Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 12 February 2014 Favoriting | Into the Boxcar

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(* = new)
Artist Song Album Images New Approx. start time
Gunter Schickert  Rabe in der Nacht   Favoriting Kinder in Der Wildnis 
*   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Ex and Tom Cora  State of Shock   Favoriting Scrabbling at the Lock 
  0:08:55 (Pop-up)
Conrad Schnitzler  Fata Morgana   Favoriting Deutsche Elektronische Musik: Experimental German Rock and Electronic Music 1972-1983 
  0:13:44 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Kane  Sis   Favoriting Live at WFMU on Brian Turners show 
  0:19:37 (Pop-up)
Boom Bip  Manzabozh   Favoriting Zig Zaj 
  0:28:18 (Pop-up)
Xberg Dhirty6 Cru  Die Reime Der Anderen   Favoriting Sonig Exp/Hop/DVD 
  0:35:20 (Pop-up)
Wevie de Crepon  The Wobbler   Favoriting  
  0:39:47 (Pop-up)
Khlam  Every Night   Favoriting Sverkh Novy Hund Sverkh Russkie 
  0:42:49 (Pop-up)
Rip Rig and Panic  Do the Tightrope (instrumental)   Favoriting Attitude 
*   0:51:48 (Pop-up)
Frenchbloke and Son  Sexy Model   Favoriting  
  0:59:16 (Pop-up)
Dj Yoda  DJ Song   Favoriting  
  1:03:02 (Pop-up)
Ned Beatty  Network Mr Jensen Speech   Favoriting  
  1:05:04 (Pop-up)
Lee Ranaldo y Los Dust  El Blues de la Revolucion   Favoriting  
*   1:14:49 (Pop-up)
Killdozer  Knuckles The Dog (Who Helps People)   Favoriting Uncompromising War On Art Under The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat 
  1:18:46 (Pop-up)
Stark Effect  Bunnyrabbits, Satan, Cheese, and Milk   Favoriting  
  1:24:08 (Pop-up)
t.A.T.u  How Soon is Now (Stretch)   Favoriting  
  1:26:40 (Pop-up)
Christine Lauterburg  Erika's Alptraum   Favoriting       1:33:46 (Pop-up)
People Like Us  Break Me, Break My Horse   Favoriting Don't Think Right, It's All Twice 
  1:36:01 (Pop-up)
Nina Hagen & Gruppe Automobil  Komm Komm   Favoriting  
  1:40:23 (Pop-up)
Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle  Was Kostet Die Welt   Favoriting UndergroundNDW -- German New Wave Rarities 
  1:44:25 (Pop-up)
The Go-Gos  Our Lips are Sealed   Favoriting  
  1:47:04 (Pop-up)
Fuxa  Our Lips are Sealed   Favoriting Electric Sounds of Summer 
  1:50:44 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  Dead Finks Dont Talk   Favoriting Here Come the Warm Jets 
  2:06:28 (Pop-up)
Brian Ferry & Jane Birkin  In Every Dreamhome A Heartache   Favoriting Rendezvous 
  2:10:50 (Pop-up)
Foetus  Warm Leatherette   Favoriting Soak 
*   2:14:35 (Pop-up)
Che Pizarro  Piano 3 (K.I.M.B.A.L.L.)   Favoriting  
  2:17:57 (Pop-up)
Felix Kubin  Swingin' 40s   Favoriting Zemsta Plutona 
*   2:21:09 (Pop-up)
The Ex  Koken Asfalt   Favoriting Een Rondje Holland 
  2:23:13 (Pop-up)
Buttress O'Kneel  Grave Kissed Amy   Favoriting Compop 14.6 Avant-Tard: Tardcore      2:29:19 (Pop-up)
Lary Seven & Jim Sharpe  Burlap Breaks   Favoriting       2:33:39 (Pop-up)
The Osmonds  Crazy Horses   Favoriting  
  2:34:25 (Pop-up)
Camilo Sesto  Damned for all Time   Favoriting Jesu Cristo Lo Siento Me Llamo Ken Te Amo S'il Vous Plait 
  2:37:38 (Pop-up)
In Extremo  Merseberger Zauberspruche   Favoriting Verehrt und Angespien 
  2:41:02 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Strange   Favoriting On Returning (1977-1979) 
  2:47:09 (Pop-up)
101 Strings  Flameout   Favoriting  
  2:53:47 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 6:22am Station Mgr Ken:

Good morning one and mostly all
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 6:25am Ken:

Before we go any further, I gotta tell you that we are gonna rank the bejeesus out of Andy Breckman on Seven Second Delay today. If you want the details, subscribe to the Seven Second Delay newsletter over here: Pranking instructions to come in this week's issue, out this afternoon.
Avatar 7:21am groucho:

Good afternoon from England. Can't wait to rank the bejeesus outta someone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04am Ken From Hyde Park:

My leg muscles are sore from going up & down the sled hill on Sunday. I should've heeded Arnold's exercise regimen last Wednesday. Also, I see they've added an Oct. 2 Billy Joel show at MSG. Probably due to he publicity provided by Clay Pigeon.
  8:05am Robert:

One o' these days you & Andy should prank the audience by your pretending to prank Andy. A fake setup where we think Andy's being pranked and then at the end reveal it was all an act.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am Aaron in Minneapolis:

Morning dear leader, from a winged monkey. Hey can you play all the stalling tapes you have back to back this morning>
Avatar 8:17am Okasa:

Morning all.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 8:26am Ken:

I like those ideas Robert and Aaron! Oh, tonite's prank is gonna be a good one. I might even get sued for it! Be sure to subscribe to the SSD newsletter so you get all the tools you will need.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 8:30am Ken:

Aaron, the all-stalling tape show would be: Ding, 10:10 by Eyvind Kang, Mountain Jam by Allman Brothers, Green Grass & High Tides, A Wizard a True Star by Todd Rundgren, parts of Eno's Before and After Science. Am I missing anything?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32am Ellirb:

And a good morning from Norway everybody.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am Aaron in Minneapolis:

There is also Cage's 4 :33, or as Andy calls it, dead aor chicken, the ultimate stalling tape
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am Aaron in Minneapolis:

I dare you Ken, to defy the FCC I DARE YOUUUUUU
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 8:38am Ken:

Dead AOR Chicken?! hahaha
  8:39am jan:

Ken- Skrillex- can you comment or play any. Big article in today's home town paper and seeing Spring Breakers- that's all I know about this individual.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am Aaron in Minneapolis:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 8:48am Ken:

Aaron, I thought it was on purpose! It's brilliant! Jan, Im not a big fan of Skrillex or his haircut. But if anybody wants to suggest tracks for me to check out, I will be happy to gve him another listen.
  8:54am f♞f♞ (:

Hola Ken & everybody !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am SeanG:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am common:

good morn! good day, gunter!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am SeanG:

Today is gonna be crazy.
  9:04am brendan:

Avatar 9:04am thedunkel:

Happy Wednesday Ken and Kenders! Yeah! we can favorite gifs!
Avatar 9:05am thedunkel:

Happy Wednesday Ken and Kenders! Yeah! we can favorite gifs!
Avatar 9:06am Roberto:

Almost left the fmu hat on the 1 train this morning. Epic disaster narrowly averted.
Avatar 9:07am bobdoesthings:

morning all, finally early enough into work that I can hear Ken from the beginning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am SeanG:

Avatar 9:08am thedunkel:

Is the marathon swag this year include Seven Second Delay rock salt™?
  9:08am Emile:

Any Magma record is good stalling music.
  9:09am Emile:

Great Ex track!
Avatar 9:09am KOTJ:

The EX-cellent!
  9:10am Emile:

Great Ex track!
Avatar 9:10am KOTJ:

The Ex-celence
Avatar 9:11am KOTJ:

Umpteenth block. Piece of rock
Avatar 9:12am Cheri Pi:

There isn't a clicky-star big enough to contain the Ex.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am Stevel:

The shoe gif is making my jaw ache.
Avatar 9:15am braveness23:

B23 here! What's shakin', bacon?
Avatar 9:16am braveness23:

CP, are you ready for some good four-footed lovin'?
Avatar 9:16am Dan B From Upstate:

Dang it. I want to star the water logged record on the top of the page, but there's no star for it!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:19am Ken:

I'll take care of that momentaciously Dan.
Avatar 9:20am KOTJ:
Avatar 9:21am Cheri Pi:

Oh that's right B23! She best be bringing her sweater.
Avatar 9:22am Dan B From Upstate:

Thanks, Ken. You're too kind.
  9:22am r i s k y:

  9:23am tonyb:

simplicity pattern lady is locked in with your bed drummer.
better than a metronome...
Avatar 9:23am bibi:

hi all. a pretty fit ken we got today.
Avatar 9:25am braveness23:

CP, that bitch will be sproting the latest in canine winter wear
Avatar 9:25am glenn:

hippy noiz.
Avatar 9:27am Cheri Pi:

I look forward to her cable-knits.
Avatar 9:27am Lewis:

RIP Shirley Temple Black
  9:28am brendan:

Love the Kane, Ken just when you think he is all jammed out he adds more jam
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am Fine-aight:

Lewis, that's what i just said to my drink of ginger ale, grenadine and johnnie walker black, coincidentally
Avatar 9:31am braveness23:

Boom Bip makes me think of Korean food. Dammit, now I'm hungry!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am common:

was shirley temple's granddaughter in the melvins at one point? anyone know? i can probably look that up.
  9:33am f♞f♞ (:

Booom Biiiiiiiiip!!!

Can't wait to see what kind of tools were devised to undermine Andy. It sounds like a sophisticated prank. Almost like a DDoZ Attack (er..Distributed Denial of Zingers attack)
  9:33am koto:

hello everyone. the shoe is made of chocolate!
  9:33am f♞f♞ (:

Boom Biiiip!!
Avatar 9:35am KOTJ:

Mmmm. Ok Dol Boom Bip Bap would totally hit the spot.
Avatar 9:35am glenn:

somebody said it was her daughter, but i have no idea.
  9:36am Emile:

Some wevie stonder would go great with this.
  9:36am f♞f♞ (:


Oh, I see. So the game is about choosing between chewing a real shoe or one made of chocolate one ?

P.S. Xbergg Dirty 6!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am common:

@glenn: right! I think. and, Emile: I agree!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am tim from champaign:

@common and glenn - yes, Lori Temple Black aka Lorax was in The Melvins in the late 80s-early 90s. She played on Ozma, Bullhead and Houdini.
Avatar 9:38am Elisa In Italy:

Avatar 9:38am Elisa In Italy:

Avatar 9:39am Lewis:

Is there a way to indicate pleasure in the combination of a cut with a gif? (trying very hard not to use "favorite" as a verb)...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am common:

and here it is!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am common:

@tim: thanks! so great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am Asheville Jon:

happy snowy wednesday everyone
Avatar 9:43am bobdoesthings:

Avatar 9:45am thedunkel:

KHLAAAMMMM and plunger chickens!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am Fine-aight:

Avatar 9:45am egal:

Any chance Khlam performs at the Sochi Olympics closing ceremony.
  9:45am brendan:

Ken ,
Looking forward to your upcoming Khlam- bake
Avatar 9:46am Lewis:

@Ken - Right on the Money for the frame of mind here in the Twin Cities this morning...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am Stevel:

When its 10-below, everything feels and sounds like Khlam.
  9:50am f♞f♞ (:

Khlam Fhact for the curious:

This is an old family photo from the sax player (Sergey Letov) which I found on his webiste:
  9:51am koto:

@f♞f♞ (: it's the game that you tell which one is the sweets that is made as real. i guess he is tasting the fake shoe, i mean chocolate.
  9:54am f♞f♞ (:

I've just looked at my shoes and I kind of salivated. Damn! I wish they were made of chocolate.
Avatar 9:56am βrian:

I hoisted one too many Shirley Temples last night in tribute. I swear I'll never drink again.
Avatar 9:59am bibi:

that is a mash marsh march up.
  9:59am koto:

they may be turned into a chocolate on st. Valentine's day. will see!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am Asheville Jon:

still miss Snakefinger
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am Stevel:

Yes, Snakefinger.
Avatar 10:02am thedunkel:

YES! Mr. Jensen!
Avatar 10:06am Lewis:

This is Ned Beatty? very cool...
Avatar 10:07am Roberto:

He's come a long way from squealing like a pig.
Avatar 10:07am thedunkel:

I will atone with my marathon pledge
  10:08am bill:

Where is where has Michael Rother gone?
Avatar 10:09am fred von helsing:

traktor is perfect
Avatar 10:09am bibi:

you mean you use traktor ?! no, seriously ? im sorry ken.
Avatar 10:11am thedunkel:

You should watch Room 237 (its about The Shining )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am Asheville Jon:

pax is here now. yay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am common:

can't wait for the 24 hrs of shit weather. pax?
  10:12am muwa:

hey, weather porn. That's what it is!
Avatar 10:12am Dan B From Upstate:

As much as I like the weather underground, I was sad to find out that it's a weather channel service. I HATE the weather channel. I'm glad directv dropped them.
  10:13am Dan:

Pax to dump massive ice here in central NC. Woohoo, power outages!
  10:13am koto:

i think the model in Steve Albini's song is more sexier.
  10:14am muwa:

Unless you get snowed in...
Avatar 10:14am bibi:

room 237 is a really fun conspirationist movie, and some really smart graphics.
Avatar 10:15am KOTJ:

Speaking of shitty weather forecasts
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am Ike:

Is the backup transmitter why there has been a sound like an angry supersonic hamster wheel spinning in the background for the past few days at 91.1?
  10:16am muwa:

Returning after 2-year lapsed listenership, I find Ken beginning to sound like Frank Keys from Resonance FM
  10:16am burpage:

hustler nice cartoon
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:16am Ken:

Yeah good question Ike!
  10:19am Sam:

Is tonight going to be like the April fools one where you claimed you unplugged the guy in the hospital? That show was so friggin creepy!
Avatar 10:19am Mark S:

Knuckles the Dog!
Avatar 10:19am Roberto:

Avatar 10:20am Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am tim from champaign:

Aw man, why'd you have to play Knuckles? I'm gonna be blubbering at my desk for the rest of the day.
  10:21am burpage:

great song--
Avatar 10:21am Cheri Pi:

agreed, I didn't want to cry my brains out this morning either.
Avatar 10:22am braveness23:

I love Knuckles the dog.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am common:

my band played with killdozer many eons ago, and i got choked up seeing this tune live.
  10:23am burpage:

i think its 90s when they did it -- but why do i think i heard this from dr demento 72ish
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am rsj:

i'm pouring out a hit of coffee for knuckles
Avatar 10:24am Cheri Pi:

Common, is it about a real dog??? I need to know.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am SeanG:

dancin manson
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am rsj:

now i've got to clean that up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am common:

@Cheri: i know not. I'm gonna say yes. Cuz i want it to be true.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am Skirkie:

Hail Satan
Avatar 10:27am Frank from VT:

Oh, until I saw the playlist, I thought they were saying "seitan". Makes more sense now.
  10:27am Sam:

You probably already know, they played Tatu at the Olympic opening ceremonies.
  10:28am LovecraftDude888:

Wow Charlie Manson kung fu master.... listening but distracted...back later after provisions mission
Avatar 10:28am fred von helsing:

there was a t.A.T.u. clip and a Tro-lo-lo Man clip :)
  10:28am f♞f♞ (:


There was a rumour that they were supposed to play during the inauguration ceremony of the Sochi Games! Instead they just played a recorded version of a song. Hopefully they'll play at the closing ceremony along Khlam and Pussy Riot.
Avatar 10:29am glenn:

stark effect knows what's important.
Avatar 10:29am fred von helsing:

but the Supremacist-themed commie tractor dance extravaganza was fucking AMAZE
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am DCE:

stretch it, mang
Avatar 10:30am thedunkel:

I think the Russian Police Choir is going to cover KHLAAAM and Flipper for the closing ceremonies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am tim from champaign:

Bring back Knuckles!!!!
Avatar 10:30am fred von helsing:

gotta throw a Supremacist commie tractor dance party
Avatar 10:32am KOTJ:

Stalker bot Valentine.
  10:32am f♞f♞ (:

* along Khlam, Pussy Riot AND Messer Fur Frau Muller!!!

how come I forgot them?!!
Avatar 10:32am Andy says hi:

yes, I just looked for my phone to answer the call.
Avatar 10:33am danjoseph:

Where do you find this stuff Ken?? I'm lovin' it!!!
Avatar 10:34am danjoseph: particular these last two cover/mashups/whatevers
  10:34am brendan:

I too once spent time in a facility for criminally insane robots. But now its time to go.
  10:35am Sandy McCroskey:

Loving it too, Ken! And Laura Gittings here was thrilled to hear "Knuckles"!
Avatar 10:35am earrie:

Morning, Ken+Everyone.
tATu- part of the official olympic entertainment programme -hahaha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am tim from champaign:

Ken, is your Russian handler who seduced you handling any US olympians at the Olympiacs?
  10:37am Sam:

Monday nights are so great now. Vicki gets me nice and tenderized so I can then be putty in the hands of A440.
  10:38am f♞f♞ (:

Hey, last time someone requested here Christine Lauterburg was precisely PLU!!

P.S. People Like USSR!!!!
Avatar 10:38am vanya moscow:

yeah, right?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am MichelleinGreenBay:

Morning, everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am Asheville Jon:

no shirley temple tribute today?
Avatar 10:44am fred von helsing:

whatever happened to Lina Hâgandäzovich
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am Ike:

I am doing a bad job of sewing up the holes that have formed from over-use of my favorite premium ever, the FMU gloves, and was hoping for a backup pair, but I don't see them listed in the prize warehouse. Oh well. I get more comments from actual humans on the FMU gloves than on all FMU shirts combined.
  10:45am Sam:

Pete Seeger, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Shirley Temple. They always come in threes.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:46am Station Mgr Ken:

No Sam. THEY COME IN FOURS. I feel it.
  10:47am Sam:

Who's next, Bob Dylan?
Avatar 10:47am fred von helsing:

persistent rumors of a go-go's pr0n tape
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am SeanG:

woo hoo!
  10:48am t:

fuck yeah the go-gos!
Avatar 10:49am dk:

i love "our lips are sealed", i will always love "our lips are sealed", and i don't care who knows it. so there, i've said it.
Avatar 10:49am pierre:

Avatar 10:49am Cheri Pi:

Avatar 10:49am Mark S:

tell us more fred
Avatar 10:50am Okasa:

Who's next? My prediction… Butch Patrick.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am common:

@dk: me too! especially the bridge.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:50am Ken:

No Sam, not Bob Dylan.

Don McLean.

Just subscribe to the Seven Second Delay newsletter at and then read Kens Korner. All shall be revealed.
  10:50am f♞f♞ (:

I have the feeling Bob Dylan will outlive all of us.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am tim from champaign:

Hey Pierre! Bonjour!
Avatar 10:51am fred von helsing:

quality entertainment!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am MichelleinGreenBay:

Wow...this is possibly the best cover of anything ever.
  10:52am f♞f♞ (:

A-ha!! Are you guys going to 'kill' Don McLean for the SSD tonight show?!?!
Avatar 10:52am glenn:

bob and keith will be standing arm in arm when the rapture occurs. does the rapture occur, or happen?
  10:54am brendan:

Im assume they use some kind of ' lip sealer'
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:55am Ken:

Glenn. Jesus. The Rapture "Goes Down."
  10:55am f♞f♞ (:

MichelleinGreenBay and pierre!!!!

Two of some of the great listeners superstars who are visiting us today in here!
Avatar 10:55am pierre:

Salut listeners extraordinaires !
Ca va ?
Avatar 10:57am bibi:

dis-moi, pierre, tu as tout l'air d'être une célébrité ici.
Avatar 10:58am fred von helsing:

Plier ? I hardly even know'er.
Avatar 10:59am Nick the Bard:

I just figured all your muttering and stuff is part of your show, so, yeh, FMU DJ-isms or whatever.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am MichelleinGreenBay:

Hello, f♞f♞!
Avatar 11:00am βrian:

Did I hear "ithmus?"
Avatar 11:00am bibi:

ken, your passion for sibilences deserves a proper microsampled theme song.
Avatar 11:01am Cecile:

I love you Ken.

