wow a comments board .... thanks for your time Mr Fine Wine . allways a classic show
Mark in VT:
Mr. Fine Wine always puts on a good show. Also at his other shows. He fits what he has to share with us on wfmu into one hour. But I have longed for him to have a longer show so he can talk about the records and maybe do whatever and such. But that is my fantasy.
Chris in CA:
New listeners: be patient during these novelty R&B songs. Good Soul music kicks in around the half hour mark.
Hey, Mr. Fine Wine, would you ever want to do a longer show, and what would you do with it? But forgive me if this is insulting that your show in one hour is not the best and complete.
Thanks, Mark. I had two hours briefly several years back and I found it to be...too much!
Chris in CA:
I love this! See, patience paid off!
i say it's a great potent hour!
Mark in VT:
The thing I love about the show is that you play such hard to find and sometimes crazy stuff. Sounds regular to the average listener but listen close, something is different about this record if Mr. Fine Wine is playing it.
Johnny Otis was also a DJ on a westcoast
radiostation. great man! R.I.P.
other david:
*pushes Fine Wines love cup - whatever that is*
great show as ever mister, an hour of distilled brilliance is worth more than a thousand hours of blandness
Ken From Hyde Park:
Fantastic show tonight. Thanks for finding these gems.
Oh, there are records I've played ten times over the years, probably...
Got it, it's just that I am so short of being an expert on all soul muasic ever released that your playlists are almost always new songs and even new artists to me...
Thanks for all you do....
another great show , still lookin for that kelly bros. ill let you know when i find it , Big hugs from Texas !!, Like Mona Lisa !!! Cant Stand myself !!
haha, getting to the show / discussion a little late over here in australia. Keep on stickin it to 'em with the novelty r'n'b records! Love that stuff. I'm sure I can find something to take you task about, but i'll have to think about a while...
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Listener comments!
Mark in VT:
Chris in CA:
Fine Wine:
Mark in VT:
Fine Wine:
Chris in CA:
Mark in VT:
radiostation. great man! R.I.P.
other david:
great show as ever mister, an hour of distilled brilliance is worth more than a thousand hours of blandness
Ken From Hyde Park:
Ignore Function:
Fine Wine:
Fine Wine:
Mark in VT:
other david:
Fine Wine:
Thanks for all you do....