Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from August 26, 2013 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Monday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting August 26, 2013: Odes to the waning days of summer.

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Go: Organic Orchestra  Sonic Mandala: Part One (Invitation)   Favoriting Sonic Mandala  Meta Records  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Joe Southworth / Andrew Downing  Sweet Virgin of the Lake   Favoriting Easterween  Sud de Valeur  0:07:16 (Pop-up)
Tin Hat  A Cloud on a Leaf   Favoriting The Rain Is a Handsome Animal  New Amsterdam Records  0:11:16 (Pop-up)
Dana Falconberry  Petoskey Stone   Favoriting Leelanau  Antenna Farm Records  0:14:51 (Pop-up)
Project Trio  The Stacks   Favoriting When Will Then Be Now  Project Trio  0:20:07 (Pop-up)
Sea of Bees  Willis   Favoriting Songs for the Ravens  Crossbill  0:22:56 (Pop-up)
Reynold D. Philipsek  Tango Blue   Favoriting Simplicity  ReiPhi Records  0:33:13 (Pop-up)
Cian Nugent  I Will Take the Top of a Tall Cedar and Break Off a Tender Shoot   Favoriting Childhood, Christian Lies & Slaughter  Incunabulum / audioMER  0:36:54 (Pop-up)
The Baird Sisters  New Green Place   Favoriting Until You Find Your Green  Grapefruit Record Club  0:40:24 (Pop-up)
Gilad Hekselman  Dreamers   Favoriting This Just In  Jazz Village/Harmonia Mundi  0:50:34 (Pop-up)
Aisha and the Bison Rouge  Country Will Do Her Well   Favoriting     1:05:28 (Pop-up)
Uaragniaun  Sobba Na Luggette   Favoriting U uiavule el'acdua sante  Dunya  1:09:07 (Pop-up)
The Folger Consort  The Mulliner Book   Favoriting Playing with Fire  Digital Bard  1:13:44 (Pop-up)
The Band  In a Station   Favoriting Music from Big Pink  Capitol  1:18:15 (Pop-up)
Kat330  Rose, Lis, Printemps   Favoriting (Soundcloud)    1:22:08 (Pop-up)
Hesperus  Como Poden: Cantigo de Santa Maria (13thc. Spanish)   Favoriting Unicorn  Dorian  1:25:55 (Pop-up)
Michael Hurley  Werewolf   Favoriting Wolfways    1:29:26 (Pop-up)
Phosphorescent  The Waves at Night   Favoriting Pride  Dead Oceans  1:43:16 (Pop-up)
This Frontier Needs Heroes  Firefly   Favoriting This Frontier Needs Heroes  This Frontier Need Heroes  1:47:23 (Pop-up)
Essie Jain  No Mistake   Favoriting All Become Golden  Essie Jain  1:50:57 (Pop-up)
Julianna Barwick  Labyrinthine   Favoriting Nepenthe  Dead Oceans  1:54:31 (Pop-up)
Cocteau Twins  Pearly Dewdrops'-Drops   Favoriting The Spangle Maker  4AD  1:58:50 (Pop-up)
King Creosote & Jon Hopkins  Runnin' On Fumes   Favoriting Diamond Mine    2:11:43 (Pop-up)
Seth Austen  Painted Desert   Favoriting Circles  Kicking Mule Records  2:16:18 (Pop-up)
Tom Lellis & Toninho Horta  Summertime   Favoriting Tonight  Adventure Music  2:27:08 (Pop-up)
Shirley Horn  The Island   Favoriting Loving You  Verve  2:31:32 (Pop-up)
Marian McPartland Trio  Stranger In a Dream   Favoriting Twilight World  Halcyon  2:39:08 (Pop-up)
Nico  These Days   Favoriting     2:46:57 (Pop-up)
Honey Ltd.  Silk 'n Honey   Favoriting The Complete LHI Recordings  Light in the Attic  2:50:18 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm

I'm willing to go organic with sounds like this! Hi Irene.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Hey Irene, hello one and all
Avatar 12:10pm

