Plus, we knew there'd be benefits to delivering each show via carrier pigeon.
Richard from Venezuela:
Hello Jeffs and all the listeners.
Doug S.:
Keep pedaling Jeff!
The WFMU web planet seems to have removed the meteor and all is copasetic. At least Destination Out doesn't have to live-tweet their playlist like Monica did last night! (Unless you want to, Jeff.)
Dan in Seattle:
Have you read George Lewis's AACM book? Wow, what a trove of info.
I will have to leave you good people, leaving this playlist adrift (your host Jeff had to make an unexpected dash to the pediatrician).
Coming up after this Butch Morris track will be:
Basil Kirchin "Part 1 - Integration (Non-Racial)"
Aaron Novik "Secrets of Creation"
Dudu Pukwana "Flute Music"
Enjoy the rest of the show everyone and apologies for jumping ship!
listener james from westwood:
many thanks to our wandering hosts for the fine show!
great show!
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Listener comments!
Jeff G:
Alf from Upstate:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Richard from Venezuela:
Doug S.:
The WFMU web planet seems to have removed the meteor and all is copasetic. At least Destination Out doesn't have to live-tweet their playlist like Monica did last night! (Unless you want to, Jeff.)
Dan in Seattle:
Jeff G:
Like I always say: I'm no Monica.
@Dan: that book is wonderful, yet too heavy for subway commuting, so it's taken me years (I'm embarrassed to say) to get through.
Jeff G:
Jeff J:
Jeff G:
Jeff J:
Jeff G:
Jeff J:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
David Baker: cello
Kent Brinkley: bass
Brent McKesson: bass
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
Coming up after this Butch Morris track will be:
Basil Kirchin "Part 1 - Integration (Non-Racial)"
Aaron Novik "Secrets of Creation"
Dudu Pukwana "Flute Music"
Enjoy the rest of the show everyone and apologies for jumping ship!
listener james from westwood: