We ARE on, though it sounds as though the DO Show is overlapping with some other programming...? Have had some technical glitches this morning, but should be ironed out shortly. Thanks for tuning in, w forbearance!
HUGE SHOUT-OUT TO DOUG S AND MIKE A FOR MAKING THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE OF DO RADIO HAPPEN. There were some technical...issues...largely self-inflicted.
We hadn't hearda him either. Got a tip from a kindly jazz PR person who set us straight a few weeks ago. The whole album is really great.
Richard from Venezuela:
I hope send you some venezuelan jazz.
Richard, who are the big names in Venezuelan jazz? I'll get started on my homework.
Richard from Venezuela:
@Carmichael: I love the work of Alberto Naranjo, Pablo Gil. Gerry Weil is a maestro too. Some percussive thing like Orlando Poleo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUuupyomU14
Venezuelan young band called Kré are terrific too. Their record are free and legal to download at bandcamp: http://goo.gl/ppnN9
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Listener comments!
Doug S.:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Richard from Venezuela:
Thanks for the twitter advice.
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
listener james from westwood:
Alf from Upstate:
Jeff G:
Dan in Seattle:
Richard from Venezuela:
Jeff G:
Richard from Venezuela:
Richard from Venezuela:
Venezuelan young band called Kré are terrific too. Their record are free and legal to download at bandcamp: http://goo.gl/ppnN9
Jeff G:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff G: