Ahoy! Late start -- hit a few sandbars en route to radio harbor. Welcome all!
listener james from westwood:
glad to see the pledge boxes up. just used it to send mine in. figured this was a fine occasion to do so. told the gang in the pledge comments that the streams have revolutionized the way i listen to fmu. so, thanks, you guys!
could've broken it out among all the mighty stream team members, but honestly i just wanted to get some cash to the station asap! many kudos to the drummer lineup and tech team and to the station as a whole. can't imagine life w.o it.
afternoon everyone, thanks Jeff for these excellent sounds on a monday.
Thanks, jk. Hope that's not short for "just kidding."
Doug S.:
Abdul Wadud was a few years ahead of me at Oberlin. When I got there, there was still a box filled with copies of "By Myself" in a bin at the Co-Op Bookstore. Happily availed myself of one. Should have grabbed twenty.
@Doug, re that Wadud/Oberlin comment: your run-ins and near misses with the great and near-great seem legion. I would believe any such anecdote from you, like, say, once you and Richard Nixon both grabbed coffee at the same Dunkin Donuts in Fresno, 1978.
Doug S.:
And that's why I will not walk into a Dunkin Donuts to this day. And it was '77.
Richard from Venezuela:
Today is the first world's radio day. Congratulations Jeffs, Doug and all wfmu's crew for all the amazing job.
Thanks again to YOU, listener james! Looking forward to seeing you soon.
George S.:
What? No Martin Schutz, Calo Scott, Alan Silva, David Eyges, Kali Fasteau, Irene Aebi, Ron Carter, Kent Carter, Michelle Kinney, Martine Altenburger, Joel Freedman, David Baker, Kash Killion, Tom Cora or Muneer Abdul Fataah?? ;-/
(C) 2025 WFMU.
Generated by KenzoDB, written 2000-2025 by Ken Garson
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Listener comments!
Jeff G:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff G:
listener james from westwood:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Richard from Venezuela:
Jeff G:
Dan in Seattle:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Richard from Venezuela:
Doug S.:
Alf from Upstate:
Dan in Seattle:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff G:
@Dan: whoa.
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Richard from Venezuela:
Richard from Venezuela:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff G:
George S.: