Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from February 26, 2013 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting February 26, 2013: live from Providence

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Com Truise  Galactic Melt   Favoriting        
Nino Ferrer  Si Tu M'aimes Encore   Favoriting Enregistrement Public  Riviera  1966  0:03:30 (Pop-up)
Codek  Tim Toum   Favoriting   Island Records  1982  0:06:15 (Pop-up)
IPM feat Arsenik  Mortel Poison   Favoriting La Galerie Des Glaces  IPM  1998  0:12:30 (Pop-up)
Charles De Goal  Kling-Klang   Favoriting Commemoration  New Rose Records   1989  0:13:48 (Pop-up)
The Frenchies  Detroit Palmtrees   Favoriting Lola-Cola  Harvest   1974  0:16:59 (Pop-up)
Variations  Generations   Favoriting       0:24:13 (Pop-up)
Gasoline  Radio Flic   Favoriting   Egg  1977  0:25:04 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Toru Midorikawa and Eiko Sakurai 

Notti's Dream   Favoriting




0:29:17 (Pop-up)
Hawkwind  Motorhead   Favoriting Warrior On The Edge Of Time  United Artists  1975  0:29:26 (Pop-up)
Motorhead  The Watcher   Favoriting The Watcher  Attic  1980  0:32:09 (Pop-up)
Les Papyvores  Le Papyvore   Favoriting   Polydor  1967  0:37:25 (Pop-up)
Fuck the Facts  Carve your Heart Out   Favoriting Stigmata High Five  Relapse Records  2006  0:39:31 (Pop-up)
Makongo  Fuck With Us   Favoriting Angolan Kung Fu  Karmicsounds 001  2009  0:42:02 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Team Shadetek 

Yoga Riddim   Favoriting




0:47:38 (Pop-up)
Perfect  Be Hopeful   Favoriting       0:50:09 (Pop-up)
Sbuda Gabbadiya ft Mzekezeke Xploid Dr Ada T  Nathula Nje   Favoriting       0:53:16 (Pop-up)
G-Yad  Mwen Pa Nan Benyen Chen   Favoriting       0:55:50 (Pop-up)
OTO  Anyway   Favoriting   Les Disques Du Soleil Et De L'Acier  1984  0:58:35 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Fremd   Favoriting




1:09:37 (Pop-up)
Mind Over Mirrors  Barely Spun   Favoriting The Voice Rolling  Digitalis Recordings  2011  1:10:32 (Pop-up)
Berhane Tekle  unknown   Favoriting       1:20:08 (Pop-up)
Bone Thugs n Harmony  Tha Crossroads   Favoriting   Ruthless Records  1996  1:25:08 (Pop-up)
Deus Filles  The Draw In Room   Favoriting Silence And Wisdom      1:27:45 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Forsaken Dawn   Favoriting




1:29:57 (Pop-up)
Abba  Lay All Your Love On Me   Favoriting       1:41:03 (Pop-up)
Zana  Dodirni Mi Kolena   Favoriting Dodirni Mi Kolena  Jugoton  1982  1:41:48 (Pop-up)
C.Z. & Lil Texas  What You Want   Favoriting       1:45:15 (Pop-up)
Chief Keef  3 Hunned (DJ Tim Dolla remix)   Favoriting       1:48:24 (Pop-up)
Killamu  Tiramakossa (remix)   Favoriting A minha Face      1:50:45 (Pop-up)
Damia  Kisselenguenha (DJ N.K. remix)   Favoriting       1:56:53 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Doug Schulkind:

Go mango!
Avatar 7:03pm
Jesse K:

thanks Doug! Got a couple a lingua franca tunes in the leftover box here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Uncle Michael:

Grr...my modem required a reset with 5 minutes left in Doug's show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Doug Schulkind:

This Nino is a fave!
Avatar 7:06pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Is there a pop-up flash version of the GTD stream?
Avatar 7:08pm
Jesse K:

Well, you missed out patented crossover but at least there's the archive for the completists
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm

Pete (and others similarly situated):

Avatar 7:09pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Thanks, Parq. Where does that link normally reside?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

I dunno. I just keep it bookmarked.
Avatar 7:16pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Well, now I know where it is for all time. Thanks again.
Avatar 7:22pm
Jesse K:

this is out of control, sorry for stealing your theme Doug.
Avatar 7:23pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

Avatar 7:25pm
Green Mountain Man Mark:

We bought our house from a Kaminsky family. They went outski and we came in ski.
Avatar 7:32pm
Jesse K:

I hope they represented us well
Avatar 7:48pm

Jesse. What's your favorite thing in the world? Like, the entire world.
Avatar 7:51pm
Jesse K:

Is thing a noun or verb? maybe working in the studio. probably doing radio.
Avatar 8:07pm

A nerb.
Avatar 8:09pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Thing ends in -ing, so it's a present participle. Next?
Avatar 8:11pm
Jesse K:

I try to be very participular
Avatar 8:15pm

Only present your participle to people you trust.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Uncle Michael:

Avatar 8:17pm
Jesse K:

hey Uncle Michael!
Avatar 8:17pm
Jesse K:

I can trust you guys, right?
Avatar 8:18pm

Checking in before I go back to spackling.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
Uncle Michael:

Not me, Jesse. I'm shifty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Uncle Michael:

Is that what the kids are calling it now, NGH?
Avatar 8:19pm

spack to backling
Avatar 8:19pm
Jesse K:

hi bye Mr. Hills. I was plastering all night last night and night before so my heart is with you.
Avatar 8:20pm
Jesse K:

wait, it's my liver not my heart. they look similar to me.
Avatar 8:24pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Plaster is a disgusting thing unless you have a relationship with it, in which case I understand it's quite nice. But I don't, and whenever I try to plaster a wall it pulls my pants down and taunts me like a little girl.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm
Uncle Michael:

I missed the Hawkwind/Motorhead couplet. My life is without meaning.
Avatar 8:24pm

Tomorrow is a sanding/painting day. Trying to get stuff done while I have free time.
Avatar 8:24pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Spackle dries slowly and predictably, and sands to nothing quite easily. Joint compound, same thing. Plaster does none of this.
Avatar 8:25pm
Jesse K:

I consider that two song set a personal highlight and a demonstration of considerable restraint.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm
Uncle Michael:

I will savor it in the archive.
Avatar 8:28pm
Jesse K:

spackle=good for walls. plaster=good for art, vinyl spackle=good for one time boutique record casts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm
Uncle Michael:

What did Cynthia favor?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm
Uncle Michael:

You're in Providence, Jesse? My sister is a fairly recent RISD grad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm
Uncle Michael:

I explain to people that I don't endorse the notion of guilty musical pleasures and they stare back blankly.
Avatar 8:40pm
Jesse K:

yeah, it leads to this sometimes but I stand by it
Avatar 8:40pm
Jesse K:

this is just a set up, though.
Avatar 8:41pm

I don't have guilty musical pleasures, I endorse all music I enjoy completely, no matter what other's opinions may be.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43pm
Uncle Michael:

Coolness is a hoax. Never be embarrassed by what you like. Never give a shit about what you don't like that other people do. Bashing Justin Beiber never made anyone seem rad.
Avatar 8:55pm
Jesse K:

I completely agree, except time will sometimes make a fool of me.
Avatar 8:56pm
Jesse K:

excuse the mix, you're in it now. I need a little warning sign: you're in the mix

remember that Sonic Youth song called Providence?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
Uncle Michael:

You think you're alone until you realize you're in it....the mix.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Uncle Michael:

Thanks for the show, Jesse.
Avatar 9:02pm
Jesse K:

oh yeah, I completely forgot about that. I have done a poor job researching songs named Providence.
Avatar 9:03pm
Jesse K:

noone can hear you scream in the mix.
thanks everyone for hanging out, see you next week perhaps.
Avatar 9:15pm

keep playing music forever
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