Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton: Playlist from March 16, 2013 Favoriting

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A yurt for the transgenred.

Saturday Midnight - 3am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Sat. Mar 15th, Midnight - 3am: Rich Hazelton and his Co-Host Kevin Nutt

Favoriting March 16, 2013: Pledges of $75 or more puts you in the running for one of two grand prizes to be given away at the end of the evening: the Inflatable Squirrel Carcass Jaw Harp Family Party Pack or the Pearls of the Czech New Wave 4DVD box

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Swans  Lunacy   Favoriting The Seer  Young God  $15 or more puts you in the running for this CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jacks  Bara Manji   Favoriting     on premium Floatin Round the World with the Inflatable Squirrel Carcass - $75 or more  0:05:38 (Pop-up)
Balinese Jews' Harp Orchestra  Gelagah Pahun   Favoriting     on premium Floatin Round the World with the Inflatable Squirrel Carcass - $75 or more  0:09:42 (Pop-up)
Swans  Avatar   Favoriting     $15 or more puts you in the running for this CD  0:24:09 (Pop-up)
Jiri Sust  Strip-teas   Favoriting Daisies    soundtrack to film part of grand prize Pearls of the Czech New Wave  0:33:39 (Pop-up)
Sun Araw M Geddes Gengras & the Congos  Jungle   Favoriting     $15 or more puts you in the running for this LP  0:45:15 (Pop-up)
Sohail Rana  Cobra Sway   Favoriting     on premium Floatin Round the World with the Inflatable Squirrel Carcass - $75 or more  0:53:29 (Pop-up)
Broadcast  Our Darkest Sabbath   Favoriting Berberian Sound Studio    $15 or more puts you in the running for this CD or the Andrej Korzynski  1:11:42 (Pop-up)
Andrej Korzynski  La Gribuge 2   Favoriting Secret Enigma    $15 or more puts you in the running for this CD or the Broadcast  1:13:58 (Pop-up)
The Simon Park Orchestra  Eye Level   Favoriting     on premium Floatin Round the World with the Inflatable Squirrel Carcass - $75 or more  1:16:27 (Pop-up)
Andrej Korzynski  La Gribuge/Pop Theme   Favoriting     $15 or more puts you in the running for this CD or the Broadcast  1:27:00 (Pop-up)
Gheorge Radulesco  Song and Dance of Jianu   Favoriting     on premium Floatin Round the World with the Inflatable Squirrel Carcass - $75 or more  1:29:29 (Pop-up)
Andy Stott  Luxury Problems   Favoriting     $15 or more puts you in the running for this CD  1:41:19 (Pop-up)
Dan Melchior  SP3/The Old Future   Favoriting The Backward Path    $15 or more puts you in the running for a two-CD prize of this and Starring  1:56:28 (Pop-up)
Starring  Armonia   Favoriting ABCDEFG-HIJKLMNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ    $15 or more puts you in the running for a two-CD prize of this and Dan Melchior  2:01:37 (Pop-up)
Andy Stewart  Donald Where's Your Troosers?   Favoriting     on premium Floatin Round the World with the Inflatable Squirrel Carcass - $75 or more  2:10:49 (Pop-up)
Sic Alps  See You On The Slopes   Favoriting Sic Alps    $15 or more puts you in the running for this LP or the Emil Richards CD  2:25:59 (Pop-up)
Emil Richards  Ruby (July)   Favoriting Stones-Journey To Bliss    $15 or more puts you in the running for this CD or the Sic Alps LP  2:30:24 (Pop-up)
Emil Richards  Georgy Girl   Favoriting Stones-Journey To Bliss    $15 or more puts you in the running for this CD or the Sic Alps LP  2:45:07 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:37am
sinister dexter:

love Swans thanks Rich
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41am
Mike D. from Montclair:

whenever i'm trying to convince a friend to give FMU a try, I will always say, "Cmon, they have a show called The Inflatable Squirrel Carcass"!
Avatar 12:47am
sinister dexter:

wow nice jaw harp ... wish i were there ^_^
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48am
Rob Weisberg:

All Hail the Carcass! Ail Hail the Jaw Harp!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49am
Joshua K:

I have those space magnets on my fridge cause I am special.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51am
Rob Weisberg:

Sometimes a horn is really just a horn.
Avatar 12:59am

That's just what I needed.
Avatar 12:59am

Ahoy hoy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00am
Rob Weisberg:

Amazing stuff from Congos & Sun Araw & M Geddes Gengras. Definitely worth a pledge to get in the running for the LP! Also for you New Yorkers - Congos vs Sun Araw are performing May 28 @ Le Poisson Rouge 158 Bleecker St NYC - on a bill w/ Lee Perry & Adrian Sherwood too - !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04am
Rob Weisberg:

Correction - looks like the Le Poisson Rouge show is actually May 30. Full lineup: Lee "Scratch" Perry vs Adrian Sherwood , The Congos vs Sun Araw, M. Geddes Gengras and the Raw Power Band , and Peaking Lights In A Dub Style vs Future Times. Looks pretty great...
Avatar 1:11am

Ain't that a kick in the chair!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:30am
Rob Weisberg:

Oh that's why that Simon Park Orch. song from Rich's premium sounded familiar, NY Mets broadcasts from way back when. Quite an unexpected blast from the past...
Avatar 1:37am

Hi friendos! Yum yum yummy. Keep them pledges coming!

Didn't someone say that a pledge of $365 would not only allow you to adopt Rich, with his cute noise-making baby picture, but would prompt the impromptu WFMU phone room nose flute orchestra to play "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" theme? And on top of that, you get the fantastic two-CD premium that Mr. Carcass put together and get in the running for noisemakers of your own. What a deal!
Avatar 1:44am
kim (germland):

yeay, thanks, happy happy joy joy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42am
Minnesota Jeff:

Hows the toast taste, amedeo?
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Avatar 2:49am
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

I know that WFMU is somewhat international by now, but consistently for many years, WFMU has been a neccesarily expensive, small, and critical cultural antibody in North Jersey -- invisible, far-reaching, and electrifying. It has been the radio petri dish of North Jersey, incubating the particular cultural germs of this region, Pledge and support!
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

You're welcome again, Rich and amEdeo! WFMU!
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Alright!!!! I love the Sic Alps!!! Thanks!!!
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

C'MON Europe and beyond! Y3K RICH! 1-800-989-9368
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