Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from August 9, 2011 Favoriting

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Favoriting August 9, 2011: Crazy Standard & Poor Train

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Ozzy Chris T. Osbourne  Crazy Standard & Poor Train   Favoriting

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Listener comments!


The suckas thought I was steak (steer bum), but I was really just a bum steer.

we should tax the living crap out of any goods from other countries.

oil drops and price at pump stays at the 4 dollar threshold we've all come to accept.

occupied japan? now we're the occupied united states.

ceo's drive companies into the ground yet walk away with hundreds of millions. boards of directors are all on the take.
Smoot Hawley Tariff:

@dale's first paragraph: Yeah, that worked really well in 1930!

yeah, but EVERYTHING we buy now comes from overseas - thanks to our own off shore headquartering ceo's who's families take helicopters out to summer out in the hamptons. shift in wealth in the last 40 years is unbelieveable.

A 57%-65% increase in PATH fare is absurd. Some say it's because Christie has been raiding the Port Authority's funds.
Smoot Hawley Tariff:

I get it! We are squeezed for money, so therefore let's raise prices on ourselves by adding tariffs. Great thinking.
ben drinken:

finally got the Chris T pot holder! already has a few stains on it. have not tried to light it on fire yet but wanted to hear from some listeners in London if they have used the pot holder for self defense or use it while holding molotov cocktails.

yes, actually. then an american company would go back to making the stuff we buy on our own soil.

We have workers to pay. It costs over 5 dollars a ride to pay our workers and meet our expenses, not to mention our cushy administrative jobs.

The dollar increase threat on PATH is a maneuver meant to make it easier for the NJ and NY govs to sign on to a *lower* raise a little later on. They get to look good, because they can oppose these high fare hike proposals now, and then reluctantly accept the lower raise later.

BTW, the two state governors are one democrat and one republican. It's not about parties or ideologies. It's about the political class and public employees taking care of themselves without creating too big of a backlash.

zeitgeist movement
ben drinken:

the thing that has always baffled me about union bashing is that unions most always result in way better workers and more productivity from the workers. I have always wondered why anti union folks love to hate unions. it seems to me more and more that the corporate whatever want to keep labor in America at a third world obedience. Why? maybe it is safer for them they think. until the revolution.

love the helots speech. get a car. then you have gas, and oil, and repairs, and tires, and registrations, and insurance, and depreciation, and tickets. then you need a lawyer

Yes, yes, commenter "PATH," the maneuver is transparent, but the threat of 57-65% indicates they want it to actually be 25-50% which is still absurd, no matter the cause. As for public employees, they are often demonized. I may be a liberal Democrat but I am willing to consider that there may be a lot of overpaid admin jobs, waste at the PA, etc. and everybody on each side should demand transparency and info about who's getting paid what, but that's not the whole answer.

Majority of America seems to be running on a timeline 20 years out of date and behind on almost every subject. We are a country of running on out dated politics with immature pockets being filled and insane waste on every level. Lobbying will never end sadly. The people are too dumbed down by the upity ups. This has become one wild trip. A possible future of enslavement brought to you by your favorite corporations.

The Lord of the Rings predicted most of this.

Let's bring up a heretical word; protectionism. In the early 90s we threw our borders open. Other countries didn't do that. Try to buy a Ford in Korea; you can't. Now our companies have more incentive to outsource jobs. But it's better for every other developed country to keep jobs in their own country. And I'm only 36. When I was a child, "Made in China" was not unknown but it was far from ubiquitous.

@Ike: Costs are costs. They are real. You can leave them the same, or change them, but people like us exchanging attitudes about supposed good guys and supposed bad guys doesn't change the actual costs. Graduate beyond us-vs.-them thinking and you may even touch reality at some point.

THANK YOU sean. you said my sentiment. only with much better.

What IF the people do take the streets and arrange protests? Who will give in first? Are we strong enough? Can we really be that disconnected? What will seriously wake up America?

my wife would marry nick cave if i didn't snag her first.

don't think she'd mary mr. t

mr. t!!!!

That Mr. T was funny!

people here are too medicated sedated televated to protest.

uneducated and palpitated

Lotta drunks on this board, huh? Whaddya think?
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