Many commentators have pointed out that they are not lesbians, but play them on TV.
Avatar 11:01am Cecile:

I missed Knuckles!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am MichelleinGreenBay:

Ithmus: Represent.
Avatar 11:02am βrian:

Let's hear The Sibilance of Summer Lawns, then.
Avatar 11:02am fred von helsing:

they say they do not themselves munch but they have always supported sexual diversity and tolerance
Avatar 11:02am pierre:

@ bibi : non, un auditeur fréquent, récemment retourné à la maison mère après un long moment d'absence.

tu es français(e)?
  11:02am brendan:

I haven't seen Tattoo in awhile . Many years ago on Fantasy Island.
Avatar 11:02am Cecile:

Ken, you could have it translated and perform it at Hoof and Mouth. That would be awesome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am Ike:

Question: Why does it start on a Sunday at NOON? What's that about? What will be on at 12 noon?!
Avatar 11:03am braveness23:

Oh, I need to flask and rolling papers! Consider my pledge in the mail!
Avatar 11:03am hamburger:

GOODBYE *6 YEARS AGO! (@horse_ebooks)
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:03am cklequ:

That flask is by far the coolest chunk of swag ever.
Avatar 11:04am bibi:

@pierre, j'ai pas de pièce d'identité sur moi mais une photo de danièle gilbert en icône. ca vaut un passeport non ?
Avatar 11:04am Cecile:

I love horse e-books.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04am Mike East:

I've recently been thinking about smoking more joints and drinking on the bus, so really, its a no brainer. May need those band aids, too.
  11:05am f♞f♞ (:

Omelette du frommage.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am MichelleinGreenBay:

The new t-shirt is great!!
  11:05am jeremy:

bitcoins accepted during marathon time?
  11:06am jeremy:

not that I have any... more of a curiosity
Avatar 11:06am glenn:

the rapture goes down? huh. is THAT what all the homophobes are afraid of?
Avatar 11:06am Lewis:

@MichelleinGreenBay - Agreed!!!
Avatar 11:07am Cheri Pi:

CECILE!!!!!! Your triumphant return is nothing short of triumphant!!!
Avatar 11:08am pierre:

@11:05 f♞f♞ : I see what you did just here ! :) love it…
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:08am Ken:

Yes, we will be accepting bitcoin. And Ike, it starts with Jones.
Avatar 11:08am glenn:

munchies explained.
Avatar 11:08am Cecile:

hiya, pi!

Triumphant return cat iz triumphant.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:09am Ken:

Welcome home Cecile!
  11:09am f♞f♞ (:

Cecile is here? Where? Where?!?

Oh..There..I see her! Welcome back, Cecile!
Avatar 11:09am pierre:

@ bibi : ça marche pour moi. en même temps,
je ne suis pas très regardant.
Avatar 11:09am Okasa:

@f♞f♞: Casa de Pepe!
Avatar 11:10am Cecile:

I think 90% of the indie bands out there could be replaced by the complete 70s work of Brian Eno. The release productivity could make this nation great again.
Avatar 11:10am KOTJ:

Is it too late or inappropriate to put in a request for Dr. Buck's Letter by The Fall.
Avatar 11:10am βrian:

Omelette? Je dis non. C'est la Bouillabaisse pour moi.
Avatar 11:10am fred von helsing:

the chemicalization of nacho cheese doritos is a crime against humanistonerarity
Avatar 11:11am pierre:

Cecile !
  11:11am f♞f♞ (:

I don't know what are you talking about ;)
Avatar 11:11am Cheri Pi:

Pierre, I'm very happy that you have met BiBi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:12am tim from champaign:

Hey cecile!!! I hope you'd show up so I could say hi.
Avatar 11:12am fred von helsing:

and 80% of electro could be replaced by the collected works of 10cc. That's more or less what they predicted anyways, that they were playing the music of the future.
Avatar 11:12am pierre:

@11:10 βrian : if I had too choose (fortunately i don't) i'd take both
Avatar 11:12am pgw in mntclr:

mmm, buffalo ranch style
Avatar 11:13am βrian:

Say it with WFMU rolling papers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am tim from champaign:

Whoa, I've never heard this version. