Favoriting Radio Boredcast: Playlist from March 5, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 5, 2012: Nula Presents... for Radio Boredcast


55874 consists of an elaborate construction of sound drawn from tracks of the optical sound, as well as ferrous, varieties: heavily treated sound from scratchy old movies, and a collector's recording of steam locomotives.

nula.cc began in 2009 as a series of filecasts emanating from an online presence. The aim of the project has been left somewhat vague, which serves a twofold purpose: to allow for free experimentation with the understanding that outcomes are necessarily unpredictable; and, to let the online collection and the works it contains speak for themselves as much as possible.

As it turns out, a substantial number of the nula filecasts are audio works (though video and other media also appear in the collection). Many of these audio works are "slow" in the sense that they unfold gradually (if at all) or set an atmospheric tone that runs for an extended time. This, too, serves a dual purpose: it allows for a kind of "deep" listening (if you're into that); and it also allows the work to be used atmospherically as a backdrop to other experiences.I  have assembled several sequences, each combining sound from two or three of the filecasts, sometimes substantially altered from the versions that appear at nula.cc. i have tried to make each sequence work as a cohesive whole. I invite listeners to visit nula.cc and explore there for further works of this kind.

Lloyd Dunn, Prague, 2011, http://nula.cc/

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nula  55874   Favoriting

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