Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from July 26, 2011 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting July 26, 2011: The Future Will Destroy You

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Artist Track
Red Hot Chris T Peppers  Under the Future Bridge   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

Marmalade Kitty:

Hellooo ChrisT!

85 to 96

my eyeballs are not rolling. the whole world is here, no one else has that. and it does make America great.

Agreed, JT and Chris T.
Marmalade Kitty:

I love you, Chris!!!!!!!

Whaddya mean, nobody knows what Google Plus is? It's just Google's Facebook. Pretty much exact same thing. Kind of a nicer layout, a little more control over sharing, but that's about it, no huge stupid big chat window. Nothing to get really excited about.
Mike East:

I don't have a facebook page, but my wife does. Many arguments have followed her checking her email/FB on her blackberry while we are in bed. The clicking of those keys enrages me.
Mike East:

As far as what keeps me up at night, I've been having dreams about nuclear war since I was a kid. Its likely I watch too many movies, though.
ben drinken:

I worry about when my Chris T. pot holder will arrive from my swag
Adam in Portland:

For me: no Facebook, no Google Plus, no Linked-In, no Foursquare, no Twitter. I'm doing alright, but my left leg hurts. Is my lack of involvement the reason? (shudder)

Remember when you would do something awsome and then get to relive it when you told you friends about it? Now the're "Meh, I saw the kind of lame photo that totaly didn't capture it on facebook
ben drinken:

I actually wake up in the middle of the night sometimes worrying about my swag and if something went wrong. I want my Chris T. pot holder.

I still have those dreams occasionally too, Mike East.
Marmalade Kitty:

fairway :)
Adam in Portland:

I'll tell you what, I never should have read the Hot Zone as a teen.
Adam in Portland:

Not being able to make a WFMU meet-up worries me.
Dave In Philly:

Wow, sorry for the bad audio on my call. I blame Verizon. There, another thing to worry me!

I never thought I would say these 2 words, but after dinner last night I did... "Too Much Bacon!". Well it was gourmet bacon, pork belly. Maybe that was the problem.
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