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March 17, 2012: In Remembrance of Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson - Programmed by Andrew Lahman (part 2)
Introduced by Andrew Lahman, selecting music from Sleazy's hard drive.
Visiting my friend David Cabaret in the year 2000 I had my first glimpse at the next 12 years of my life. Sprawled across his sewing table were plans and drawings for great fluffy costumes, the page headed with one word 'Coil'. Excitement and confusion erupted inside me, who was 'Geff' and who was 'Sleazy'? Names I was unfamiliar with when talking all things Coil. As it panned out they were the fantastic costumes Coil used for their first proper gig at the Royal Festival Hall later that year and it was my first meeting with the mighty group Coil. Pure bliss (and thank you David :-)
Geff (aka Jhonn Balance) and I soon became good friends right up to his untimely and devastating death in 2004. Relaxing with raw Broccoli and a glass of wine after the funeral service, Sleazy looked me in the eye with such sadness and trust, thus began what was to become one of the best friendships I've had the honour to be a part of.
Sleazy's music has always fascinated me from the time I first heard Horse Rotorvator back in New Zealand 1987, literally worlds away. His techniques and production qualities have never ceased to amaze me. If there is one thing I wish for more of, and that is to have been able to hear where the vocals for Threshold HouseBoys Choir would have gone… now lost forever more.
I last saw Sleazy at his home in Thailand just before he flew to England to perform the now last ever show with TG and X-TG shows. He was so busy constructing new and wild instruments for the show and was positively brimming over with eagerness at the future. Who was to know what was about to happen…
Andrew Lahman - February 2012
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