Favoriting destination: OUT with Jeff Golick: Playlist from January 16, 2012 Favoriting

Jeff Golick's avatar View Jeff Golick's profile Favoriting

Three hours of adventurous jazz drawing on the Destination: Out archives and other planes of there.

Sunday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 9am - Noon: Jeff Golick and his Co-Host Gary Sullivan
Sun. Mar 16th, 9am - Noon: Jeff Golick and his Co-Host Doug Schulkind

Favoriting January 16, 2012: Rivers deep; mountaintop high.

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments
Roscoe Mitchel  Tatas-Matoes   Favoriting Congliptious  Nessa  1968   
John Coltrane  Alabama   Favoriting Live at Birdland  Impulse!  1963   
The Spencer Jackson Family  Ain't Nobody Gonna Treat Us Like They Used to Do   Favoriting The Zulu 45s Collection  Jazzman  2010   
Charles Mingus  Cry for Freedom (Prayer for Passive Resistance)   Favoriting Mingus at Antibes  Atlantic  1976 (1960)   

Music behind DJ:
David Bowie 

Moss Garden   Favoriting




Joe McPhee  Birmingham Sunday   Favoriting Underground Railroad/Live At Holy Cross Monastery  Cj-R (re: Atavistic)  2001 (1969)   
David S. Ware Quartet  Freedom Suite, part 3   Favoriting Live in the World  thirsty ear  2004   
Manfred Schulze Blazer Quintet  Choral fur Dr Martin Luther King   Favoriting Viertens  FMP  1986  [add yr own umlaut] 

Music behind DJ:
Essendon Airport 

How Low Can You Go?   Favoriting

Sonic Investigations Of The Trivial 



Sam Rivers  Solace   Favoriting Contrasts  ECM  1980   
Sam Rivers  Bursts   Favoriting Crystals  Impulse!  1974   
Sam Rivers RivBea All-Star Orchestra  Culmination   Favoriting Culmination  BMG / RCA  2000   
Sam Rivers  Effusive Melange   Favoriting Dimensions and Extensions  Blue Note  1986 (1967)   
Sam Rivers  Downstairs Blues Upstairs   Favoriting Fuchsia Swing Song  Blue Note  1965   

Music behind DJ:
NOW Ensemble 

All Together Now   Favoriting


New Amsterdam 


Sam Rivers Trio  Onyx + Topaz   Favoriting Hues  Impulse!  1975  aka "Suite for Molde - Part One" 
Sam Rivers  Ecstasy   Favoriting Paragon  Fluid  1977   
Sam Rivers  Shadow   Favoriting Portrait  FMP  1997   
Sam Rivers  Flare   Favoriting Sizzle  Impulse!  1976   
Sam Rivers  Pulsar   Favoriting Trilogy: Edge  Mosaic  2011   

Music behind DJ:
Bang on a Can All Stars 

Four Player Piano Studies: Study 3c   Favoriting

Big Beautiful Dark and Scary 



This double album ist legally free at http://bangonacan25.org/, thru 25 Jan. 
WARM Quartet  <track 03>   Favoriting 2005.06.25 - Terni (Italy) Jazz Festival  n/a  2005  [boot] 
WARM Quartet  <track 04>   Favoriting 2005.06.25 - Terni (Italy) Jazz Festival  n/a  2005  [boot] 
Sam Rivers  Shadows   Favoriting New American Music, Volume 1  Smithsonian Folkways  1975  Rivers' liner notes on this comp.: http://www.bb10k.com/RSS.html#NewAmericanMusic 
Sam Rivers  Evocation Suite, Part 2   Favoriting JazzbuhneBerlin 1982, Vol.10  Repertoire  1982   

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Listener comments!

Alf from Upstate:

Welcome back, Destination Out!
Richard from Venezuela:

Happy new year Jeffs.
Brian in UK:

Hello Jeffs', this is what you call hitting the ground RUNNING.

hey, everybody.
listener james from westwood:

good monday folks. good to have d:o on again so soon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Jeff G:

Greetings! And happy new year to all assembled: Alf; Richard; Brian!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Jeff G:

...bgporter; ljfw...!
Doug S.:

We are in church (in Birmingham and everywhere). We are blessed.

Howdy all. Love the Coltrane sounds.
Brian in UK:

A Coltrane is for life not just for Christmas.

Oh my, this is fine. So happy to be hear.

Still got to preach http://j.mp/yKD8v3
Brian in UK:

Monet painted some beautiful seascapes at Antibes. Charles Mingus 'painted' some beautiful soundscapes in 1960.
Doug S.:

Jeff, have your heard Trane's "Alabama" played in unison to MLK's eulogy in Birmingham at the funeral for the four girls killed in the church bombing. The evidence has convinced me that Trane patterned the cadence of his playing on the delivery of King's voice. One of the most chilling things I've ever heard
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Jeff G:

@fakedaniels: words fail. Totally absurd.

@Doug: I've heard it said that that's what Trane was doing, but have never put them together.

Doug played that Coltrane/King tape on his show years ago.
Doug S.:

That was part of the radio documentary "Tell Me How Long Trane's Been Gone," created by Steve Rowland. Incredible.

Still not sure whether to believe that, Jeff, or whether I've been hoaxed. Telling in itself, I suppose.
Dan in Seattle:


This Joe McPhee stuff is friggin' amazing

Joe McPhee, yes! It was going to have to be Birmingham Sunday or Underground Railroad. Can't go wrong with this album.

"In Arkansas, Alabama and Mississippi, the slain civil rights leader shares a state holiday with Robert E. Lee". Cheers, @Dan.
Ed Moore:

This is really hitting the spot.

I'm a happy owner of that Trane documentary, thanks to Mr. Doug. Highly appreciated!
listener james from westwood:

we don' need no steenkin' umlauts!

On that subject, might be an idea to have a rerun on the GTDS stream if it can be arranged.

Speaking of umlauts (or even better): åæø
Doug S.:

That amazing documentary ran on a few public radio stations around the country in spring 2001 and then it vanished. I spent a few years, off and on, hunting down the producer and got permission to run it on WFMU. Miraculously, he allowed me to offer it as a marathon premium, too.

@Hugo, I have been contemplating that very idea. Maybe for Trane's birthday in September...

Man, no one told me this party was BYOU.

Doug, I have a copy of that doc that you gave away on the fundraiser a couple of years ago, it's excellent!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
Jeff G:

Add me to the list of gratified Trane doc listeners. I'm all for bringing it back, as I didn't get to "take it home," as it were.
Doug S.:

Here is the website for Steve Rowland, producer of the Coltrane doc. Lotsa great stuff: http://artistowned.com/
Ed Moore:

Damn this is brilliant. Sam Rivers taught me to like big band music again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm
Jeff G:

Glad you are digging, Ed Moore.

Apparently, Rivers had stacks of big band "charts" he'd written; the trouble was always getting it produced.

I just found out that there's a "brand new" Blue Notes coming out. Can I wait that long? I think the term deferred gratification applies here.


I'd love to hear an all bigband outing of D:O Radio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm
Jeff G:

Also re that Culmination track, the band was a monster: www.bb10k.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm
Jeff G:

All-big-band outing: like the idea. 'course, Sun Ra alone could occupy the first 8 hours or so.

It was tough/ridiculous/impossible trying to pay tribute to Sam Rivers in one show...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm
Jeff G:

"fuchsia" -- possibly the hardest non-name word to spell in the jazz lexicon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm
Jeff G:

Jaki Byard, ladies and gents.

It would probably be even more difficult if one were to include unreleased live Rivers recordings. One set would frequently run for an hour or more ...

Nice alphabetical playlist. Hard to pay tribute to a giant like Rivers. But the mix of large/small groups highlights his range and deep well of ideas.
Doug S.:

@Hugo, a "new" Blue Notes release?! I....can't....breathe... (I'm turning a most wonderful shade of fuchsia.)

Holy Crap! It looks like SOPA might be dead (at least until it's resurrected) http://exm.nr/zYAJwS

Yeah, Doug, we need some very effective tranquilizers ... Nurse!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:47pm
Jeff G:

@earwax: unbelievably great news. You read Cory Doctorow's frightening plea at (I think) BoingBoing?
Jeff J:

That Blue Notes release looks exciting. Nice to see Ogun digging into their vaults. Thanks, Hugo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm
Jeff G:

Double Jeffs in the house!
Doug S.:

Any relation to convicted child molester and serial polygamist Warren Jeffs?
Jeff J:

Has anyone seen the French TV doc of Sam Rivers in the studio with Tony Hymas from the late 90s? They were recording an album for Disques Nato and apparently the doc offers some great insights into Rivers' process and is a behind-the-scenes view of those often tense sessions. Always wanted to check it out...

@Jeff G Yes, Cory has been on top of this since the beginning. Now the next step is to kill PIPA. Unfortunately, like zombies, these things have trouble staying dead.

I can think of things worse than being an Ogun vault digger. Yep, I could dig that ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm
Jeff G:

@earwax: also like zombies -- no brains, etc.

@Doug: Shhh...
Jeff J:

Re: "Shadow" - love this one in particular. So hard to sustain the drama in solo tracks but this seems effortless.
Dan in Seattle:

Crikey! How do I not have this Sizzle record!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:10pm
Jeff G:

There should be more records like SIZZLE. Or are there and we just don't know about them?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm
Jeff G:

@Dan: Impulse has kept it under wraps, for whatever bizarre reason. Now that they're finally mining their own catalog -- eg those twofers from Marion Brown, Alice C, Pharoah, etc -- maybe they'll get around to it.
Doug S.:

God I love Warren Smith. (His brother was in a cooperative gallery in D.C. with me moms.)

Ah, Dave Holland... (had to google)
Jeff J:

My theory re: Sizzle - Keeping this OOP is part of a sinister international conspiracy to tamp down the number of jazz fans. I'd bet this track strikes newbies as more accessible and fun than most cannonical jazz joints.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm
Jeff G:

@Doug: points for getting "mom," "gallery," and "Warren Smith" in the same sentence. In my world, those things don't exist in the same universe. (Hi, mom!)
Brian in UK:

Doug, Irene seems to be hitting a jazz tip today on the father ship. It is infarctious.

Impulse doesn't want to cut into the profits to be reaped by releasing another Trane box set of re-re-remasters.

Downloading the fuck out of Sizzle now - ain't even gonna front.
Doug S.:

Me too, from here: http://bit.ly/AhriZf
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm
Jeff G:

@Brian: traitor!?

@fakedaniels and Doug: hells yes.

Ha, same link here.

"Where did all this Sizzle come from?".
Brian in UK:

Meow Jeff G, looking but not touching. You are going to cause some embolisms if you go weekly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:29pm
Jeff G:

Heh. Just our insecurity showing. As newbies, we haven't built up our hides of steel yet. Ain't that right, Doug?

Meanwhile, got my own embolisms to worry about...
Brian in UK:

82 years young when this was recorded. Oh brother.
You have no fears Jeff your impact was pretty much immediate. I think that is fair to say.
Doug S.:

Forget weekly. I'm ready for D:O RADIO to slay them daily.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
Jeff G:

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Just checked the mothership, and see Irene also played that Mingus cut! Wonder if they were going out simultaneously...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
Jeff G:

(But thanks!!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm
Jeff G:

Me, last night, to my 7-yr-old daughter: "Want to hear the beginning of daddy's radio show?"
Her, all smiles: "Sure!"
Her, looking concerned: "That doesn't sound right."
Doug S.:

She should have her own show, just so you could zing her back.

That's what I miss from my college radio days -- keeping the music going while handling the angry/confused phone calls.
Brian in UK:

Love Smithsonian, simple title straight and to the point. See you in a fortnight gents.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm
Jeff G:

See you, Brian! Always great to have you here. (As elsewhere.)

One can never be too careful in the selection of one's parents ...
Doug S.:

Give the Drummer Radio motors on, 24 hours a day. Don't forget to tune at Noon tomorrow for an all-new show from Tony Coulter.

Coming up next on the stream...
Frank Lowe
Cjampeta Sound System
Lupé y Raúl
Gilberto Gil
Bad Livers
Kenny Rankin
Chuck Mayfield & the Wonder Valley Cowboys
Carl Butler
Bill Anderson
Panta Rhei
Jimmy Graham
Five Ounces of Soul
and more
and more
and more...
listener james from westwood:

been listening while proofreading away from the computer. couldn't have asked for better accompaniment. thanks gents!
Doug S.:

And don't forget to check out the phenomenal Sam Rivers post at Destination Out: http://destination-out.com/?p=3432
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Jeff G:

Thanks, listener james!

Wishing you all a great couple of weeks until we meet again. I will, in the meantime, be turning one year older.
Doug S.:

It ain't your birthday until Facebook says it's your birthday.

I'm late with this but great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm
Jeff G:

Thanks, earwax!

Good stuffs as usual

Hey guys, it is great to be able to listen to your show via internet in Germany. If you want to spell all these German groups and song titles correctly, just add an -e- after the vowel, e.g. Manfred Schulze Blaeser Quartett: Choral fuer Martin Luther King. This is absolutely okay. Thank you for introducing me to great music.
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