Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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September 4, 2012 Favoriting
Beyond unreasonable doubt
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

The Judges  The Judge and the Jury   Favoriting Psychedelic States: Alabama, Volume 1
(Gear Fab )
Bill Coday  Jury of Love (8 Men 4 Women)   Favoriting Right On Baby
Yorkshire Relish  Adieu to All Judges and Juries   Favoriting Derek & Dorothy Elliott
(Trailer 1972)
Bukka White  District Attorney Blues   Favoriting The Complete Sessions 1930-1940
(Travelin' Man 1940)
Darby Hicks (Devonia Williams)  Court Room Blues   Favoriting b/w My Baby Done Told Me
(Excelsior 1948)
Paul Robeson  Witness   Favoriting On My Journey: Paul Robeson's Independent Recordings
(Folkways )

Talkover Music:
Larry Willis 
Funky Judge   Favoriting New Kind of Soul
(LLP 1970)

Woody Guthrie  Old Judge Thayer   Favoriting Ballads of Sacco & Vanzetti
(Smithsonian Folkways 1946)
Furry Lewis  Judge Harsh Blues (aka Good Morning Judge)   Favoriting b/w I Will Turn Your Money Green
(Victor 1928)
Cliff Nobles & Co.  Judge Baby, I'm Back   Favoriting b/w The Horse
(Phil L.A. of Soul 1968)
Buddy Tate (vocal: Charlie Price)  Good Morning Judge   Favoriting Jumpin' on the West Coast
(Black Lion 1948)
Shorty Long  Here Comes the Judge   Favoriting Here Comes the Judge
(Soul 1968)

Talkover Music:
Larry Willis 
Funky Judge   Favoriting New Kind of Soul
(LLP 1970)

Johnny Shines  The Face in the Courtoom   Favoriting Mr. Cover Shaker
Jackie Day  Guilty   Favoriting b/w I Can't Wait
(Paula 1970)
J.B. Smith  I Got Too Much Time for the Crime I Done   Favoriting Ever Since I Been a Man Full Grown & Two Other Prison Songs Sung Unaccompanied
(Takoma 1965)
Jamo Thomas  Arrest Me   Favoriting b/w Jamo's Soul
(Thomas 1966)
Lee Moses  If Loving You Is a Crime ((I'll Always Be Guilty)   Favoriting Time and Place
( 1968)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

  5:45pm texas scott:

I swear to listen,so help me God.
  5:45pm Matt from Springfield:

"Would you PLEASE take off your hat!!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47pm Doug Schulkind:

On a stack of Bibles, Texas Scott!

Don't take anything else off, PLEASE, Matt from S!
  5:48pm listener james from westwood:

what if the left hand's a hook? can one put the hook on the book?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm Doug Schulkind:

As long as the hook can pass through the metal detector, we are cool.
  5:51pm Matt from Springfield:

"Raise your right hand", "Now put your left hook here..."

Stooges "Disorder In The Court" (1936), if you haven't seen it then SEE IT!
  5:53pm glenn:

hey! where the hell have youse guys been?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm Doug Schulkind:

All rise, it's Judge Glenn! How are you, your Honor?
  5:55pm glenn:

yeah, yeah. siddown, ya bums.
  5:57pm ndbob:

evening Doug and everyone! - back in ND now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm Doug Schulkind:

ndbob! ndbob!
  5:58pm Matt from Springfield:

Hey NDBob! And glenn, welcome back! 'sbeen awhile.
  5:59pm ndbob:

yep sure has - good to be back
  6:00pm glenn:

i went from being way underworked to being way overworked. rained out today, though.
  6:01pm Rasputin's Hash:

this Court is in session!
  6:01pm kat330:

Hi, Doug -- Whoa, welcome back Bob!!
  6:02pm Matt from Springfield:

The unpredictability of your line of work, glenn...still, glad to have both of you join us! And everyone in the board! And everyone who has yet to arrive!
  6:02pm kat330:

Hi, Matt! Hell, hello everyone! :)
  6:03pm ndbob:

hey kat!
  6:04pm chris:

So harsh to lose Jesse but at least he landed at an amazing station!
  6:04pm Matt from Springfield:

Goodness--you would make a great juror Doug...but there's SHOWS to be done!
Hopefully the GTDS flagship won't be off for too long.
  6:05pm Rasputin's Hash:

Judge Dread
  6:05pm kat330:

Keeping up the psychedelic theme from this afternoon I see.
  6:05pm kat330:

I hope your absence has been for something very nice, Bob.
  6:06pm Matt from Springfield:

The Judges, doing "The Judge and the Jury"! They're good garagey rock though.

Hi kat!
Have yet to drop you a longer note, but I have listened to your Soundcloud tracks!
  6:06pm ndbob:

those psychedelic 60s comps are pretty good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm Doug Schulkind:

Thrilled to have Jesse weaving his magic radio over "here."
  6:06pm listener james from westwood:

good late-tuesday all, and welcome back, ndbob!
  6:07pm ndbob:

@kat - yep - went back to Maryland for 5 weeks - just got back yesterday
  6:07pm ndbob:

and thanks for the greetings everyonw
  6:07pm kat330:

(shhh, don't make that a public statement, M! ;)
  6:07pm chris:

You are very lucky Doug!
  6:08pm kat330:

Maryland?? You should have met up with all the DC folks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm Doug Schulkind:

I referred to you in my last newsletter. If you had been listening on Friday, we would have had EIGHT different time zones represented in the Comments to the playlist. (I don't hold you personally responsible for your whole time zone!)
  6:09pm kat330:

Mmm, two guys for every gal -- like that math. :)
  6:10pm ndbob:

checking it now Doug - as i catch up with everything - I'm pretty busy in Maryland - unlike here - lotsof listening etc. I need to do
  6:10pm glenn:

at first quick glance, i thought that said bill cosby.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey hey hey, glenn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm Doug Schulkind:

"District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
He will take a woman's man and leave her
cold in hand
District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
He will take a woman's man and leave her cold in hand
The District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
He has caused a many mens to be in some distant land
District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
He has caused so many women to be cold in hand
The District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
Ain't no woman but he sho' will take a woman's man
District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
He will take a woman's man and leave her cold in hand
The District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
He can tell just where when he gonna take a woman's man
District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
He will take a woman's man and leave her cold in hand
The District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
He taken me from my woman, cause her to love some other man
District Attorney sho' is hard on a man
He will take a woman's man and leave her cold in hand"
  6:14pm Matt from Springfield:

Bukka White, old school bluesman.
  6:14pm kat330:

A little D.A.B. will do ya.
  6:14pm Rasputin's Hash:

  6:15pm Rasputin's Hash:

  6:15pm kat330:

AFKFAW (away from keyboard for a while)...
  6:15pm ndbob:

i did get to go to a couple record shows - and saw Joe Bussard's 78 collection
  6:15pm Matt from Springfield:

What we have here is a failure to communicate...
even though it's a comments board.
  6:17pm Rasputin's Hash:

ndbob, saw the Joe Bussard video -
amazing guy, what a record collection!
Played some amazing Uncle Dave Macon!
  6:17pm glenn:

cool hand matt.
  6:18pm northguineahills:

Crap, I'm eligible for jury duty again next year. Seems like just last year the last time I did so (2009).
  6:19pm Rasputin's Hash:

  6:19pm ndbob:

@Rasputin one great thing about Joe is that he plays his rare originals
  6:20pm Matt from Springfield:

"Funky Judge"! Swinging bed music!
Here Come The Sammy! Here Come The Sammy!
  6:21pm Rasputin's Hash:

- Well he does'nt think much of music after 1950!
  6:22pm Rasputin's Hash:

  6:22pm ndbob:

nope - for joe jazz ended in 1933 and country music in 1954
  6:23pm glenn:

yep, that seems about right.
  6:23pm kat330:

Was just pondering this morning if anyone in the FMU family would recognize Woody's 100th with the same enthusiasm as they have John Cage. Thanks for this, Doug. [still need to be away, just had to type that note]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm Doug Schulkind:

Ooops, forgot to "back announce" that first set. I guess you all do need it seeing as you're all staring at the playlist. But think of the poor thousands less fortunate. Oh the humanity.
  6:24pm Rasputin's Hash:

But ndbob, got the evidence to prove it! I mean come on 26,000 records!
  6:24pm Matt from Springfield:

Is Ballads of Sacco & Vanzetti a comp of different artists, or all Woody's songs on the subject?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm Doug Schulkind:

It's a little unnerving how Guthrie is pronouncing Sacco "psycho."
  6:25pm northguineahills:

ok, who was the dj who last week noted that Woody had a newspaper clip of a Cage performance he attended?
  6:25pm Matt from Springfield:

July 14--I wasn't aware. Did anyone already play a tribute?
  6:26pm ndbob:

indeed doug
  6:26pm Rasputin's Hash:

this land is Clint's land!
  6:26pm ndbob:

furry lewis! - great one here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm Doug Schulkind:

"Good morning judge, what may be my fine?
Good morning judge, what may be my fine?
Fifty dollars, eleven twenty-nine

They 'rest me for murder, I ain't harmed a man
'Rest me for murder, I ain't harmed a man
Women hollerin' murderer, Lord I ain't raised my hand

I ain't got nobody to get me out on bond
I ain't got nobody to get me out on bond
I would not mind but I ain't done nothing wrong

Please Judge Harsh, make it light 's you pos'bly can
Please Judge Harsh, make it light 's you pos'bly can
I ain't did no work judge since I don't know when

My woman come runnin' with a hundred dollars in her hand
Woman come runnin' with a hundred dollars in her hand
Cryin' Judge, judge, please spare my man

Woman, hundred won't do, better run and get you three
Woman, hundred won't do, better run and get you three
That'll keep your man from penitentiary

Baby cause I'm arrested, please don't grieve and moan
Cause I'm arrested baby, don't grieve and moan
Penitentiary seem just like my home

People all talking 'bout what they will do
Judge all talking 'bout what they will do
If they had justice he'd be in penitentiary too"
  6:27pm Rasputin's Hash:

well good morning Judge, how are you today - 10CC
  6:30pm kat330:

@RH: Unless Clint was pulling some reverse mojo on the RNC, he's "Unforgiven." [a fine film, FWIW]
  6:32pm Matt from Springfield:

b/w "The Horse"?? Was Cliff Nobles the *original* performer of "The Horse", the favorite high school marching band song from my Dad's day??
  6:32pm Philo Gristle:

Hello, all (he said with a mouth full of food, snapping his greasy fingers to the music)!
  6:33pm Rasputin's Hash:

it must be for a fist full of dollars!
  6:33pm kat330:

Greasy fingers don't snap, hunaja -- busted!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm Doug Schulkind:

The answer (re: Horse) is YES.
  6:34pm Matt from Springfield:

"It was released as the B-side of the single "Love is All Right," and is simply an instrumental version of that song." Wonder if "Good Morning Judge" is a re-issue with the same song, in an attempt to sell their other material. Those are AMAZING horns, can't believe Cliff Nobles didn't have more hits.
  6:35pm Matt from Springfield:

Hello Philo! (whoosh your fingers!)
  6:35pm kat330:

Love the names in your sets, Doug: Bukka, Darby, Woody, Furry, Buddy and Shorty.
  6:39pm Philo Gristle:

Hiya Matt! To the tune of one hand slipping.
  6:40pm Philo Gristle:

Hope there isn't a Judge Mental anywhere in sight...
  6:41pm glenn:

greasy fingers philo gristle - the meanest bahstid west of the potomac.
  6:42pm kat330:

Personally, glenn, I'm not a fan of "quick draws."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm Doug Schulkind:

That's one sweet observation!
  6:43pm kat330:

Greasy fingers, OTOH, comes with the territory.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm Doug Schulkind:

Check out Jackie Day here:
  6:46pm Matt from Springfield:

Oh good Doug, Jackie pleads guilty, that should speed your trial up...
  6:47pm Matt from Springfield:

A shame Jackie never made it bigger, she's a fantastic singer!
"Though none of her singles were big sellers, a couple of them later became popular with Great Britain’s Northern Soul collectors, who remembered her first record, “Before It’s Too Late,” from its United Kingdom release on Sue Records."
  6:48pm kat330:

Speaking again of speed, ironically Philo *is* a quick draw in his job (graphic artist).
  6:49pm Philo Gristle:

We're quick drawers, and leave skidmarks on paper.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

Mr. Smith is singing not only from the heart, but from the penitentiary. So he is telling you HIS story.
  6:50pm kat330:

  6:51pm glenn:

by the by -
  6:51pm Matt from Springfield:

"Prison Songs Sung Unaccompanied" -- wow, that is the case.
  6:51pm Rasputin's Hash:

Judge Judy!
  6:52pm kat330:

Michael Clarke Duncan, RIP, apropos only of the segue in my mind.
  6:53pm Philo Gristle:

Judge Roy Bean!
  6:53pm Matt from Springfield:

@Philo: I was going to tell you, did you know that a featured new article on Wikipedia today was Ruisreikäleipä? Did you use that as a winter loaf?
  6:53pm kat330:

A far cry from links to otters, glenn. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm Doug Schulkind:

Glenn, I shortened your URL. Apologies if you were really attached to those extra characters...
  6:54pm kat330:

I saw Turner played a track that translates from the Finnish as "Wicker Man."
  6:55pm glenn:

no problem, but i'd like to know how to do that.
  6:55pm Philo Gristle:

@Matt Winter loaf?! No. When I went to Finland earlier this year and my dad asked me what I wanted, my first request was for ruisleipa. Hearty (non-white) dark rye bread. Everyday bread, something you can't for some odd reason have in the US (what goes for bread here we call toast).
  6:57pm Rasputin's Hash:

Has the jury reached its verdict?
hang the DJ - The Smiths,
only joking Doug, great show!
  6:57pm glenn:

  6:57pm ndbob:

excellent show as always Doug!.. and thanks for the mention in the newsletter
  6:58pm Philo Gristle:

Praise be! Testify! Otterly great!
  6:59pm kat330:

Yes, thanks, Doug! Good luck on the jury duty, whichever way you want it to go!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm Doug Schulkind:

I'm so glad you're back, ndbob! And you, too, glenn! And you, too, everybody!
  6:59pm kat330:

Altered states those otters! Floating in blissful togetherness. Nice.
  7:00pm Philo Gristle:

Quick & easy, but not queasy!
  7:00pm Matt from Springfield:

@Philo: Import laws can be weird for natural produce--yeast was prohibited from being imported for awhile, forbidding Vegemite from US sale. I think they started to make some here now in response (but ewwwwwwww! Who's buying that?! ;)
  7:01pm kat330:

glenn: for the shortened URLs (if no one else got to that first)
Avatar 7:01pm jk:

you're the boss, Doug.
Boss show as always
  7:01pm listener james from westwood:

if you're called, doug, the stream's loss will be the justice system's gain. either way, very much enjoyed this view from the bench!
  7:02pm Matt from Springfield:

I rule this a great episode!
Good luck in the jury pool (whichever way you want it to go) Doug!

Have a good night everybody!
  7:03pm Philo Gristle:

Night, all! Correct verdict, Matt! Odd flavors in finn-cuisine, I admit. Kat can testify to that. :)
  6:59pm Parq:

Stuck late at work, put your show on to cover my last hour. A court show! Almost tragically appropriate.
  7:00pm Parq:

Judge; Have you ever been up before me?

Def: I dunno, your Honor -- what time to you get up?
  7:01pm Parq:

Judge: Now then, what brought you here today?
Def: Two cops.
Judge <sighs>: Drunk, as usual.
Def. Yeah, both of them!
  7:02pm Doug Schulkind:

After those quips, the Judge has been benched.
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