Favoriting Too Much Information with Benjamen Walker: Playlist from September 12, 2011 Favoriting

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Too Much Information is the sober hangover after the digital party has run out of memes, apps and schemes. Host Benjamen Walker finds out that, in a world where everyone overshares the truth 140 characters at a time, telling tales might be the most honest thing to do.

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Favoriting September 12, 2011: The 10 year anniversary of America losing its freaking mind (live show)
Host Benjamen Walker is joined by the journalists Jonathan Kay and Petra Bartosiewicz and they take listener calls. Jonathan Kay is the author of "Among the Truthers" a book about America's growing conspiracy theory movement and the people who believe in them. Petra Bartosiewicz has been writing about the FBI's hunt for terrorist networks and sleeper cells. Her soon-to-be-published book is called "The Best Terrorists We Could Find," an investigation of terrorism trials in the U.S. since 9/11.

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Artist Track
Jonathan Kay  Among the Truthers   Favoriting
Petra Bartosiewicz  FBI's war on Terror   Favoriting

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Listener comments!


Now, we're getting somewhere!

I'm glad to hear people talking sensibly about this peculiar brand of insanity.
Hagbard Celine:

Great show today!

Do pre-terrorists have to take a TSAT?
"Pre terrorist":

Isaac is a Jewish name. That's all I need to know.

Ben Ladin was known to be revengeful.

Why don't you do a story about GLADIO and Sibel Edmonds. If you want to understand what is going on you could start there.

How about a "kernal" of thermitic material...

how did the "terrorists" get the jet interceptors to fly out over the Atlantic at sub supersonic speed rather then fly to NY or DC?

One of the believers in nonsensically complex conspiracy theories is here! I was wondering how long it would take.

"Thermitic!" Ha ha. They LOVE their "thermite," as if fire + massive quantities of jet fuel isn't enough to bring down a poorly-built skyscraper.

The Mossad demolition crew jumping gleefully on top of the moving truck on 20/20, laid the charges that weekend when Marvin and Neil Bush's security company shut off the electrical and security cameras while the crew laid charges. Assistant FBI director Chertoff personally escorted them out of the country (along with the Bin Laden family). Chertoff is the offspring of a very high Mossad , and enjoys dual-citizenship in the US and Israel..

The Elites who created and perpetrated the criminal acts of 9-11 are of the opinion that infinite money can clean and coverup ANYTHING..(and they have infinite money because the Banksters own the Fed and the Treasury's printing presses.).

FROOTLOOPS ahoy! Ring those phones!
Weird But True:

If you go far enough way-left or far enough way-right, they start to sound kinda similar.

@Mordred All true that Brother.

Don't forget that the Bush clan is ruled by the Lizard People from Mordor.

doubters! Study GLADIO, Sibel Edmonds and Operation Northwoods.

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

911 conspiracy brings A LEVEL OF COMFORT and suggest that the the 911 disaster was a result of gross incompetence across the board. ... The FBI is an intrapment institite. Period.

Incompetence over malevolence.
Brass Knuckles:

You guys are ruining all the fun with this talk about facts.

@oogoo, I think you mean that it gives comfort by suggesting it WASN'T a result of gross incompetence across the board. If so then I agree totally.

It seems that virtually all homegrown terrorists’ schemes originate not with Moslems who hate our freedom but with an FBI that does. "Remember the Washington Metro bombing plot?" MoJo asks. "The New York subway plot? The guys who planned to blow up the Sears Tower? The teenager seeking to bomb a Portland Christmas tree lighting? Each of those plots, and dozens more across the nation, was led by an FBI asset."

yeah exactly IKE... sorry for miss spells too

The Times ran this story a few days after one of the spies sent 24-year-old Shahawar Matin Siraj, a.k.a., the "Subway Bomber," to prison for 30 years. Indeed, without the informant, Siraj probably would never have suffered arrest, much less conviction: "he was not linked to a terror group like al Qaeda nor did he have any explosives. The case hung on the undercover work of [Osama] Eldawoody, a naturalized Egyptian who spent nearly two years posing as a like-minded radical Islamist."

He might as well have been named Elder Goody: he was more than twice as old as Siraj, and he presented himself to the younger man as a Moslem mentor. He flattered Siraj, whom an uncle described as "not too bright.... He's not dangerous, he just talks," and showered him with attention, then suggested blowing up the subway station at Herald Square, one of the system’s major terminals; after all, US soldiers were raping Moslem girls back home: didn’t Siraj want to avenge their innocence?

After months of such cajoling, Eldawoody’s prey finally succumbed. His wire caught Siraj’s agreement on tape.

And so a young man with no criminal record, no association to terrorists other than Eldawoody (who "worked" for some of the world’s most ruthless, the NYPD), and no weapons or other means of fulfilling his mentor’s plot languishes in America’s gulag. Not surprisingly, "some Muslim leaders remain convinced that [Siraj] was entrapped."

Eldawoody and his entrapment aren’t an aberration. They are as common as dirt when it comes to American "terrorists" – so common we might ask whether there would even be any American terrorists were it not for the government’s ginning them up.

Oh gosh, now that ScottC has agreed with Mordred's creepy "Israelis are to blame for everything" concept, he crosses the line (IMHO) from kook to... well, you get my drift.

@ogoo, thanks, it's all good.
Stoner #3:

We never landed on the moon either. I'm not letting you dudes smoke any of my weed. Total bummers.

Hell, even the Israeli people are rioting against their fascist government, don't glom the issues into a convenient cospiracy blob to toss aside..

Governments have always used false-flags to achieve an agenda..Waterboarding and torture is now used by so-called "Western Civilization "security agencies NOT to extract information, but to get false confessions for propaganda to fuel their imperialism..

hmmm... steel (and aluminium) building, aluminium airplane... where could mixed aluminium/iron residues possibly have come from? Argument from personal incredulity calcifies into willful ignorance?
Old Lawyer Trick:

When you know that the person you are advocating for is guilty, 1. blame the system, and/or 2. scapegoat someone else if possible. Maybe the suckers will buy it.

Was across the street from WTC that day and heard 5 or 6 distinct explosions, and the presence of thermite yeah a big problem contributing to theories. Who loaded the explosions for WTC 7 and how? Its hard to accept that we simply failed miserably. A false flag for the invasion of Iraq. Yeah absolutely.
but does that mean the act was created here, or more simply that the powers that be didnt give a shit... or did we simply live thru a collective wish fullfillment?

OK @Mordred, you have a point about Israelis rioting against their hard-right govt., but I still don't think Mossad is capable of absolutely anything whatsoever, even if they're not as wildly incompetent as the W. Admin. And imperialist misadventures don't require massive conspiracies to initiate.

And tying Mossad to 9-11 still smacks to me of borderline anti-Semitism. (Apropos of -- well, not much -- I'm not even Jewish.) I mean, I could *almost* believe that Cheney planned it, but Mossad too? That's a real stretch.

@oogoo now you lost me. Distinct explosions mean nothing -- lots of jet fuel and fire and collapsing girders can do that, no problem.

@Ike The US CIA has a long history of partnership with the Mossad and Saudi security agencies..They cashed i with both on 9-11 for "The New World Order", increased surveillance and totalitarian power for the new police state, and to justify OilWar Imperialism...Moslems are the scapegoats for the imperial Warmachine..

Sounds like a goofy fantastical thriller about darkness reaching into the highest levels of govt. But reality? No. Too much incompetence to pull anything like that off without any leaks. And justifying oil-based imperialism is not that difficult.

You sound a bit like a (possibly moderate) Muslim who doesn't want to believe that people calling themselves Muslims did anything so terrible. Y'know, "no, MY people could NEVER do that! It's a PLOT!" But every type of religion and culture has its horrible mass murderers and misdirected violent lunatics.

Agreed Ike lots of plausible explanations. They just fell. at the time the were built the could not sustain a plane collision of the largest planes flying. Israel is realitively small and has experience a very focused late neoliberal economy and has wonderfully revolted. Will it change anything. Doubtful. The fact that powerful capital interests do not care to protect their population, or simply feel death is collateral damage is explicit in Wealth of Nations bedrock for the MIlton Friiedman delusion. That we're imperialist is explicit. It aint a conspiricyy. Is a stated goal.

Don't get me started on the Rothschid's creation of Israel for Eternal War and war profits..My religion is punk rock and beer..

LOL, stick to punk rock and beer then, and enjoy! I'm just pointing out that the "Muslim street" fans the flames of these theories because they cringe to think that any of "their people" could've done such things, just as we cringe to think the FBI has done such horrible things to people, and many Fox News types refuse to believe it.

False flag attacks are the "black theater" states have used for centuries..

that guest guy was terrible. could he have been any more 1 dimensional in his incredibly patronising, illogical and circular reasoning? and Benjamin, might i say, slightly cowardly and condescending perhaps to completely dump on those "crazy pot smoking...insert worn out stereotype here..." conspiracy theorists, and not allow one on the show to counter the other guy? were you scared the crazy might rub off on you? of course the "conspiracy" rabbit hole is full of idiots, charlatans and info-tainers, but so is corporate media, ever watch fox news?? or read the NY times ;) it is a rather large leap though to start to suggest that there is *no* truth in 9/11 truth. the official, government, corporate military industrial complex version of events which has been the constant echo chamber for 10 years, makes zero sense, has huge gaping holes in it and rightly gets shot down, this show did nothing to answer or even acknowledge any of those real, genuine questions, and actually imho some rather glaring mistakes were stated.

if anyone is curious about some serious investigations of false flag terror, forget Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura, and go read some Webster Tarpley. mordred knows his shit!

btw, no steel frame skyscraper has EVER collapsed due to fire, never ever happenned anywhere. the towers WERE designed to withstand jumbo jet impact. and the buildings could not have powderised in 10 seconds the way they did if it was just a "collapse". lots of things to think about, no one has all the answers, and it probably isn't worth spending too much time on because as we all know, it's the type of subject you can easily get quite obsessed with, but ya know, try to keep an open mind ;)
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