WE appreciate U and all the tireless crate digging you do for this amazing show of yours!
other david:
Every week I'm stunned so much great music could come out of such a short period of time, yeah yeah golden era is an overused term, but the soul era most definitely was a golden era for music.
other david:
Big question is, after all these years, why does every other station stick to the standards/hits rather than do a little digging to find some more gold.
relatively new listener - this show is amazing. that Jeff Dale cut - DAMN. thanks for everything mr fine wine
always dam good stuff, dude
ruth purdy:
struggling with finding a sound clip the same as what you played, i know i am a bit behind here... but are these the correct details?
'Paul Sindab Do Whatcha Wanna Do '
hope you can help, regards
ruth purdy:
sorted, getting confused with the Sylvia St Claire, lyrically similar
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Listener comments!
Ignore Function:
other david:
Billy Jam:
Fine Wine:
Billy Jam:
other david:
other david:
other david:
Fine Wine:
other david:
*meekly goes back to beer*
other david:
Fine Wine:
Slick Greasy:
ruth purdy:
struggling with finding a sound clip the same as what you played, i know i am a bit behind here... but are these the correct details?
'Paul Sindab Do Whatcha Wanna Do '
hope you can help, regards
ruth purdy: