THE PREMIUM: An instant collector's item, mixmaestro Steinski has compiled a massive trove of his rarities, unreleased creations, and live performances for WFMU'S 2012 fund-raising Marathon. DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS must-have collection—an astounding 13+ hours of audio—compiled on a single DVD.
The premium also features video of a 2-hour lecture Steinski gives to enrapt students at a university in the UK.
Dang, Doug. You just sold the premium so well that I have to raise my pledge to $180 to get it along with yours.
But how do I do that? Do I make a new pledge of the remainder? Will FMU's corps of mathematicians add them together for me?
Danne D:
@Chas - yes. So for example if your original pledge was $75, you would now pledge $105.
Indicate in the comments that you are upping a previous pledge to get to the 3-premium level.
listener james from westwood:
okay, computer disorder done with. boom. nice to hear a snippet of "more human than human" there.
LJFW, I am not kidding when I say this may be the most amazing FMU premium of all time.
Van in DC:
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do listener james! :)
michael shelley says his premium is the greatest. aw, the friendly competition amongst the wfmu d.j.s.
Danne D:
Picking premiums is one of the biggest challenges come marathon time. There's just so much great stuff on them and they are put together with such care.
Van in DC:
I guess the original airing of this on Steinski had a LOT of BLEEPs in it over the radio :)
That's right, Van. Steinski is a master at overlaying things to avoid that problem creatively.
Danne D:
Doug, the original Steinski episode aired after Seven Second Delay if I'm not mistaken? How's that for a transition :)
The thing is that the great transitions between shows and such variety therein sucks you in and gets you into more and more different genres. You let the radio linger a little before changing and discover something new. It's one of the magical aspects of FMU.
Now with the stream shows, you might be popping onto the site to check out archives and see one of the game webstream shows on and decide to check that out. Different paths of discovery.
Danne D:
100% on that Doug - one of those fun aspects of Steinski's shows :)
Danne D, that is very likely. They've tried to have pre-recorded shows follow Seven Second Delay.
That was in the early days of SSD. Broadcast from the old house in East Orange, NJ.
listener james from westwood:
this cut had me in tears when i first heard it.
fuck the rent. i'm premium-pledging. steinski and wfmu must be recognized.
fuck the rent - the marathon rallying cry.
Preach, Listener James!
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
that dog is wagging! that cow is saying FUCK THE RENT!
Ricardo Montalban:
listener james from westwood:
i think it was courtesy of ken i first heard "the snatch." back when you could slllliiiiide something like that onto the air without being hassled by the man.
Hey Doug, is there something wrong healthwise with Steinski?
listener james from westwood:
was an absolute joy to listen through these stream pledging shifts. everyone was so pumped. thanks to all of you and to fmu for providing such awesome prizes. many thanx for the bronx book and the gospel collection!
Sorry if I misheard anything or it was previously announced..
listener james from westwood:
and of course thanks to all who pledged thru this whole stream party!
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
Danne D:
Danne D:
Van in DC:
Doug Schulkind:
Danne D:
Honestly, for the historic value of this show it really deservers your pledges :) (and this way I'm not hogging up on all the prizes)
Danne D:
Van in DC:
Van in DC:
Danne D:
Danne D:
Van in DC:
Danne D:
Doug Schulkind:
But how do I do that? Do I make a new pledge of the remainder? Will FMU's corps of mathematicians add them together for me?
Danne D:
Indicate in the comments that you are upping a previous pledge to get to the 3-premium level.
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Danne D:
Doug Schulkind:
Van in DC:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Van in DC:
Danne D:
Van in DC:
Doug Schulkind:
Danne D:
The thing is that the great transitions between shows and such variety therein sucks you in and gets you into more and more different genres. You let the radio linger a little before changing and discover something new. It's one of the magical aspects of FMU.
Now with the stream shows, you might be popping onto the site to check out archives and see one of the game webstream shows on and decide to check that out. Different paths of discovery.
Danne D:
Doug Schulkind:
That was in the early days of SSD. Broadcast from the old house in East Orange, NJ.
listener james from westwood:
fuck the rent. i'm premium-pledging. steinski and wfmu must be recognized.
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
Ricardo Montalban:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Brian en Angleterre:
listener james from westwood:
Danne D:
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
Van in DC:
Nice to see that the tail got wagged!
Van in DC: