov singers  fast ostridge   Favoriting stitched up: the songs of toy love revisited  burning sky  2011  CD  1:13:19 (Pop-up)
hamish kilgour  frogs   Favoriting stitched up: the songs of toy love revisited  burning sky  2011  CD  1:15:28 (Pop-up)
jon bender  27b4   Favoriting i don't remember now  record sluts  1980  LP  1:19:01 (Pop-up)
dirty beaches  lord knows best   Favoriting badlands  zoo music  2011  LP  1:24:59 (Pop-up)
mader  loons   Favoriting tangobidet  tango records  1984  LP  1:29:03 (Pop-up)
steve linnegar's snakeshed    classic epics    1982  LP  1:35:48 (Pop-up)
jimmy maravel  xyme   Favoriting   the flip sound  1982  12"  1:40:34 (Pop-up)
you  son of a true star   Favoriting electric day  cain  1979  LP  1:45:36 (Pop-up)
maurizio bianchi    ynohpmys  tourette  2011  CD  1:50:14 (Pop-up)
bill summers and summers heat    straight to the bank  prestige  1978  LP  2:03:37 (Pop-up)
positive noise  waiting for the seventh man   Favoriting   statik  1982  12"  2:08:13 (Pop-up)
freur  doot doot   Favoriting   epic  1983  12"  2:13:08 (Pop-up)
ippu du  magic vox   Favoriting radio fantasy  epic  1981  LP  2:19:04 (Pop-up)
jim ferraro  virtual sumo bubblegum   Favoriting on air  underwater peoples  2011  LP  2:24:04 (Pop-up)
sparks  fletcher honorame   Favoriting sparks  bearsville  1972  LP  2:26:41 (Pop-up)
the common people  feeling   Favoriting of by for  capitol  1969  LP  2:30:52 (Pop-up)
titus groan  It's all up with us   Favoriting s/t  dawn  1970  LP  2:32:57 (Pop-up)
carol grimes  all for one   Favoriting   caroline  1974  LP  2:38:53 (Pop-up)
levon helm  blues so bad   Favoriting rco allstars  abc  1977  LP  2:41:48 (Pop-up)
bob trimble  fight or fall/screw it   Favoriting the crippled dog band  yoga  1984/2011  LP  2:50:48 (Pop-up)
cs yeh  in the blink of an eye   Favoriting   destijl  2011  7"  2:55:18 (Pop-up)
dana jewell  my t-train girl   Favoriting   underwater peoples  2011  7"  2:58:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Bonjour John Allen.

Good morning John, Pierre and everyone!
Marmalade Kitty:

Hi JA, Pierre, Looms.
Marmalade Kitty:

so glad to catch this show.. GREAT!

Hey, bonjour Chaton!
the anchovy:

Hi John and aloha everyone,
show is starting very well! the JSBX track makes me shake^^

By the way, does anyone else have problems with the 128 mp3 stream or is it only me? (listening on flash stream at the moment)
Marmalade Kitty:

128 mp3 seemed to keep on rebuffering yesterday..?
hamburger / london:

howdy all - 128k sounds fine over here on itunes

I can't get it on my Droid right now.

goeiemorgen all
hamburger / london:

liking this background music

hhmmm interesting about the stream, i thought is was just my tuner..

Tell us another good lie, John: why is your prenium in back ordered status? ;)
hamburger / london:

errr just back from making tea and I hear something about 'underwear not being adequate' ?

underwear speakers

looms. very sooon
yngwie bouzouki:

Great playlist J A!
Retro-future dream soundtrack'd
yngwie bouzouki:

hear ya next week!!

The postmasn is in the house. Lock up your wives and daughters!

goeiemorgen maja

And hi JA and all in 'fmuland. Yeah.
other david:

loving the show JA, glad there are no technical hiccups today :)

ha sam, goeiemiddag tussen ons, denk ik
Brian in UK:

Afternoon all.
PMP ref Prince Albert from Scotts show on Monday. Eric Taylor is playing there on Sun 16th October, if you can get along, he tells a good story and sings a good song.
ben j:

This set is fucking incredible. Please come to London and take over the shit radio here!

London, this IS your radio
Brian in UK:

And some people think 6music is where its at.

JA sad to say you are correct.
Brian in UK:

ben j have you tried Resonance FM, the white lines are so faded you will never see the middle of the road.

Ja, goieimiddag hier
Brian in UK:

Like the English tip JA.
Here's a link to the author of Titus Groan (the book) Born 100 years ago this year.

Excellent job, John.
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