I'm not going to promise anything, but I'm pretty sure that if D:O Radio makes its goal today, no one will EVER DIE AGAIN AND WE'LL ALL BECOME IMMORTAL.
This CT record, FOR OLIM, is one of his very best solo jams, in our humble view. Hard to go wrong, really. But it's really good. And the next year, 1988, found him in Berlin for that ridonkulous FMP "In Berlin" series of records.
Doug S.:
A pledge of only $10 will up the pledge total to a happy 25%. We're counting on you double-eared bi-peds for even more, but we gotta crawl before we, um, ped.
Doug S.:
Remember that any pledge of $75 automatically gets you any one DJ premium from the spring fundraising Marathon. If you didn't come away with Destination Out's premium back in April, DO NOT miss your opportunity now to get your copy. Just pledge $75 in the box above, then claim your booty!
Ah, yes. Sac-town. Do people call it that? I spent a creepy night in a hotel right by the Sacramento airport once.
Doug S.:
Half way through the last D:O RADIO in the month of October! We need to raise $310 in the next 90 minutes to get the total to 100%. All of the shows on the Drummer Stream want to make a strong showing.
Give the Drummer Radio has the full support of the WFMU bigs, and that is surely in part because the Stream has done well so far in past fund-raisers. PLEASE help keep us on track for another good showing.
ALL IT WOULD TAKE would be for one shining knight of a listener to come through with a full "Mouse of Today" pledge, right now, right here on D:O Radio.
Make that pledge of $365, a dollar a day, and you will get a veritable ton of amazing goodies from WFMU (you can pick once you make the pledge). Plus, you have the option of paying the pledge off in monthly installments. Plus you will have the enormous satisfaction of putting D:O Radio over the top — past the 100% fundraising goal level.
"Mouse of Today" pledges are earmarked for WFMU's online projects just like this Drummer Stream, so you pledge will even more directly benefit your own listening pleasure.
Give the Drummer Radio is an entirely volunteer operation. All the DJs volunteers, of course, and the folks behind the scenes at DRUMMER STREAM central are 100% laborers of love.
So come through for us all, listeners and practitioners alike and push this great show INTO THE BLACK with your pledge.
Make it happen. Make you happy.
Doug S.:
And here is where I trot out the old story of how, once at a long-ago party, John Lurie turned and asked my future wife: "Jessie, we're starting a new band. We're thinking of calling it either The Lounge Lizards or the Eels. Which do you like better?" "The Eels is way better," came the reply.
Wishing all the Jeffs at Destination Out a Happy 25th Showiversary! I suppose in two weeks we'll get to hear an in-depth sonic exploration of 1989! (If it's half as good as '88, it will still be damn good.)
Please keep listening and pledging to the Drummer Stream and WFMU!
Coming up at noon, tomorrow on the Stream will be filler-inner extraordinaire Rich Lindsay subbing for Tony Coulter (who is over in Finland dredging up rare vinyl from the bottom of the fjords). Tune in, you can't affjord not to!
Coming up next here on your 24-hour Give the Drummer Radio will be these fine artists who tightened their cummerbunds and spit-shined their spats for your entertainment:
Naftule Brandwein
Joe Bushkin
John Hlope & Co.
Bezunèsh Bekele
Kyerematen Atwedie Stars
Jean Guehi
Mika Nohira
Akiko Nakamura
Chaloemphon Malakham
Mohd. Rafi
Gavino De Lunas
Dorothy Morrison
Eddie Wood
The Platters
T.C.I. Section Crew
Little Willie Littlefield
Arizona Dranes
The Holmes Sisters
and more
and more
and eternally more...
Of course! Thanks for tuning in, northguineahills!
Doug S.:
There are still 6+ minutes left of the show. Still time to squeeze in one last pledge. Sweet Coltrane, I am literally on my knees praying for your sheets of sound thinking!
I has a sad now, have a great afternoon everyone!
(C) 2025 WFMU.
Generated by KenzoDB, written 2000-2025 by Ken Garson
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Carmichael: hello and welcome!
listener james from westwood:
Doug S.:
That's a lot of treasure!
Jeff G:
Richard from Venezuela:
Jeff G:
Richard from Venezuela:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
green mountain man mark:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Doug S.:
Here is the D:O premium:
Jeff G:
Richard from Venezuela:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Give the Drummer Radio has the full support of the WFMU bigs, and that is surely in part because the Stream has done well so far in past fund-raisers. PLEASE help keep us on track for another good showing.
It would mean a lot to us.
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Make that pledge of $365, a dollar a day, and you will get a veritable ton of amazing goodies from WFMU (you can pick once you make the pledge). Plus, you have the option of paying the pledge off in monthly installments. Plus you will have the enormous satisfaction of putting D:O Radio over the top — past the 100% fundraising goal level.
"Mouse of Today" pledges are earmarked for WFMU's online projects just like this Drummer Stream, so you pledge will even more directly benefit your own listening pleasure.
Give the Drummer Radio is an entirely volunteer operation. All the DJs volunteers, of course, and the folks behind the scenes at DRUMMER STREAM central are 100% laborers of love.
So come through for us all, listeners and practitioners alike and push this great show INTO THE BLACK with your pledge.
Make it happen. Make you happy.
Doug S.:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Doug S.:
Wishing all the Jeffs at Destination Out a Happy 25th Showiversary! I suppose in two weeks we'll get to hear an in-depth sonic exploration of 1989! (If it's half as good as '88, it will still be damn good.)
Please keep listening and pledging to the Drummer Stream and WFMU!
Coming up at noon, tomorrow on the Stream will be filler-inner extraordinaire Rich Lindsay subbing for Tony Coulter (who is over in Finland dredging up rare vinyl from the bottom of the fjords). Tune in, you can't affjord not to!
Coming up next here on your 24-hour Give the Drummer Radio will be these fine artists who tightened their cummerbunds and spit-shined their spats for your entertainment:
Naftule Brandwein
Joe Bushkin
John Hlope & Co.
Bezunèsh Bekele
Kyerematen Atwedie Stars
Jean Guehi
Mika Nohira
Akiko Nakamura
Chaloemphon Malakham
Mohd. Rafi
Gavino De Lunas
Dorothy Morrison
Eddie Wood
The Platters
T.C.I. Section Crew
Little Willie Littlefield
Arizona Dranes
The Holmes Sisters
and more
and more
and eternally more...
listener james from westwood:
Jeff G:
Jeff G:
Doug S.: