No! Don't get out much these days. Sounds great, though. You've seen?
No, I didn't get to see them. I did get to perform with C-M at Peter Kowald's home in Wuppertal, Germany a day after their tour ended. And he was also over in Europe playing with Chad Taylor in Digital Primitives. And Roy Campbell played pocket trumpet at my wedding (eloptiion) in Central Park. And Henry Grimes gave me an out there bass lesson.
Tune was originally credited to "W. Process," but that appears to be an error, and the complete name of the song is "Dual Mr. Anthony Tillman Williams Process." Still weird, but there we are.
Doug S.:
My favorite Marc Ribot song title: "Hoist the Bloody Icon High."
A good 'un. I'm also fond of "Nature Abhors A Vacuum Cleaner."
Dan in Seattle:
My favorite Miles track from this era: "Roberto Duran"
Doug S.:
Tomorrow evening, I'm doing an all "recorded live in Africa" show on Give the Drummer Some. (That is, by non-African artists.) I've got more than an hour's worth, but can you think of any key selections that fit the bill?
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Listener comments!
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Dan in Seattle:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Have a great holiday/week/etc!
Doug S.: