Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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October 16, 2012 Favoriting
Celebrating the 219th anniversary of Marie Antoinette's last slice... of cake
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat (pt. 2)
(King 1967)

Damia  Johnny Palmer   Favoriting La Tragédienne de la Chanson
Colette Magny  Bura Bura   Favoriting Vietnam 67
(CMP 1967)
Marie Laforêt  Pour Celui Qui Viendra   Favoriting Maïténa Marie Brigitte Doumenach
Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes  Dingue   Favoriting Ame Debout
( 1972)
Emmanuel Dilhac  Toujours Plus Loin   Favoriting Entre Ombre et Lumiere
(ED 1979)

Talkover Music:
DJ Gregory 
Block Party   Favoriting Hi-Life: An Uplifting Selection of Afro-House Grooves
(Fuego )

L'Empereur  Ils Finiront par M'Enfermer   Favoriting A Bas les Yéyés
Jacques Filh  Wraaaach!!!   Favoriting Ils Sont Fous Ces Gaulois!
Volume 3
(Disques Ronnie )
Le Galant Noyé  Fillettes de Champagne   Favoriting Le Galant Noyé
(Le Chant du Monde 1975)
François Guy  Aouaie! Viens T'en   Favoriting Ils Sont Fous Ces Gaulois,
Volume 4
(Disques Ronnie )
Popera Cosmic  La Chanson du Lievre de Mars   Favoriting Les Esclaves
( 1969)
Jean-Pierre Kalfon  Chanson Hebdomadaire   Favoriting
( 1965)

Talkover Music:
Nicola Conte 
Forma 2000   Favoriting Bossa Per Due
(ESL 2000)

Les Papyvores  Le Papyvore   Favoriting Wizzz! Psychorama Francais 1966-1971
Jacques Dutronc  On Nous Cache Tout, On Nous Dit Rien   Favoriting
Serge Gainsbourg  Requiem Pour un Con   Favoriting Les Années Psychédéliques: 1966-1971
(Le Smoke Disques )
Bruno Leys  Maintenant Je Suis un Voyou   Favoriting
Nino Ferrer  Si Tu M'aimes Encore   Favoriting
André Bourvil & Jacqueline Maillan  Ça (Je T'aime Moi non Plus)   Favoriting

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 196?)

Listener comments!

  5:45pm Holly in NC:

Dear lord I love Legos.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47pm Doug Schulkind:

Holly, didja see the Lego reenactment of the space jump. I got vertigo watching it.
  5:50pm Holly in NC:

I did, I did. Did you see my tweet about the spider with a 13" leg span? Actually not as scary as one might think. Not that I want 1 in my house ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm Doug Schulkind:

I didn't, I didn't. And that's a good thing. (In space, only the spiders can hear you scream.) And about those 13-inch legs: Size does matter.
  5:52pm Matt from Springfield:

As a Lego fan I gotta admit that's pretty awesome :)

Hi Doug! Hi Holly!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm Doug Schulkind:

The only problem, as I see it Matt, is that her head is turned the wrong way. Unless of course, they really did pick up Marie's head and turn it toward the crowd. (Which is surely in the realm of possibility.)
  5:58pm Matt from Springfield:

Or, it flipped around a bit, like a basketball, before finally landing in the other direction!
(It takes 8 seconds for the blood to fully drain from a beheaded person, leaving 8 seconds of possible consciousness and face movements on a body-less head!)
  5:58pm Matt from Springfield:

I'm sorry but I should to warn you all that I may have a lot of fun with this theme! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Go to it, Matt. Wield your rapier wit.
  6:00pm listener james from westwood:

spiders with 13" leg spans belong in two places: the jurassic era, and extinct.
  6:01pm ndbob:

evening doug, holly, matt everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm Doug Schulkind:

Hi LJFW and ndbob!
  6:02pm Matt from Springfield:

BT was just playing some old Nigerian singers from "Echoes of Africa - Early Recordings". Those going back and forth between the main stream and GTDR may not have realized which one they were on!
  6:03pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi there and bonsoir, LJFW and NDBob! And everyone!
  6:04pm listener james from westwood:

howdy all! it's a western europe extravaganza. let the euros flow into fmu! (while the euro is still a thing.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm Doug Schulkind:

I love that Echoes of Africa collection. It's on Wergo (pronounced Vvvvvvergo!)
  6:05pm Pierre:

Bonsoir Doug!

I'll try to recognize some stuff !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

Happy midnight, Pierre!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

(I am pretending you're in Paris, even if you're not.)
  6:07pm Pierre:

:) indeed !..
  6:07pm Matt from Springfield:

Bonsoir and hi again, pierre! Glad you made it for the Show Français!
  6:08pm Pierre:

I meant, indeed it's midnight, and I am in Paris.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm Doug Schulkind:

Well then it will be my honor to haunt your dreams, Pierre.
  6:09pm Matt from Springfield:

"Midnight in Paris", the best Woody Allen film in a while!
  6:11pm Pierre:

@Doug: and I'm thanking you for it.
I'm already a fan of Colette Magny

@Matt: I didn't see it.
  6:14pm Matt from Springfield:

Marie Antoinette, originally Maria Antonia of Austria. 15TH child of Empress Maria Theresa! "she was so accustomed to child-birth that she barely took notice of her labor pains. Marie Antoinette was born on November 2 during the early morning hours. Her mother, the Empress, had spent the previous day having a rotten tooth extracted and attending to paperwork. No lilting flower, that one!"

If anything she was still distracted from the toothpulling! I had heard that Maria Theresa gave birth to her at her stately desk, and after finishing sent her baby with a wetnurse and then continued her work!
  6:17pm Matt from Springfield:

Catherine Ribeiro, I'm liking her more and more!

@pierre: I love that film, especially as a fan of Woody Allen's books of short stories from back in the 70s; it's very much in the spirit of those stories, along with lovely cinematography and a back and forth between Paris of the present and the 1920s and 1890s.
  6:18pm ndbob:

@matt i liked woody's books
  6:21pm listener james from westwood:

my mom gave me woody's books as a middle schooler. beat the crap out of young adult fiction of the day.
  6:22pm Pierre:

I'll have a look !

Meanwhile, Doug is making me discovering awesome stuff from my country.
  6:22pm Matt from Springfield:

Awesome NDBob! I inherited two from my Dad (Getting Even and Side Effects), and then asked for Without Feathers shortly after for Christmas. Intelligent LOLs in those stories!
  6:22pm Pierre:

@Doug: you're doing great !
  6:23pm Matt from Springfield:

Napoleon XIV, presumably in his original language??... ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm Doug Schulkind:

Where can I make a pledge to YOU?

THAT was funny.
  6:23pm Matt from Springfield:

Still does, James!
  6:24pm ndbob:

indeed Matt:)
  6:25pm listener james from westwood:

i'll take "the whore of mensa" over sparkly emo vampires any day.
  6:26pm ndbob:

me too James - though I do like sparkly emo vampires
  6:26pm Matt from Springfield:

LOVE LOVE LOVE "Whore of Mensa"! :D
  6:30pm Pierre:

No need Doug, It is I who need to pledge !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm Doug Schulkind:

I think I can help you out with that, Pierre.
  6:34pm Matt from Springfield:

Remember the anecdote from "Amadeus" about Marie Antoinette's possible future as Mrs. Mozart?
"After the performance, the precocious performer chased the archduchess Maria Antonia (as she was called in Austria). They had a rousing good time chasing each other through the palace halls. At the end of their playdate, Mozart impulsively and impetuously announced that he would marry Maria Antonia when they got older."
  6:34pm Holly in NC:

I wish I could be listening, sigh. Hi everyone! Bon Jour!
Holly et Lunchbox vous ordonne de s'engager à Doug! (hopefully google translate won't let me down)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm Doug Schulkind:

