Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from February 19, 2013 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting February 19, 2013: Tony Coulter Presents Tape Hiss: Zeuhl, K. Leimer, Savant, The Larry Mondello Band (PLEASE NOTE: "Tape Hiss" shows are not archived.)

Artist Track Album
THE IN-THEME  Holger Hiller: Toyshopshoptoy   Favoriting  
ZEUHL    demo 
ZEUHL  No. 6   Favoriting demo 
ZEUHL  Hysraim   Favoriting demo 
K. LEIMER  Hansa   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Figure Eights   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Agfa Nomad   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  The Sad Skinhead / Parallel Cleavage   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Black Begins to Change   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Absence   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  At Anode's Funeral   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Manual Overcast   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Lune de Miel   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Gisella   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Prefigured   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Askew   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  The Radio #1   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Lifelike   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  An Aerial   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  All Sad Days   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Baseline Hit / Treatments / Confusal   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  The Conclusive Remark / The Final Remark   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Acquiescence   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Lonely Boy   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Stationary Dance   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Fiction   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Stupid Stupid (Dumb/Dumb)   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
K. LEIMER  Against Light   Favoriting A Period of Review (1975–1976) 
SAVANT  555   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  Thin Film   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  Vigils   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  Lifelike   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  Grey Migration   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  Silent Relays   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  Steady State   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  Aka Accident   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  The Radio #1   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  From One to Ten   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
SAVANT  Aligned   Favoriting V.A.: Sampler 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  I Brought You a Gift / Hello Tape   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Fireworks   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Horns & Organs   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Smoker's Rights   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  What's It Like to Die?   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Thrum   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Boo Radley   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Steel Drum   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Let's Keep Going   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Sexy Cop   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Whitey & Gus   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Seedless Beast   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Mucus & Phlegm / You Warbled It Too Much   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  You Don't Deserve a Family   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Fabulous Warble Mantra   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  How Can We Be Faithful?   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Eighth Ancient   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  The Witch   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
THE LARRY MONDELLO BAND  There It Is   Favoriting The Warbler (Mondello Music, 1994) 
THE OUT-THEME  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting  

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:00pm

Well hello, Tape Hiss!
Avatar 12:02pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey Dervish! And a good mornafternight to everyone!
Jeremy (Hiss Nibs):

Top of the mornafternight to you, Tony et all!
Avatar 12:08pm
Tony Coulter:

Hiya, Jeremy!
Avatar 12:09pm

A good Zeuhl Tony and everyone,
Magma Komandoh has a lot to answer for! inventing language and that, should'nt be allowed! At least being French, Magma should have created something that sounds like it!
Avatar 12:10pm
Tony Coulter:

Greetings Sir LP!
ol'brueghel the uglier:

Avatar 12:11pm
Tony Coulter:

Hola back at ya, Ol'B the U!
ol'brueghel the uglier:

this sounds too masculine though, prog is a bit macho
Avatar 12:12pm

A touch more fusion than expected in this track!
Avatar 12:13pm
Tony Coulter:

@ ol'brueghel the uglier: You're right! I had to double-check that that was the female symbol.
Avatar 12:14pm

did'nt Prince use that symbol after he changed his name to the artist formerly known as?
Avatar 12:16pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, all, I know it might seem a bit pointless to favorite tracks on Tape Hiss shows, since they aren't archived -- but please do so anyhow, if you feel so inspired. My marathon premium this year will feature a lot of tracks that aired on Tape Hiss shows, so knowing what people like will help me decide what to include.
Avatar 12:17pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sir LP: Isn't Prince's symbol some Egyptian thing-a-ma-bob?
ol'brueghel the uglier:

any top prog female band ? or with non bearded woman leading the band?
Avatar 12:20pm
Tony Coulter:

Maybe Justine? They're sort of prog -- and certainly very good.
Avatar 12:22pm
Tony Coulter:

I mean this Justine: rateyourmusic.com... . I guess there are a lot of them!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm
Doug Schulkind:

Great idea, Tony! (The favoriting/premium thing.)
Avatar 12:23pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya Mr. Doug!!
Avatar 12:30pm

Curved Air (Sonja Kristina -singer),
Dagmar Krause of Henry Cow/Art Bears,
Anisette, lead vocalist in Savage Rose,
Affinity (Linda Hoyle).
Avatar 12:31pm

Destination Out playlist is not appearing from yesterday?
Avatar 12:32pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sir LP: Those are all just vocalists fronting (mostly) male bands, though. Justine is an all-female band.
Avatar 12:34pm
Tony Coulter:

Keep an ear out for the surprise cover coming up after this track.
Avatar 12:34pm

any top prog female band ? or with non bearded woman leading the band? was the request, Tony
Avatar 12:35pm
Tony Coulter:

Right you are.
Avatar 12:37pm

The sad Skinhead!
some would argue the whole punk thing was sad, most of the music anyway!
Avatar 12:40pm

you mentioned the M word!
not got over the Sandy Marathon yet!
ol'brueghel the uglier:

thanks for the names. those female vocalists were also composers of the music? I would say though that there are more all-female punk, pop bands that all-female prog bands
Avatar 12:43pm

have you heard of Babymetal?
they are all under 11 girl Japanese heavy metal band!
Avatar 12:43pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sir LP: The M Word? You mean "Magma"?
@ Ol B: I think you're right about that...
Avatar 12:46pm

Should'nt forget - Renaissance - Annie Haslam
Avatar 12:47pm

Please forget Renaissance - for me. Hi TC!
Avatar 12:47pm

also Mother Superior were an all female UK prog band from 1975!
Avatar 12:47pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey Michael!
Avatar 12:49pm

not sure if Keith Relf was in Renaissance with Annie Haslam or not?
Avatar 12:52pm
Tony Coulter:

Here's the Palace of Lights Web site, by the way: www.palaceoflights.com
Avatar 12:52pm
Tony Coulter:

... with more recent stuff by K. Leimer.
Avatar 1:02pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sir LP: Wasn't Jane Relf the vocalist when Keith Relf was in the band? Maybe the Relfs departed in tandem?
Avatar 1:13pm

Hiya Tony. Keith Relf left Renaissance in early 1970. Jane left in December of that year.
Avatar 1:14pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey Carmichael! Thanks for straightening out my Relfs....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16pm
Uncle Michael:

Greetings, tribe.
Avatar 1:17pm
Tony Coulter:

Greetings, Uncle M!
Jeremy (Hiss Nibs):

All of this K. Leimer is tops.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm
Uncle Michael:

Been listening since the open. Good stuff, Tony.
Avatar 1:20pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Jeremy: Glad you like it! Too bad it was never released. It's interesting how much "rockier" it is than his later ambient stuff.

@ Uncle Michael: Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm
Rich in Washington:

This is great stuff, Tony!
Avatar 1:22pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey Rich! Glad you approve!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm
Rich in Washington:

I wonder if CD-R technology will ever garner the kind of prominence that cassettes did in the 80s and 90s, in terms of immediacy, availability. I mean, in some ways, it's easier to make runs of CDs than it was to make a bunch of cassettes.
Jeremy (Hiss Nibs):

First I have heard of him. So all of this music was made previous to any official release?
Avatar 1:25pm
Rev. Turnip Druid (xBSI):

A bit late to the Hiss Party, but entered to the nice warm glow of minimal synthi goodness. Reminded me of bits of that first Eroc LP (he of grobschnitt fame) -- but no matter! Groovy sounds.
Avatar 1:26pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Jeremy: Yes - about 4, 5 years prior to any releases. His later solo stuff is sort of high-class ambient. He was also in the band Savant, which sounds a bit more like the stuff I'm playing (in fact, some of these tracks are with Savant).
Avatar 1:27pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, Father Turnip!
Avatar 1:28pm
Tony Coulter:

The tracks on now - "Stationary Dance" - was released on a Savant 12". Not sure if this is the same mix.
Avatar 1:28pm
Tony Coulter:

Er, the "track" on now.
Avatar 1:29pm

Coincidentally, I just last night saw the Moog documentary via Netflix. For not being a musician, he sure has a grasp of the ethereal nature of musicians jamming together.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm
Rich in Washington:

This is a really good example about how making some really cool sounds with analog synthesizers seems to be a lost art. Even people who're supposed to be hot-shit analog synth people today don't sound as cool to me as stuff did in the 70s/early 80s, when synths were becoming more accessible.
Jeremy (Hiss Nibs):

Amazing stuff. Wish I'd set up my tape deck to tape this show now! Stupid stupid!
Avatar 1:34pm

Rich in Washington,
in my bloated opinion we are already past the CDR phase and into downloading from source.
Avatar 1:35pm

modern bands are too scared of sounding like Emerson, Lake and Palmer!
Avatar 1:36pm
Rev. Turnip Druid (xBSI):

Rich @1:32, amen to that.
Avatar 1:37pm

I am recording it!
I mean comeon Tony, there is no archiving of the shows, someone has to keep such great music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm
Uncle Michael:

There is no archiving of the shows?
Avatar 1:38pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sir LP: I'm glad to hear it -- but no talkee 'bout that, please!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm
Rich in Washington:

I think if I bought a better cassette deck, my sentiments towards cassettes would grow. My setup is in such a state that cassettes rare really inconvenient for me, even though I have a ton.
Avatar 1:40pm

Tony, I don't want the FBI breaking down my door for copyright infringement! But I assume most of these tapes etc have no copyright labels on the sleeves etc.
Avatar 1:41pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Uncle Michael: Nope, "Tape Hiss" shows aren't archived -- my regular freeform shows are, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41pm
Uncle Michael:

Ahh...I see.
Avatar 1:43pm

Rich, having experimented with transferring tapes onto CDR, the volume level of casettes is way below the modern day listening level. Probably had something to do with the analogue capacity or thickness of the tape!
Avatar 1:45pm
Tony Coulter:

As I said, we've already heard two of the tracks coming up on this tape -- so don't worry that you're losing your mind.
Avatar 1:47pm

I am right in saying that generally music sounds louder today than it ever was?
Avatar 1:47pm
Tony Coulter:

Definitely true. Too loud, in my opinion.
Avatar 1:50pm

not only is it played loud (that has never changed) but recording levels are at a max.
Audio experts argue on the contrary that walkman/ipod levels are now limited for of ear canal damage and consequent litigation.

Hey boys n' girls! Sir Lance, recordings are indeed louder. Check out this article to confirm all your worst fears about today's music:
Avatar 1:52pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Fab-Man!
Avatar 1:54pm

Savant sound really graceful and remind me of the obscure Krautrock band Between.
Avatar 1:55pm
Tony Coulter:

I actually set the average volume of this show pretty low -- which might become a problem if everyone goes deaf from listening to super-loud music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55pm
Rich in Washington:

This sounds sick but I actually bought a tiny in-line amplifier to make my iPod louder in the headphones and in my car.
Avatar 1:56pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sir LP: Glad you like the Savant. They do have actual releases, but they're not easy to find, unfortunately.
Avatar 1:56pm

I have a problem on the phone, a B sounds like a G to me?
Is it from listening to music?
Avatar 1:58pm
Tony Coulter:

Gy Bod, that is a problem!
Avatar 1:59pm

I also have the mini amp - Graham Slee Voyager. But you will find any device for headphone listening is now volume limited - because in the opinion of their lawyers they could be held liable for ear damage.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02pm
Uncle Michael:

Tony, I will observe that relative to the volume of the music, I have to turn you way, way up to hear you when you speak.
Avatar 2:03pm

Rich, apparantly if connect the Apple Ipod to the Headphone amp by way of USB port rather than the audio out cable, you can have unlimited volume! NOT ALOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT!
Avatar 2:06pm

Hmmm..., I have the opposite problem, I have to turn down Tony's voice b/c it's so loud.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm
Rich in Washington:

I am looking at selling one of my children's kidneys to buy a new, USB capable stereos for my car. The one I currently has only plays old-fashioned CDs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
Rich in Washington:

I like how all my tenses and plurals are incorrect. I think I damaged my brain this weekend.
Avatar 2:09pm

I seemed to have been happened to have had the same problem!
Avatar 2:09pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Uncle Michael and NGH: Thanks for telling me -- even if you do cancel each other out. Anyone else find my mic level too low? Or too loud? 'Tis very hard to set it just right, as I'm not able to look at a meter as I talk.
Avatar 2:09pm

whose been messing about with Japanese death metal band tapes!
Avatar 2:09pm

Probably b/c I have the EQ compensating for some of these thinner recordings, and then, Bam! Tony's voice comes in!.
Avatar 2:10pm
Rev. Turnip Druid (xBSI):

I find the mic level a bit low & lacking a touch of upper-mid, but no big deal. I'm just happy to be here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm
Rich in Washington:

This is insane
Avatar 2:12pm
Rev. Turnip Druid (xBSI):

insanely great.
Avatar 2:12pm

Moog went into great detail explaining the electronic differences between analog and digital synths. Being a non-techie, I appreciated the simpleness of the explanation. And the dude can play a mean theremin!
Avatar 2:13pm
Rev. Turnip Druid (xBSI):

getting psychodrama flashbacks again... not a bad thing, mind you.
Whitey Witney:

"Larry wait till' your father gets home!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm
Uncle Michael:

I caught Larry, Whitey and the Beav looking at National Geographic behind the garage once.
Avatar 2:17pm
Tony Coulter:

Here's the Larry Mondello Band Web site: mondellomusic.com
Avatar 2:19pm
Rev. Turnip Druid (xBSI):

This is infinitely wonderful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19pm
Rich in Washington:

What about Lumpy Rutherford?
Avatar 2:19pm
Tony Coulter:

He was too lazy to form his own band.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:20pm
Uncle Michael:

Richard Deacon was very proud of him, anyway.

So this is like the cassette player version of turntablism, eh?
Avatar 2:23pm
Tony Coulter:

Pretty much!
Avatar 2:24pm

Boy, Larry sure learned to rock after the Beaver days. I never saw it comin' ...
Avatar 2:26pm
Rev. Turnip Druid (xBSI):

What I said @ 2:19. Again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:29pm
Rich in Washington:

That reminds me, Fab. I need to dig up this totally warped CDR this guy handed me of pulled tape experiments. Pretty goofy stuff.
Larry's Father:

Take it easy on the Beaver.
ol'brueghel the uglier:

tony, now that you ask, voice is too low compared to the music volume, but after many years i'm used to ;)

Well that sounds cool, Rich. Oddly enough, i can't think of any other tape manipulators. There were plenty of loopers and splicers...All i can recall is one guy who made a "tape-turtnable" replacing the needle with a tape head, and gluing tape onto the 'table. It was rather noisy.
Avatar 2:35pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, Ol' B. The too-quiets are now ahead 3 to 1.
Avatar 2:41pm
Tony Coulter:

... so I may have to get a megaphone.
Avatar 2:42pm
Rev. Turnip Druid (xBSI):

I wouldn't change a thing. It went great with the soundbed of cars whooshing by (a while back, whenever that was in use) .. (or did i imagine that?)
Avatar 2:44pm
Tony Coulter:

You didn't imagine the cars! I still use them at the tail end of the out-theme.
Jeremy (Hiss Nibs):

I AM A Holy Man:

I approve of this megaphone message.
Avatar 2:53pm
Tony Coulter:

I am grateful, o holy one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Uncle Michael:

Thanks, Tony.
Avatar 2:57pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks everyone for listening! See you next week, I hope!
Jeremy (Hiss Nibs):

Thanks, Hiss Satanic Magesty!
Avatar 2:58pm

Awesome show!
Avatar 3:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, NGH! Cheers, everybody!
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