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An avant nerd remixing smooth disco in a dancehall stylee.
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Comments | Approx. start time |
I don't know why DJs think the onus of making playlists is on them. I certainly don't. I'll be streaming other radio stations tonight. Hot 97 and Power 105. Roadblock Radio. Kiss FM. The Quiet Storm. Christian radio. Readymade radio!
The Batman movie. Indiana Jones. Found a VHS player upstairs. In the last hour, I let my internet stream loop into the board and back out to the internet. Let's call it an Alvin Lucier cover. Seeing how long it takes for the loop created to dissolve completely into bit crunched nothingness. |
0:00:00 (Pop-up) |
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Listener comments!
I saw a dance show Monday where the dancer was going through signature steps from the most performed classical 19th century ballets, in chronological order. Does that concept ring a bell? The guy's name is Noé Soulier.
The chartsweep is the last sequence, but the rest could also be of interest. And though he's French, his explanations are in English.
(mta) Tony:
Salut Fred !
Bonjour everyone !
Marmalade kitty:
also liked the batman bit earlier, weird listening to a movie & music at once.