Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from November 8, 2012 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting November 8, 2012: Dusty Post-Election Wrap-Up - + Flea Market Finds

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Intro - Hurricane Sandy - Extended Marathon
  Thanks to those of you who have pledged to WFMU during our Hell And High Water Marathon Extension due to Hurricane Sandy. If you enjoy The Dusty Show and you can swing it, I would sure appreciate any pledge activity you can muster during this crucial period for the station. So far, your generosity has been incredible. My hopes are that that pledge activity doesn't peter-out, and that I can sprint gamely towards the finish-line, knees high, head erect, to ultimate goal attainment. With your pledges, this not only can happen ... it will!
Political Whoops and Hollers
An interview with Arik in Union Square Park, Manhattan, post-Obama's victory.
Early Results ... Romney WIns ... Kentucky! (Source Unknown)
Arik's Message of Peace and Love
Missouri Congressman, Todd Akin (R), 'Legitimate Rape' Audio Courtesy of FOX News
An Interview with Melissa in Union Square Park
Crowd Chants in Union Square Park - Election Night 2008, Recorded for The Dusty Show
Melissa's Political Experience in Madison, WI
Why Do YOU Like Obama? Or, Do You? dusty@wfmu.org
NJ Governor Chris Christie Speaks About Politics Post-Sandy - Audio Courtesy of FOX News
A Group of Young Women in Union Square Park - They had just left a bar where they celebrated and watched election results.
Was Hurricane Sandy a Big Factor in Election 2012?
Republicans ... Uncool to Women?
Did The Hurricane Dampen the Celebration?
Shout of Excitement
King's Road  Family Affair   Favoriting Super Hits Volume 4  Pickwick/33  1972  LP     
Unidentified Man in Union Square Park Talks Election
More Tension and Division
Mitt Romney TV Ad in Ohio - Jeep to China - Audio Courtesy of MSNBC
Julian Bream  3rd Movement Con Brio (Excerpt)   Favoriting The Guitar Concertos of Julian Bream  RCA Victor/Red Seal  1970  LP     
Another Group of Young Voters in Union Square Park
An Encounter with WFMU's, Ben Walker (and friend, Susie) in Union Square Park
Bye-Bye Mitt Romney
3 Students from NYU, 'Walking Around and Meeting Excited People"
Shy and Happy
Karl Rove's Awkward Post-Election Meltdown on FOX News
Devo  Peek-A-Boo   Favoriting   Virgin  1982  12"     
Not Much Road Left
Dispersed Joy
A Dark Optimist
Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi ... FOX News
Vassar Clements  Crossing The Catskills   Favoriting Crossing The Catskills  Rounder  1973  LP     
A Young Couple in Union Square Park - Awkward
February 22nd!
More Chris Christie - Praising Obama on Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts - FOX News
Ahmad Jamal Trio  Surrey With the Fringe On Top   Favoriting But Not For Me  Argo  1958  LP     
An Interview with Muhammed Fahim and Friend in Union Sqare Park
Harrison Moment
What Do YOU Like about the United States?
CNN's Wolf Blitzer Announces Obama Victory in Election 2012
Dinosaur L  Bang #5   Favoriting   Sleeping Bag  1982  12"     
Happy People on the Corner of Broadway and 14th Street - Election Night
Sarah Palin on the Obama Victory - FOX News
Quicksilver Messenger Service  Where You Love   Favoriting Happy Trails  Capitol  1969  LP     
An Interview with Mary in Union Square Park
Particular Significance to Women
Bluto Moment
Happy Passerby ... More Mary
Mary's Message of Peace and Love
Occupy Sandy
Canned Heat  Let's Work Together   Favoriting     1972    Live at the Beat Club - 72   
Newt Ginrich Post-Election Analysis
Juan and Cabbie outside the Nightclub, Crimson, on Broadway and 22nd St. Manhattan
After the 1st Debate
Chris Matthews Post-First Debate - MSNBC
Yes  Yours Is No Disgrace   Favoriting The Yes Album  Atlantic  1973  LP     
  I mistook Crimson for JZ's 40/40 Club, which is two-blocks further uptown.
Mitt Romney Concession Speech Outtakes Courtesy of CNN
Sentimental ...
King's Road  Sunshine   Favoriting Super Hits Volume 4  Pickwick/33  1972  LP  Cover of Jonathon Edwards Hit   
Rush Limbaugh Laments Romney Loss - Courtesy of Rush Limbaugh Show
More Post-Election Partiers in front of Crimson Club
Women Discuss Women's Rights and the Election
Binders Full
Michelle ... the Coolest Ever
Sweeter the Second Time Around
Do YOU Love America? dusty@wfmu.org
Great Things Are Going to Happen!
An Interview with Liam in Union Square Park
All The Frailties
Finished, Done For, Going Down the Tubes?
A Man For The People
Ol' Joe Biden
President Obama - Victory Speech 2012 (Excerpts) - MSNBC
The Band of the Coldstream Guards  The Yeoman of the Guard   Favoriting Hires Presents RCA Victor's Sound Spectaculars for '59  RCA Victor  1959  LP  Patriotic music at show's conclusion.   
Thank you for listening to this episode of The Dusty Show everyone. I knew going in that many of you were probably sick and tired of hearing about politics, but I've followed it so closely, and for so long, that I couldn't resist a post-election show. Hopefully many of you are happy to see Obama win re-election. Of course, now reality returns, and we all hope the country can move forward in progressive, positive ways.

Please keep Hurricane Sandy victims in mind. As that disaster fades into history, many thousands are still suffering the devastating effects of the storm.

WFMY could use your assistance, as well. It troubles us to sustain this marathon. We prode ourselves on keeping fundraising time on the air to a minimum, but we sustained a lot of damage during the storm. That, coupled with the loss of the record fair, put us in a financial spot, and we turn to you now to help us whether the difficulty and stay solvent and healthy. If you can pledge, please do. Thank you for all your support.

That's it for me. I still have to go back to Jersey City and have my deceased Jeep towed to the auto graveyard. Total loss! Could be worse, though. Right? Glad to be high and dry today. I hope you and yours are doing well, and that you'll tune in again soon for another edition of the Dusty Show on WFMU. Until then, take care and ... always remember!

Clay Pigeon - NYC

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Listener comments!


Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy .....

Hey all!
Matt from Springfield:

"Kontiki" goes to Romney!
Hi Clay and everyone!
Matt from Springfield:

Carm! Frances (Gooooooooo Virginia! This year at least! :)
Avatar 6:05pm

Hello Carmichael, Frances, and Matt. Thanks for stopping by!
Matt from Springfield:

Also Clay, I noticed the white background color change last week--it works well!

The sky blue is the "default" color, too many boards have that. There's a few white boards here, but the black type and some blue type works out!
Matt from Springfield:

And YES! Christie doing his job, with dedication and competence. Whatever you think of his politics, he was really there for New Jersey, I liked that.
Avatar 6:08pm

TY Matt. Wish I had Ken's incredible site. I need a tutorial.

I not only helped keep VA blue by voting,volunteering with Plannned Parenthood,but I got to go to an Obama rally here, and got a Utah voter to vote for Jill Stein in Utah as part of Vote Swap. :)

Hey Clay! Florida officially went blue today! So proud of this state. I really didn't think it was going to happen. Glad we're giving the guy 4 more years. Huge day for marriage equality and marijuana decriminalization, which means it was a huge day for human rights. Have a great show!
Avatar 6:09pm

Good work, Frances. The election was the bright spot in the news here this week. Now about our Jeep ... total loss, insurance won't cover. :>( Still ... in light of others woes, could be worse.

Congratulations folks :)

hey, clay!
Avatar 6:11pm

@Timb : Didn't know Florida had been decided. That's great news!!! A blow to Rick Scott.

@Pine : Hello, my friend!
Matt from Springfield:

@Timb: YES for gay marriage and pot as well!

In fact, I think you can now have BOTH in Washington state! Gay stoner partners should tie the knot there!
Avatar 6:11pm

I'm hearing a ground wire 'hum' in some of these records. My cat, Romulus, loves to get in and amongst the wires and disconnect stuff. Drives me nuts! Good thing he's cute.
Obama Admin:

Good luck with that weed legalization thing.
Avatar 6:13pm

Hi, Cecile. Thanks for stopping by. Hope all's well with you.

later, gotta go.

@Timb,hooray FLA! I hadn't heard the good news yet.
@Clay, I'm so sorry to hear about the jeep/insurance.booooo. But grateful that it wasnt worse for you.(as well as my other friends in the LES & Brooklyn)

THings are fine. Can't and won't complain!
Matt from Springfield:

OMFG yes, Julian Bream!! :D
And, it's "concert-i" :)
Avatar 6:14pm

Bye Cecile ... drive safe.

Benjamin Walker in the house!
Matt from Springfield:

Bye Cecile, no complaints here!

Benjamen W again, you're meeting up with him quite a bit!
Avatar 6:15pm

Matt ... only you would know the Bream. If I ever fill-in again, I'll play a long cut.
Matt from Springfield:

TY TY Clay! Play a Vivaldi cut!

Love this song!

Devo! I saw them play this last month.
Avatar 6:20pm

Did they have the onstage conveyor belts Carmichael?

Can't wait to fire Rick Scott... That'll be 2014 and I'm sure he will be out on his ass! Tuesday night made me proud to be an American again. Hopefully Obama can take care of some business now!
Matt from Springfield:

@Carm: Still with Mark Mothersbaugh?

Love this Catskills lp find!
Matt from Springfield:

And I like the "dark optimist" description--I think I would be as well!
"Things are going to get better...well, they have to *eventually* bottom out then improve, right?" :)
Avatar 6:23pm

Felt kind of purifying to hear some bluegrass, Frances. :>)

Turn on the radio and I hear the Kissimmee Kid! On the Dusty show? Nice.

The most exciting thing about the weed relaxation is the possibility of industrial hemp. Why are we still cutting down trees!?

I hear ya about the bluegrass! Am a fan. Visited my friend & his banjos today!
Avatar 6:26pm

Fredericks. Nice to see you! Glad to see Florida go blue.

Yes to both the conveyor belts and Mark Mothersbaugh. In fact, the drummer was the only personnel change. Way over the top spectacle of a show.
Matt from Springfield:

"Concert for Bangla-Desh" -- the most predictable Clay response :)
Avatar 6:26pm

I imagine there's good bluegrass to be found in Virginia. Hey, Tim Kaine won!
Avatar 6:27pm

Soory Matt ... not a whole lot of Bangladesh songs to work with in the popular idiom!

@Carmichael - Saw Devo some years ago. Great live band!

yay arthur russell!! did you seriously find this at a thrift store?

also thanks for keeping my post election adrenalin pumping!

Hey there Clay and Claytonites! I was happy about Florida turning blue, too.
Avatar 6:31pm

I did Steve. Admire your expertise. Paid $1 at the 25th St. Flea Mkt. Dinosaur L. Had never heard of them, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I did recognize the name Arthur Russell.
Matt from Springfield:

The Carter and Stanley families come from the extreme southwest, bordering on Tennessee.

George Allen hasn't won an election since 2000--glad to keep it that way!
Avatar 6:34pm

THANKS TO THOSE OF YOU WHO'VE PLEDGED!!!! I really appreciate it. I've done well so far, but now we're extending it, and when I do these recorded shows, my pledge-rate TANKS! Guess I should take the hint. Anyway .... if you have a drakma or two, please pledge for the ol' Dusty Show.

George Allen just seems like such a total doofus. One of our neighbors had a 4ftx6ft Sportsmen for George Allen sign in his yard....Loser! ;)
Matt from Springfield:

Much needed health care and student loan reform! Osama axed! US manufacturing saved! And a modest economic recovery--though no one else was even working for one. SUCCEED

Mitch McConnell's #1 priority--make Obama a one term president, at the expense of all of your livelihoods and sanity. BIG FAIL!
He's up again in 2014--the vultures are probably already circling him.

