@Brian/UK: not a fan of US national treasure Mr. Rogers?
Captain Hate:
Jeff, yes but only some of the time. It was coming in great on my ear buds two weeks ago walking down the boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland. Other times not so well.
I've heard from people here in Pittsburgh who knew him that Fred Rogers was off camera, the same gentle soul we all saw on camera. Also that his wife cursed like a sailor.
by the way, if anybody's interested in the latest crazy antics of r. ford, crack huffin' toronto mayor, apparently our city's finest have been conducting aerial surveillance on him for the past 2 or 3 months.
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Listener comments!
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
how do, all! wind is kicking up in northern nj; we're in for some storms tonight!!
Jeff Golick:
Howdy glenn!
Welcome Dervish!
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Hiya/heyo!, duke!
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Captain Hate:
Jeff Golick:
Captain Hate:
Captain Hate:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Thanks so much, duke!
Jeff Golick:
Captain Hate:
Brian in UK:
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Gotta go now, too. And miss next week totally -- I'll be on a plane from OAK to SEA at this time next week. Enjoy the show, everybody!
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick: