Favoriting Radio Boredcast: Playlist from March 10, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 10, 2012: The Tapeworm Presents... Randy Gibson - for Radio Boredcast


The Tapeworm is a cassette-only label. No barcodes. The cassette will never die! Long live the cassette!


Analog Apparitions, by Brooklyn-based composer Randy Gibson, is a pair of 30-minute compositions designed specifically to be recorded and released on cassette tape. A student of seminal Minimalist composer La Monte Young, Gibson follows in the tradition of prime harmonic just intonation pioneered by Young in the 1960s. Apparitions of the Four Pillars, the underlying composition on this tape, explores the depth of the harmonic series through standard just-intonation methods and the use of higher prime-harmonic relationships. In the eighteen hours of recordings layered onto the two sides of the cassette you can hear the mechanism of the tape itself, the evolution of improvisations over seven recording sessions, and the purity of sine waves in complex prime-harmonic relationships. 


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The Tapeworm Presents... Randy Gibson  - for Radio Boredcast   Favoriting

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