Is anyone left alive in Canned Heat? Maybe only Chicken Hirsch?
Ken From Hyde Park:

Where are the super-wealthy going to get their tax breaks now?
Avatar 6:38pm

@Carmichael ... the drummer, I think. There's still a version of Canned Heat going around. Boogie! CH had a monopoly on Boogie, the way CCR owned Chooglin'!

@Matt ---- A blow struck against Citizen's United!

Clay ive been coming and going and may have missed it but did you meet *any* Romney supporters yesterday?
Avatar 6:40pm

@Ken ---- Hello, Ken. Welcome!

@Steve --- Usually I would go to Madison Square Garden and meet plenty, Steve. I was only at Union Square right after the election was called. Romneyites were hiding! Busy week for me dealing with car and AAA. Not enough time to do a proper episode.
Matt from Springfield:

@Clay: After the first post-CU election in '10, I saw how those who dropped the most money (esp. their own money), flamed out the worst of all! I saw the inverse effect of big money in this race coming.
FEC Stats:

O outspent R, in toto

we don't need to be 'prayed for'- that keeps bugging me
Matt from Springfield:

I was prepared to go with a post-results song--after hearing and listening to "These Boots Are Made For Walking" a couple weeks ago, I determined that it applied to Romney, and joyously played that after it was clear Obama won!
Avatar 6:45pm

FEC ---- but it's where the money came from

ugh, sorry to hear about your car Clay. also episode is above and beyond a proper episode!
Matt from Springfield:

The second verse particularly:
"You keep lying, when you oughta be truthin'
and you keep losin' when you oughta not bet
You keep samein' when you oughta be changin' (CHANGE!)
Now what's right is right, but you ain't been right yet!"
Ken From Hyde Park:

Do you have a recording of John Dean screeching "Yeeeaaahhh! !! !!!"?

Was that Clay singing that version of Sunshine Go Away Today?
Matt from Springfield:

As in, same failed Wall Street de-regulating, and Obama's "Change".
Now position-wise, it's his too-frequent changing that turned many off :)
Avatar 6:48pm

Is that a Lee Hazelwood song, Matt?

@Ken: Don't you mean HOWARD Dean?
Avatar 6:49pm

@Dinatekno ---- Haha. No. Wasn't me. Haven't seen you in a while.
@Ken ---- Easy to find on Youtube, as is everything. OH yeah .... ? is right ... Howard.
@Moose ----- Hello!

Luving this Michelle O love!
Matt from Springfield:

Lee Hazlewood, you bet! (I think pretty much all Nancy's songs were. There were other women Lee sang with too, he was a great songwriter and singer)
Avatar 6:51pm

Thanks to Ian and Greta for your pledges today! I appreciate it. :>)
Matt from Springfield:

I also reiterate my joy for Elizabeth Warren! It's just that she was elected to the Senate, since the Senate didn't want to listen to her before. Now, she's one of them!
Avatar 6:52pm

Michelle IS pretty awesome Frances. As are you and these other Dusty listeners.
Avatar 6:53pm

Yes Matt ... Very happy about Elizabeth Warren victory. Tammy Baldwin, too, in Wisconsin. Very happy to see Scott Walker's Wisconsin go BLUE!!!!

Hi Clay!! I've been around, but I've been working with the Dem party in FLA to get out the vote....So, I've listened to podcasts. I love your show. It's the best way to make my last hours at work endurable.
Avatar 6:55pm

Guess I'd better get ready to go. THANK YOU my friends, for listening, for your generous pledges, and for your ongoing friendship and support. Take care, Gobama! Always remember..........
Bill from VT:

Hi Clay. I got you to say "frog testicles" on the air last week & then played it for my environmental science course, where we talked about frog testicles, the next day.
Matt from Springfield:

I BELIEVE! Seize it, together!

TY dinatekno in FLA! Always remember, y'all!

Thanks Clay!
Ken From Hyde Park:

Zats, yes....Howard Dean. I should've checked that before I entered it.

Thanks Clay! Cherios!
Matt from Springfield:

Very powerful snapshot of soon-to-be-history. Thanks Clay, great show!
When you AR, you are AR'd!

Great show!
Matt from Springfield:

Have a good night, Claytonites!
Mr Personage:

I really love yr show (i say weeks later).
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