Bonjour Irene !
Avatar 12:10pm

Hi, Irene! Hello fellow listeners! Off the list for quite a bit, but listening quite a bit regardless.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Love the photo, just under four weeks of Summer still to enjoy.
Avatar 12:11pm

This Donic Mandala is wonderful. I can sort of hear how it could mashup with Stormy Weather. :)
Avatar 12:11pm

[Oooops. Sonic not Donic]
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:12pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Hey Kat, it's been awhile, how are you, missed your regular comments, hello to Pierre and DCE.
Avatar 12:13pm
Van in DC:

Happy Monday Irene and folks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm

that beach looks nice!
Avatar 12:13pm

Aw, thanks, Sean. I didn't miss yours because often I would read the playlist after the show, or whenever my hands got unbusy enough. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:17pm
Irene Trudel:

Hi everybody! Hope you're all enjoying summery thoughts.
Avatar 12:18pm

Is that beach photo a "selfie," Irene?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
Mike East:

Its a tragedy that have not set a foot on the sand once yet this summer...still a little time, though...
Avatar 12:21pm

We recently returned from the sandy beach of lakes and the lovely canopy of forests, but no ocean, unfortunately. I do like a wave action.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22pm
Mike East:

hey, kat330, welcome back to commentland!
Avatar 12:24pm

@Mike: Hi, Mike, and thanks! Probably not very regularly—I've gotten very busy of late. So how's little miss Lucie doing?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm

...Christmas is just four months away...(GULP)
Avatar 12:25pm

@DCE: Way to harsh my mellow! ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26pm
Mike East:

she's GREAT! had about 3 weeks worth of pneumonia last month, but all is clear now.
Avatar 12:28pm

Oh, wow ... thank god she's fine now! Is that sort of common in wee ones? [I'm clueless about such things]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Mike East:

yeah, I guess it is...I'm pretty clueless, too :) It did lead to the discovery that she's allergic to ammoxacilin, though. common or not, it was scary as hell...she was running a fever for a week of it...needless to say, we didn't get much sleep.
Avatar 12:33pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Roasting harshmellows. It's what we do.â„¢
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Mike East:

hahah! is that your dog? what a great pic!
Avatar 12:35pm

@ME: I bet it was, and I bet you didn't ... well, just so very glad you're on the other side of it now. A big warm (HOT here in So IN) hug to her!
Avatar 12:35pm
Van in DC:

I sure hope I'm "Van in Dallas" again by Christmas. What a wonderful present that would be.
Avatar 12:36pm

Hahaha, Rev, that's a SOLID (not semi) photo! ;)
Avatar 12:38pm

@Van: DC gettin' you down? Climate, as in weather, or climate, as in political?
Avatar 12:41pm
Van in DC:

Hi Kat, I'm a southern boy, from Texas. I prefer the simpler lifestyle there. Not really happy in the DC area for a bazillion reasons.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm

Finally get to go to the beach this weeked! Yay!
Avatar 12:43pm

@Van: Yes, I believe Dubya prefers it for the same reasons. :) Well, I hope you get your wish.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

On a non-musical post, I am addicted to "Breaking Bad", yet again my Colonial cousins are spanking bottom when it comes to drama series, thought I would mention this.
Avatar 12:46pm

@Sean: Oh, yes, but please end the mentions there!! We buy the DVDs after the season and are up to date, but nothing in the current season. Shhhhhhh....
Avatar 12:49pm

Speaking of tall conifers, yikes, the sequoias are threatened in Yosemite the last I heard. Thousands of years old and so spectacular.
Avatar 12:51pm
Van in DC:

This is really nice from the Baird Sisters, thank you Irene
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Mike East:

@Sean - there is drama in it, but I see it more as a dark comedy. Excellent series either way....I, like kat, must wait for the DVD's.

I must say, you are right that the US has been producing some pretty excellent TV content the last few years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
Mike East:

speaking of which, when is HBO gonna come out with an internet subscription format that doesn't require one to have cable?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:55pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

@Kat, no problem, will be tuning into Netflix later to watch episode 11, Season 5. I think a pilgrimage to Alburquerque may be on the cards when I fly over next April. Yes, Van, lovely tune from The Baird sisters
Avatar 12:56pm

Definitely plenty of black comedy throughout. But the acting is what I'm into it for. I was a huge Bryan Cranston fan from the get-go of Malcolm in the Middle.
Avatar 1:00pm

@ME: We are cable-less, too, and always have been. Whenever we stay at a hotel w/cable and endless choices, it only clinches it for us to remain that way, too! We do quite well w/ broadcast, bought DVDs (which we often resell at even money) and Roku (for some films, Stewart & Colbert primarily).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Likewise, Malcolm in the Middle is so funny
Avatar 1:04pm

@Sean: He is just so talented.

You have to be able to delay reward / pleasure to view the way we do, and luckily we are both skilled in doing that. Spoilers are our only undoing. ;)
Avatar 1:06pm
Van in DC:

I love my DirecTV :)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Apparently the commercials used to hack the Kids in the Hall up really badly when it played in the US.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I just finished watching Doc Martin on Netflix.
Avatar 1:08pm

We just finished the second season of "Enlightened" (which goes along with your inspiring music, Irene!) this weekend. It wouldn't be everyone's cuppa, but we *really* loved it. So nuanced.
Avatar 1:08pm
Van in DC:

I love that NBC is showing every single English Premiere League soccer game this year. I think Chelsea is playing Man U here in a couple hours...might have to sneak out of work...

Jim Kweskin Jug Band 50th Anniversary Reunion Tour this week w/ Geoff Muldaur, Maria Muldaur and Bill Keith. Any fans out there? Anyone going to a show?
Avatar 1:10pm

was i hearing things, or did you play a piece with gamelan? (did not have your playlist readily available!)
Avatar 1:12pm

@don: I'm a BIG fan (have their original vinyl), but a thousand miles from NYC.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
Mike East:

I used to tape Kids in the Hall off TV, and cut out the commercials...I'm sure I still have an 8hour VHS tape somewhere.

@kat - I've never had cable in my adult life either. We recently stayed in a hotel also, and I couldn't take the commercials, so ended up paying $16 to watch Iron Man 3. It was worth it. Fun for the whole family! (I'm a sucker for super hero movies, and my wife wants to be Tony Stark...my 8 year old was just excited to sit in the big king size bed with us)

@kat330--shows are in Albany, NY, MA and RI-going to Albany (from NYC) to see them...
Avatar 1:14pm

hi irene been here from the start enjoying the show
Avatar 1:16pm

Irene, aren't you able to switch to antenna so you can get CBS? We were so worried when the switchover happened several years ago, but (knock on wood) our reception is more reliable than our cabled neighbors.
Avatar 1:16pm
Van in DC:

For any shows that I normally watch, I ALWAYS DVR them and watch on delay, fast forwarding through the commercials.
Avatar 1:17pm

Hi, Jay!
@don: Ah, well then even more miles distant between me and that set of cities :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:18pm

Hi Irene HI Kiddles ! yep almost over ,, back to school,, but is a nice August still,, and loving the tunes,, that appears to be a long walk to the ocean there , in that photo indeed,,,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:18pm
Mike East:

I still get CBS with the antenna, but I can no longer switch to the antenna input because the baby spilled soup on our remote.
Avatar 1:18pm

@Van: Yep, that's how we roll, too. I'll stack my "skip" skills against anyone. ;)

what language is this?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:21pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Lovely, lovely tune from Uaragniaun, I am clueless to what language they are singing, Portugese?
Avatar 1:22pm

It looks written out more Portuguese than it sounded to me. Maybe a dialect of Port.?

I see they are from Puglia in Italy, but it's not Italian or Portuguese, there are places in Publia where they speak a somewhat archaic form of Greek, it's not far from Greece
Avatar 1:24pm

Mmm, I love this early music sound.
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Van in DC:

This here is fantastic
Avatar 1:26pm

here we don't have ads on the bbc channels also i use roku box and netfilx so I do not see ads much at all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:28pm
Irene Trudel:

@Kat, we have a flat screen digital. I haven't had time to see if I can hook and antenna up. (I'm the fixit person in our household.)
Avatar 1:29pm

Another great vinyl I own. :)
Avatar 1:30pm

@Irene: Well, if you never got a converter box back

Ahhhh! :) You sweetheart. :>
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm
Irene Trudel:

A lovely tune performed by our own commenter, Kat330! (Hope I'm not embarrassing you.)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:33pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Wow, Kat, absolutely awesome, what a wonderful voice
Avatar 1:33pm

A tad. It just took me so by surprise... Thank you, merci, kiitos and grazie, Ms. Irene.
Avatar 1:35pm

@Sean: Thank you! It's one of my early and most raw recordings, so it IS a tad embarrassing. My arrangement of that 14th c. piece included a Korg on harpsichord mode and a Finnish harp (kantele) if anyone's interested.
Avatar 1:36pm
Van in DC:

Oh sure. I step out for two minutes to work and go get hot water for my tea and I miss a Kat tune!
Avatar 1:37pm

@Van: Besides Soundcloud, it's also avail in .wav at my Bandcamp site.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm
Irene Trudel:

Kat has a number of nice tunes up there. I'm just beginning to give a listen to 'em.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:38pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Great, great set, Irene, the cherry on the icing being a tune from Kat.
Avatar 1:39pm

We saw our trusty local bat winging wildly over and around our home the other evening while we were out to view the Space Station crossing overhead. Indiana bats are in trouble, so it's good to see one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm
Mike East:

dang, I totally missed Kat...
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[she quickly changed the subject to the Hurley lyrics]
Avatar 1:41pm
Van in DC:

Speaking of spacey stuff, there will be a NASA launch visible (hopefully) from DC area, VA, and most of the East Coast I think, on Sept 6.
Avatar 1:43pm
Van in DC:

Okay, from "much of the northeast" then.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:43pm
Mike East:

@Irene - flat screen/digital TV will totally work with an antennae. If you live in the city, you shouldn't need anything TOO powerful, either, since you'd be close to the broadcast signal. Trees and mountains mess with my reception in Jersey.
Avatar 1:44pm

@Van: That will be super. We vacated in Cocoa Beach last summer, but missed a launch by "just that much" -- "Get Smart" line, yes?
Avatar 1:45pm
Van in DC:

yep, missed it by that much :)

Uaragniaun: dialetto Barese, the dialect of Bari
Avatar 1:50pm

Thanks, Eric!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:51pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Filled the gap, likewise, thanks, Eric
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:52pm
Irene Trudel:

@Mike East, I know I should just check out an antenna. I even have a set of "rabbit ears" somewhere. CBS does have a strong over-the air signal in NYC.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm
Mike East:

Yeah, it comes in clearer than any other channel by me, too....I just gotta get my remote replaced. :)
Avatar 2:00pm

I was even happier we had stuck to antenna when Time-Warner bought out the local cable monopoly of Insight recently.

you're welcome, I have an interest in Italian "dialects" after having spent a lot of time in Naples and also in Sardinia
Avatar 2:03pm

@Irene: just get an antenna suitable for the HDTV frequencies - the old rabbit ears for the "regular" channels won't be optimal, but if you have an old UHF bowtie antenna, that might work pretty well for HDTV. Or just pick a decent new HDTV antenna up for 20-30 bucks or so.
Avatar 2:06pm

Over-the-air HDTV just seems magical to someone like me used to analog OTA TV, with the usual bits of snow.

Digital TV is like: nothing... adjust antenna... nothing... adjust... BAM! Big perfect picture.
Avatar 2:07pm
Van in DC:

Yay! Great set! (again) Cocteau Twins, me loves!
Avatar 2:07pm
Cheri Pi:

hive mind, Irene, I was just thining about them.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

The Memery cells are as good as they should be but didn't Julianna Barwick play on your show, Irene?
  Swag For Life Member 2:09pm

@Sean: yes, and it's in the free music archives.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17pm
Mike East:

@Jeff - The picture is great, yes, but I think I'd prefer a continuous fuzzy picture to an intermittent clear one.
Avatar 2:18pm

@Mike: that is indeed the downside.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19pm

most stations now ( soon to be all I am guessing ) use UHF Frequency cept for in newYorkCity anyway 7 (abc) 11 (pix) and 13 (pbs) is where you need the long extensions of the rabbit ears,, I am ground level in brooklyn but I do have a northers window exposure and , and I get 32 channels ..with a cheap pair of rabbit ears , you have to have a clear "path" to the transmit towers, ie is key . > bit.ly...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm

..might try this one next > bit.ly...
Avatar 2:21pm

It's good CBS comes over antenna really well, because, AFAIK, CBS has no contract with Roku for rebroadcasting. Occasionally our DVR (or the programmer) has messed up getting Letterman or Ferguson, but unlike if that happens on NBC, we can't find it on Roku. CBS, the Tiffany Channel, clearly plays contract hardball.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm
Mike East:

I ended up getting just the UHF receiver...which is a drag cuz half the reason I got it was to watch PBS, the other half was to watch Jeopardy (ABC). Shoulda done more advance research.
Avatar 2:24pm

@Tome: Yep, I was so pleased to find those guides to signals when we first got our HDTV converter box. It helps immensely, esp. in a suburban area.
Liz B.:

Jason Sigal is filling in for Scott today.
Avatar 2:26pm

Thanks for the clarification, @Tome. I didn't know any VHF frequencies were still in use for OTA HDTV. But I was mostly theorizing when spouting all that to Irene, because while I've played with HD-through-the-air, my cables remain uncut.

Cool home-made antenna project. Totally puts me in mind of stuff Dad would've come out of the basement holding.
Avatar 2:26pm
the glowing one:

@Tome: haha, it says
Cost: $10
Build: 2 hours
Channels Found: 32
Good Shows: 0
Avatar 2:27pm

B23 here the rentrée from a nap.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm
Irene Trudel:

@kat, yes, Julianna Barwick did play on my show two summers ago. wfmu.org... She played a few tunes last week for Soundcheck, the program I work on at WNYC. Since she's about to go out on tour I can't have her in now, but we did talk about having her back to do a set sometime in January.
Avatar 2:28pm

This reminds of a cool performer on SC: soundcloud.com... All Chris Lane's work reminds me of soundtracks for "Lonesome Dove" or "No Country for Old Men." Nice stuff.
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Avatar 2:29pm

Irene, it was Sean who asked, but thanks IAE as I had starred her track! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm

didnt' attempt that one buiild yet, my RCA for $4.99 probably gets more stationgs,, the low VHF (used to be channels 2-6) no channels anymore in NYC anyway area and yes 7(abc) 11(pix) and 13PBS) still use the HI-Vhf, but with a good UHF "element" might pick up 7,11,13. all the rest includeing 2, 4 , 5 (fox) . 9 and above 13 are UHF
Avatar 2:33pm

we didn't get a t.v. until i was 8. with rabbit ears we could get c.b.c. and radio canada (french c.b.c).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35pm

..long as my Alexanders 1975 Emerson redio doesn't die and still gets this station I'm happy :)
Avatar 2:36pm
Van in DC:

Wow. Call me crazy but the little of that last track, Seth Austen, I heard really reminded me of, I think Fripp's work with David Sylvian, Gone To Earth, I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:38pm

forgive me for the long winded reception discussion Irene , enjoying the tunes so much as well as these last bits of summer, should have just "gotten to the point" and been brief but effective ..
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@Tome: Your name suggests you can't be too brief. ;)
Avatar 2:44pm

Ahh, this reminds me of our many failed attempts to make a trip to Hawaii (I've never been / Philo has, all the way from Finland). I'm thinking about next April already. Any advice or little recommendations anyone?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:49pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Another terrific set, Irene,
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Van in DC:

Gotta run, thanks Irene for a great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm

thanks for the nico!

I'd like to hear a duet with Nico and Schwarzaneger
  Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

Thanks, Irene.

"These days" with a young Jackson Browne playing guitar.

just kidding of course
Avatar 2:57pm

Thanks for the whole three hours, Irene! You've made my day and my week and sealed my resolve to get even busier in the coming days. :) Adieu, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Irene Trudel:

Thanks for tuning in everybody! I may take next week off for Labor Day. A little undecided. But I'll catch you all soon!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Irene, fab, fab show, great music and a real blast reading all the comments, have a great week folks.
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