Favoriting Benjamen Walker: Playlist from July 23, 2013 Favoriting

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Favoriting July 23, 2013: Super trouble

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Danny Paul Grody  Grass Nap   Favoriting Between Two Worlds  loam    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jacqueline Humbert & David Rosenboom  talk 1   Favoriting Daytime Viewing (rec 1979-80/Unseen Worlds reissue)  Unseen Worlds    0:04:07 (Pop-up)
Spacecraft  Lumiere de Lune   Favoriting Paradoxe  Wah Wah    0:15:16 (Pop-up)
Henry Plotnick  field 1   Favoriting Fields  Holy Mountain    0:17:30 (Pop-up)
Orphan Fairytale  Secret Beaches   Favoriting Secret Beaches 7"  Ultra Eczema    0:22:45 (Pop-up)
Mark McGuire and Charles Berlitz  omlette psychosis   Favoriting Inner Tube  Pacific City Sound Visions    0:33:59 (Pop-up)
Zomes  Stark Reality   Favoriting Earth Grid      0:41:22 (Pop-up)
sun  help yourslef   Favoriting Le Petit Bonheur: Staubgold Sampler  Staubgold    0:42:45 (Pop-up)
Points Gray  Growing Beards   Favoriting Off Shore  Pro-Am    0:46:37 (Pop-up)
young fathers  i heard   Favoriting tape two  Anticon Records    0:51:32 (Pop-up)
Dwight Sykes  that's the way love is   Favoriting Songs Volume 1      0:54:56 (Pop-up)
soviets  dancing music   Favoriting ?    1984  1:06:17 (Pop-up)
sotch  ?       1984  1:09:07 (Pop-up)
newcleus  computer age   Favoriting   Sunnyview  1984  1:14:18 (Pop-up)
neuronium  secret audience   Favoriting     1984  1:19:29 (Pop-up)
I Signori Della Galassia  Proxima Centauri   Favoriting Iceman  Medical    1:35:19 (Pop-up)
Mick Milk  Company Man   Favoriting Half Lives  Anna Logue    1:42:25 (Pop-up)
saboten  ?   Floor et Satie  Sabot    1:44:10 (Pop-up)
david lynch  star dream girl   Favoriting       1:59:37 (Pop-up)
double nelson  carnavola   Favoriting Un Sentiment Etrange  Non Destine a La Vente    2:01:46 (Pop-up)
Matias Aguaya  #4   Favoriting The Visitor  comeme    2:04:48 (Pop-up)
Haily Mergia & His Classic Instrument  #4   Favoriting Shemonmuanay  Awesome tapes from Africa    2:09:47 (Pop-up)
Dan Melchior  Dirty Lies   Favoriting K-85      2:19:54 (Pop-up)
the mantles  long enough to leave   Favoriting Long Enough to Leave  Slumberland    2:22:34 (Pop-up)
Danny and the Nightmares  Mentally Ill   Favoriting Death to Satan  Munster    2:25:52 (Pop-up)
Saturday Looks Good to Me  Sunglasses   Favoriting One Kiss Ends It All  Polyvinyl    2:28:11 (Pop-up)
transisters  knee jerk jerk   Favoriting   Arch Hill    2:34:05 (Pop-up)
soda fraise  Ca Baigne Dans L'Huile   Favoriting Ca Baigne Dans L'Huile 7"  Sing Sing    2:35:31 (Pop-up)
Ketamines  Come Inside   Favoriting You Can't Serve Two Masters  Southpaw    2:38:40 (Pop-up)
Vacation Club  Daydream   Favoriting       2:46:49 (Pop-up)
fuzz  you won't see me   Favoriting Sleigh Ride 7"  in the red    2:47:30 (Pop-up)
ghost wave  Here She Comes   Favoriting Ages  Arch Hill    2:50:54 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Richman  Affection   Favoriting       2:55:21 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Bonjour Benjamin Walker !!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Brian in UK:

Salut Benjamin et pierre.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hullo Sir! Been a few months I guess!
Avatar 9:09am
Benjamen Walker:

Avatar 9:10am

Morning Benjamin, I swear I was just listening to you.... I'll hear you o'er at the office. Ciao-sers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Sem Chumbo:

Enthralled so far. Good morning to you, and co-listeners!
Avatar 9:18am
Benjamen Walker:

phew! glad to be here with you all as well

Is Trouble on summer vacation?
Avatar 9:20am
Benjamen Walker:

Trouble did abscond to the hills

Sweet intro. I'll have to get that record.

Nice to see the return of DJ Walters.
Avatar 9:26am
Benjamen Walker:

was just kicking myself for not playing these last two in the other order but listen - there are bird!

wish I could get outta here for a bit! oh well. virtual it is.
Avatar 9:40am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I doth abscond to woofmoo.
hendrix wolfbat:

first time listener to your show...it seems i can never stray from wfmu...every show captures my soul...love...beautiful
Avatar 9:49am

We had a beard growing contest in my dorm my sophomore year. This should have been our theme music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Mike East:

funny, i'm actually on my way out to shave off my 3 week beard
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am

Ouch!!! Clear Channel?? Anyhow good Morning from one GrayBeard ( if I had one)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am
Mike East:

since u asked, my beard only grew out of neglect...been working 2 weeks straight and havent had time to shave...now its too long for my safety razor so i need to go to my sisters house to borrow her buzzer

was that on a Citi Bike?

Do you have any lights on that bike?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am

Impressive...but dangerous!
Avatar 10:05am

not a hater, but the amount of wrong way riding has certainly increased...
Avatar 10:05am

We have green Health Partners bikes in Mpls - for about 3-4 years now. It's amazing how many there are now!
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my daily ride home is now more full of flip flop pedaling, oblivious beach cruisers
Avatar 10:06am

We have green Health Partners bikes in Mpls - for about 3-4 years now. It's amazing how many there are now! They have lights 'n' stuff now because we are all fancy now here in the Midwest.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am

hey ben! citibikes need some improvements, it's a bit more fluent in european cities.. leveling of full/empty peak/non-peak hours etc.
Avatar 10:08am
Benjamen Walker:

im sure they need some improvements! but I am glad they are here - but sticking to my own bike!
Avatar 10:09am

My suggestion for traffic reduction: do what you've already been doing, just more of it -- walking and public transport. Bikes are a pain in mein tuchas.

I ride hard in flip flips. Riding the wrong way isn't so bad as long as you stay our of the way of those who are riding the right way, I don't expect everyone to have to go way out of their way to find a one way ave that goes their way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am

i was a tourist lately and was great to have them!

Tourists should not be allowed to use Citi Bikes, just like in Barcelona.
Avatar 10:11am
Benjamen Walker:

I am a wrong wayer too - but not last night!
in fact I had it wrong I was coming down 9th ave
the right way
Avatar 10:11am

i actually wouldn't care about the wrong way riding so much... save for the oblivious ones that i have to dodge... except they give us all a bad name
Avatar 10:11am
Benjamen Walker:

all these next songs are from 1984
Avatar 10:14am

Tourists use there here without too many problems.
Avatar 10:14am

also, the citibank billboards in front of brownstones is kinda a bad look...
Avatar 10:16am

yayayayay! wiki wiki wiki
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am
Irene Trudel:

Hey Benjamen! Nice to hear you doing a music show. Good stuff and pleasant sounds! Glad to hear you're okay after your bicycle mishap.

loving the show!
Avatar 10:30am

Benjamen, do you want to talk to me? I lived 1984 pretty damn hard and might have some perspective for you.
Avatar 10:32am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Just got back, and.... yeegad, Neuronium? As in the Spanish synth dude from the early '80s? Haven't heard that material since high-school. Whoa.... Will plunder archives.
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also if you check the City Pages archives, my friend Pete Scholtes did a series of essays on "I hate 1984" I wrote something on the Meat Puppets.
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Gordon FM:

what do you folks use towels for? just curious!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am

To dry our hands after washing them in the bathroom. We're not savages!
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Benjamen Walker:

Gordon hahah
Cecile - email me your articles!
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Benjamen Walker:

Avatar 10:35am

sounds good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am

Always a pleasure, Benjamen!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am
Liz Berg:

Arpeggiate like you mean it, BW!
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Gordon FM:

Wasn't trying to be cheeky. Just thought maybe there was a shower there. That's would be a real perk in my opinion.
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Listener 108581 (dc pat):

JEEZE-o-MAN I've been busy. Hi BW, and other folks.

I love "I Signori Della Galassia"
Avatar 10:41am
Benjamen Walker:

I think something might be wrong internally - from my bike accident - what if I like dedicate my life to disco now???
Avatar 10:43am

then you might get hit by another car - that'd be a shame ;)
Avatar 10:43am

you got mail.
Avatar 10:44am
Listener 108581:

wha-? you got hit?? Sorry.
Avatar 10:44am

Yeah, I faved that I Signori Della Galassia yesterday on Liz's show.
Avatar 10:46am
Listener 108581:

9353 would sound good after this.
Avatar 10:49am

I agree (9353)! Hit us with it!!
Avatar 10:50am

Bee Dub! Hey, good to see your board.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

dunno if the station has the new LP yet (9353), but if not, it needs to be.
Avatar 10:53am
Listener 108581:

I'll bet you put the toilet paper on the dispenser backwards too..
Avatar 10:55am
Listener 108581:

BW, hope you were wearing a helmet.
Avatar 10:56am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

King Missle (dog fly religion)'s "take stuff from work" is an immortal classic in that regard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am

so my wife broke down and got a stupid iphone..I was psyched to get the WFMU app back, its been a few years since i had an iPhone...
NO LONGER AVAILABLE? can this be true? or was it only because I was using my old account...
Avatar 10:57am

Dude, get a helmet, it saved my life.
Avatar 10:57am

Get one. Head trauma is no joke.

just say no to bicycle helmets, unless you're riding a racing bike like to many weirdos insist on doing here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am

man, BW is so hard, maybe he does belong in France?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am
paul b:

9353? Are we talking about 9353 the old DC band that my friend Derrick put out on his Fountain of Youth Label?
Avatar 10:58am
Listener 108581:

if you don't wear a helmet you're basically saying "I fully trust every idiot driver in this city not to hit me. Because I are a gemius."
Avatar 10:58am

My first week at work I used the WFMU app to listen before I got my own security clearance.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Oliver Sacks account of successful podiatrist who got hit by lightning (on phone I think?) - & - out of nowhere, no previous interest or background - quit & became a concert pianist & composer & divorced his wife...it does happen!...
Avatar 10:59am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

The very same, paul b. I have it on good authority they're still with us in full force in modern times (rip vance, however)

a helmet doesn't guarantee that you'll not get hit by a car, and wearing one actually increases your chance of neck injury
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paul b, indeed.
Avatar 11:01am

paul b, did you used to edit Spinonline?
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Listener 108581:

bullshit Eric. It doesn't guarantee you won't get hit by a car but increases your chances of survival when you do. 200 riders in the le Tour can't be wrong.
Avatar 11:03am

Paul Williams's family (the founder of Crawdaddy, not the songwriter) says that the memory loss that took him started after a bike accident with no helmet.
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aaron in chicago:

I freakin hate wearing a helmet but the prospect of some text-messaging schmo turning me into a vegetable is even worse
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Listener 108581:

exactly my point aaron. I just got a nice Giro, very light and breezy. takes getting use to but I like my head.
Avatar 11:06am
Benjamen Walker:

I am a gemius
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am
Sem Chumbo:

Gotta love helmets, saved me after running into a telephone pole avoiding pedestrians. Broken arm, but not skull.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am
Andrew Waterloo:

I don't worry about the guy texting as that one person who just happens to be a little distracted, and a little impatient at the wrong time.
Avatar 11:08am

hahahahaha, he is singing about 4 Loko.
Avatar 11:09am

I was going close to 30mph going downhill on the Williamsburg bridge back when they had rumble strips on the joins. I would jump over them (they were a good 2" tall at a 45 degree angle), and the very end of the bridge at the Delancey entrance hit one wrong and my front wheel popped off and I did a faceplant. My helmet shattered (like it's supposed to) and I lost a lot of skin off my face and when my teeth hit each other, they shattered. I woke up w/ a cop and a random guy carrying me into an ambulance. I didn't have health care at the time, so I signed a waver so that I wouldn't have to ride in the ambulance after they asked questions and I realized my brain was okay.
Avatar 11:09am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

oh christ don't get me started. Lifelong militant cyclist here, and a hater of most other cyclists in DC.... And drivers. And pedestrians. Each for their own unique and precious reasons.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am
Brian in UK:

Why are there no full face helmets like motorcycles?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am
paul b:

@Cecile No that wasn't me. I just dj'ed at WMUC (U. Maryland) in the 1980's where I knew people like Derrick, Tom Lyle (Gi's), Mark Robinson and Bridget from Unrest, Slumberland people like Mike Schulman & Velocity Girl etc and of course Jeff Krulik who made the short "Heavy Metal Parking Lot"
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Some cyclists sued the city about said rumble strips, and they took them out. Should have got in on that action, as it took me 5 years to pay off the dental and jaw surgery expenses.

Yeah helmets were designed to protect you when you fall off your bike on your head which can happen when riding at high speed, jockeying for position in the Tour de France. You shouldn't ride like that on the streets, but I can agree that it's probably not a terrible idea to wear one if you insist on riding a racing bike in the streets with the seat much higher than that handle bars.
Avatar 11:12am
Listener 108581:

Biran: there are, downhill mountain bike helmets are full face now.
ngh: sounds horrible. Sorry.
RTD: Everyone seems to think their just too important to care about anyone else. So everybody sucks...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

ngh: Gheezus!

don't be one of these idiots that rides at hi speed down the bridges, if you ride like an idiot then yeah you probably need a helmet
Avatar 11:13am

@paul b - there's only one 9353
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Oh, very cool, Paul. I was in Ann Arbor at the time, and we really envied your scene. And those fanzines like Truly Needy, Metrozine...
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Listener 108581:

Eric: you may have a point there. Most people don't get a lot of time to practice racing so they're (I'm) taking their (my) life into their (my) hands. But generally helmets = good.
Avatar 11:14am

It's a good idea, period. You can scramble your brains at low speed, too. I crashed one time while sitting still (feet caught in the traps), and I did a nice head-thunk on the median strip.
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Hope you feel better Benjamen and the bump that your head sustained proves to be nothing.
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Yeah, I hate most cyclists that don't follow the rules. I follow them b/c it makes your behavior predictable, especially in an urban setting.

My accident was in 2003 where the Manhattan side of the bridge was wide open w/ a huge lane for cyclists and a huge one for pedestrians. Plenty of room to let gravity do it's job on the way down.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am
Brian in UK:

You are just as likely to hit the front of your noggin as the top. I know from motorcycle experience when I had a champher taken off one side when the left leg was broken. Would be talking like God's own muppet. (Kermit this is) otherwise.

dc pat the point is these are specialised.
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Keep on discoing the pain away, Benjamen!
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ouchers, Brian!
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Listener 108581:

I obey the rules so I'm not at fault. But I do go fast on trails.
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Listener 108581:

...but all this talk is making me want to go slow..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:19am
Brian in UK:

You can those that have not had an accident generally, they go way too fast.
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Haven't been in accident since except last October, I had been drinking, and was at a near stop waiting for my gf when I hit a pot hole at a weird angle and landed on my face. Just some minor abrasions and bruising.
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Listener 108581:

got up to 40+ going down Porter the other day.. THAT's a little crazy.
Avatar 11:21am

Towels or no towels - Trouble's faith in your DJing sensibilities was well-placed. You're doing a fine show this AM, kiddo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am
Brian in UK:

59 is my top speed on a bicycle being towed by a 500cc Triumph. I was so much younger then I'm older than that now.
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Listener 108581:

but I cracked ribs twice from going like 2 mph, chain slip.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

My current theory is that cyclists who ignore traffic laws are directly responsible for training auto drivers to distrust cyclists & drive in a hostile manner towards us. I almost never see cyclists in DC stopped at red lights. This teaches car people to engage in warfare.

It's when I get hostility from other cyclists for stopping & signaling that I endorse infinite violence against everyone. That said, I respect speed-freaks. We're on the road to get somewhere, people.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am
Brian in UK:

It was a one speed bicycle and that was the one speed it did.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Rather eye-opening to visit other towns that get the whole cyclist integration thing (boulder), where more people seem to play nice, everyone gets where they're going, with a minimum of broken faces.
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Listener 108581:

I'm with RTD. I see 20 somethings flying through stop signs without even looking. No helmets of course. So I take shit for their idiot behavior. On the other hand, lot more people on bikes these days which I like.
f in macc:

interesting european angle on the whole helmet debate.
Avatar 11:25am
Listener 108581:

also agree about Boulder. They have it down. DC has a ways to go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am
Brian in UK:

Some parts of Continental Europe are more 'geared' up to bicycles. Like Netherlands. It is the thieving bastards I hate. Not only bicycles, someone just stole the courgette flowers from our plants on the allotment. How cheap.

This may be an unpopular opinion or a difficult idea to enforce, but I would really like to see some form of "license plate" for bicycles or bicyclists. I think adding some identifier/accountability would do a lot to minimize irresponsible and rulebreaking cycling. I work in an office of 10 and 2 of us (one of them a man of 80) have been knocked down and had bones broken by cyclists going the wrong way or on the curb, who did not even slow down to help or acknowledge the accident.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...seems to me that Bicycles are kinda sorta stuck between Driving & Pedestrianism in the Traffic situation (even a Pedestrian must know some Rules) - like Pedestrians in a 'bedsit'/dorm CollegeTown: Make up your mind if your going to suspend normal TrafficRules or just dodge people in the middle of the street & hope for the best...I don't drive (believe it or not) so I don't have those Traffic instincts. I was a 20th Century smalltown Rocker kiddo on a bike - now I must think hard about being a 21st Century grown-up & the Rules & some hideous Jock helmet thing (that probably makes huge sense)...best stick to the rural trail & walk or bus everywhere maybe...
Avatar 11:28am
Listener 108581:

I think most cities require that you register your bike but...who does?
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I nearly come to fisticuffs at least once a month w/ cyclists going the wrong way when I'm cycling.
Avatar 11:29am

bike license plates are completely unfeasible, and when you consider the statistics of people hurt by bikers, as opposed to say.. cars... it seems like a colossal waste of resources. Plus, are little kids going to have to get a license to learn to ride a bike?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...bones broken *by* cyclists!
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Listener 108581:

I think everybody's at fault. No one even looks at walk signals anymore they just glance around a little step into the street. Cell phone users don't even look. Ha! I actually heard some douche say to her friend "Oh I NEVER look before crossing a street." like she was proud of it or something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am
Brian in UK:

Hit that POP button, Benjamen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am
Brian in UK:

I never pre-book A&E.
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I am a pedestrian and you vehicle drivers all drive me nuts.
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Listener 108581:

all pedestrians must eat flaming death :)

Why so unfeasible? And as far as little kids, I'd say if you're riding in a playground or a park or the like, no worries... but if you're going to ride in the street, yeah, I think you need to be identifiable via license/bib/whatevs or risk a ticket. You're on something that can cause significant damage and lets you leave in a hurry. I don't have an anti-bicyclist thing, I'd like to see more bikes and less cars, but that's never going to work and be fair without accountability.
Avatar 11:33am
Listener 108581:

oh no. did I just do a sideways smiley face?
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We have a mandatory bike helmet law for the under-18 set. You'd be amazed at the enraged parents who think helmets demean the psyche of little Timmy. Sometimes you have to save people from themselves.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

to be fair, there's a unique style of dumbness for all travelers in DC, esp. Georgia Avenue between Petworth & Walter Reed. Pedestrians crossing in the middle of the block & staring down cars, daring them to KILL... and the drivers who seem universally content to top out at 15mph on that same strip...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am
Brian in UK:

I'm just going to climb aboard my 26 litre Napier Bentley aero engined motor and head off up the road. Outta my way suckers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Driving of course becomes Routine & Automatic
- but Driving is a Game of Attention.
- Our brains did not evolve for big metal bodies moving 60 miles an hour...
Avatar 11:35am
Listener 108581:

..that's why everyone needs to just cool..the ..fuck..out.
Avatar 11:35am

Cyclist/Pedestrian Accidents in NYC

Other patterns emerge when the statistics from various years are compared. The most striking change over the past decade has been the decrease in collisions between bicyclists and pedestrians (see Table 17). The number of reported collisions climbed from around 400 in the early 1980s, steadily up to a high of 707 in 1985, and then dropped even more steadily to just 298 in 1992 — the lowest number ever recorded. (Annual fatalities, ranging from 0 to 3, seem to follow no particular pattern.) The decline is more impressive still when the increase in the volume of cycling is taken into account.
Avatar 11:36am

doesn't really seam to be that big of a problem. i've been run into by a skateboarder, should he register is skateboard?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38am
Brian in UK:

Where has the time gone. Nice one, Benjamen.

Even people who aren't practicing racing use these retro 10 speed racing bikes because they're supposed to be cool, it's a lot harder to keep an eye on what's in front of you when your torso is nearly horizontal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I've always been impressed by the control of skaters - still more about the person than any other vehicle, even a bike, I suppose. But not so many of them (skates), of course.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am
paul b:

As a bike commuter and everyday bike rider I love the look on driver's faces when the cell phone drops from their hand as they blow thru a yield or stop sign suddenly see you and they realize they're about to kill another human being - except I've learned to spot this lot after ending up on the hood of one and have stopped my bike
Avatar 11:42am

I have a hybrid street/offroad cycle. That leaves my torso at a 45 degree angle.

Great to hear BW in DJ mode.
Congrats on the nuptials!

Congrat, Benjamen, on the impending nuptials!
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Super Benjamen!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Then again, I love spotting the occasional dude on a bike balancing a cigarette & cell phone. Those are the precious moments that make life charming....
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Listener 108581:

15 lb. racing bike, I can see just fine.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

i dig, Listener 108581 -- My Bianchi racer is about 25 years old and still moves like liquid hyper stink. Love it.
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I saw a lady driving down the freeway while flossing her teeth in the OUTSIDE MIRROR! I wanted to rear end her just out of principle.
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I think people using cell phones while operating vehicles get me the maddest.
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road-head on the other hand...
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Benjamen Walker:

once saw a pregnant lady on bike texting!!!
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I have a 1981 Fuji 12-speed. Just did a major servicing on it, and it still hisses down the road with very little input needed.
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I like the people who hear / read about a cyclist getting killed / almost killed and always jump in with their comment about how dangerous cyclists are. It's a particular form of delusional thought with its own savour.
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i once saw a blind guy driving a car while reading
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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I was sitting at an intersection in 5:00 traffic a month ago, just zoning out and waiting for the light. Suddenly there's someone right in my driver's window, staring at me: a cop on a bicycle. He drove on between cars, and tapped on the window of the car in front of me. After a minute, he pounded on it to get the driver's attention (who was texting). He motioned the car to the curb, where 2 other cops were busy writing citations for others. I was secretly full of glee.
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Listener 108581:

me too Cecile, hate phones anyway.
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Carmichael - what city was that? I know it wasn't NYC.
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what was the song before this "here she comes"
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it's turning to gothamist in here! like that Fuzz 45...
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is it missing from the list?
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that was Fuzz, a Ty Segall band
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Thanks Benjamen! It was fun!
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@otto: I live in Sacramento, CA. Lots of bicycle cops downtown who just seem to show up out of nowhere.
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ok, thanx. getting confused
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am
Sem Chumbo:

Thanks a lot, and bon voyage!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

MfM: It doesn't want to be seen. (It *was* fuzz wasn't it??)
Avatar 11:56am

Thanks, BW!
Avatar 11:57am
Listener 108581:

bye FMU people. hanx BW.
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