"Holly Lunchbox and orders you to commit to Doug!"
  6:37pm Artie:

Marie joins Doug - out of their heads.
  6:38pm Holly in NC:

Hmpf. Intended comment was:
"Holly & Lunchbox command you to pledge to Doug!"
  6:38pm northguineahills:

Back home in time to hear Doug...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm Doug Schulkind:

Two missing heads are better than one.
  6:38pm Matt from Springfield:

@Artie: Didn't notice that coincidence with his premium this year--thanks for spotting that one!
  6:39pm Artie:

Also true, but not depicted - off their collective nut.
  6:42pm Matt from Springfield:

When Marie Antoinette did marry the future Louis XVI of France (at the ripe old ages of 15 and 14), Louis' grandfather told him not to eat so much before his wedding night, probably with a hearty wink. Louis XVI responded, "Oh, I always sleep better after a good supper." His grandfather probably gave a hearty facepalm after that! Their wedding night was indeed not consummated.
  6:43pm Holly in NC:

Apropos of not this show, Doug - did you see that the fine folks at Root Blog uploaded the 3rd G. Cromarty lp?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm Doug Schulkind:

Holy crapola! No I didn't Holly. Thanks for the alert.
  6:44pm Holly in NC:

@Matt - That's hilarious. A level of naivety never to be seen again, I fear
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey hey, up there northguineahills. Almost missed ya off the page.
  6:47pm still b/p:

Bonsoir, Doug and all guillotini-boppers.

From the eminent historian Allan Sherman:
"We're gonna take you and the Queen
Down to the guillotine
And shorten you a little bit."
  6:47pm northguineahills:

I have to jump again after I finish making some enchiladas (potato), So I'll probably only get the first 30 minutes of Kaminsky Komoutsky....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Doug Schulkind:

Top o' the evening, still b/p. Glad you're still b/p ing.
  6:49pm northguineahills:

I love the guitar lick that comes up here on this Gainsbourg....
  6:50pm Matt from Springfield:

@Holly: There are many fun anecdotes relating to M.A., that's why I like this theme! :)
  6:53pm Matt from Springfield:

@Holly: Indeed, probably not again. Louis XVI's E.D. eventually had to be corrected by surgery--considering the atmosphere of Versailles, if they had Cialis back then it would probably be in gumball machines around the palace! Having trouble? Just go 'round the corner...
  6:53pm listener james from westwood:

woo-hoo! enchiladas!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm Doug Schulkind:

How about one $900 pledge in honor of there being 9 minutes left in the show? Or $90 maybe? Or nine pledges of any amount? S'il vous plaît?
  6:56pm Holly in NC:

@Matt - When I was in my early 20s & working in patient relations at DUMC, I'll never forget the elderly man who VERY proudly threw off his gown to show me how he could now pump up his penis!!! I must add that his wife was also in the room - equally proud!! ;-)
  6:57pm Matt from Springfield:

Excellent of him, Holly! Always be glad for what you have! ;)
  6:58pm listener james from westwood:

jesus, 18th-century penis surgery? sounds worse than samuel pepys's kidney stone removal.
  6:59pm ndbob:

a double ouch there!
  6:59pm monica:

le freak, c'est chic, doug! great show tonight.
  6:59pm ndbob:

excellent show Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Thanks ndbob, and thanks everyone! Keep, um, pledging!
  7:00pm Holly in NC:

And I'll also never forgive myself for poor grammar in last comment - sorry guys!
  7:01pm listener james from westwood:

merci beaucoup, mon frere!
Avatar 7:01pm jk:

an excellent premium I still go back to
  7:02pm Matt from Springfield:

Très magnifique, Doug! Il était beau!
Great French show, and a great western Europe day on GTDR! Have a bonne nuit, everyone!
  9:22am Brian in UK:

What purty lil shoes she wore.
  9:31am Doug Schulkind:

Imelda Marcos is wiring the money for them as we speak.
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