Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from October 15, 2013 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting October 15, 2013: Aerial View Town Hall

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Tom Chris T. Waits  Way Down In The Aerial View Hole   Favoriting

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Listener comments!


Are you married to Terre T., and she's sharing your difficult last name? I know hers looks Italian but is actually from some east Asian language.
Ed the Barber:

Woo Hoo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Mike East:

hehe, nicely played, ChrisT
Ed the Barber:

What's for dinner?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm
Mike East:

gypsy soup, Ed.

Christie is popular because he looks like a Cabbage Patch doll that you want to put your arms around.
Ed the Barber:

I hear Ken likes to hug him.
Ed the Barber:

A vote for democrat or republican is a wasted vote, people. Hint hint.

Pedant is the word to describe that lady that called to correct grammar/Grammer. A pedant is someone who can't help themselves and correct everybody.

Silent H in that nickname for republicans.
Avatar 6:31pm

This is Grammar Puss to tell you we're having a righteous ravioli smothered in a marvelous marinara sauce. Sorry for the quick exit, Chris, but my pot boileth over. ;)

Christie is appealing to us Independents because he at least seems to have a grasp on COmmon sense.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

i'll bet he was like baby huey when he was a lad
Avatar 6:35pm

But the point's moot for us -- we're no where near NJ (thank ghu).
Avatar 6:36pm

It's COmmon sense to NOT HATE THE POTUS, for one major e.g.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

i loved your mcgreevey outing show chris. full of 'oh my gawd's. you need to bust that out again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

is this leslie knope he's debating? and when did christine johnson become more than a talking head with eye shadow?
Avatar 6:42pm

It wasn't cowardly for him to walk the walk with Obama while his idiot party wants to impeach the POTUS. Yeah, he was wooing Fed funds, but that's his modicum of COmmon sense.
Avatar 6:44pm

Yeah, that's right. Screw grammar and waste your vote.... sigh.
Ed the Barber:

Ah, c'mon guys.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm
Mike East:

Please don't judge me...what are we voting for? I got a sample ballot in the mail for the Senate election...are we voting for a new governor?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Mike East:

oh okay, its the debate tonight...I thought you were saying the vote was tomorrow. Which doesn't make sense cuz votes are always on Tuesdays I think. I should really start paying attention to news.
Avatar 6:50pm

BTW, I have no idea about Christie's opponent -- OTOH, our ravaging tornadoes don't register a blip on you folks, yet we're giving money for Sandy recovery -- so quite possibly I'd not cast my vote for Christie. But at least I wouldn't trash my vote.
Ed the Barber:

Keep voting for Coke and Pepsi. They only have your best interest in mind.
Ed the Barber:

Can you run the Newark stats?
Avatar 6:56pm

@GMMM: Why don't you tell me something you believe is worthwhile and that you care about continuing into the future?
Ed the Barber:

Remember to vote tomorrow. Hint hint.
Avatar 6:58pm

[and please start your sentence with IRregardless]
Avatar 7:00pm

And I'll return the name-calling and tell you what *you* are, GMMM
Ed the Barber:

Mmmmm, ravioli.
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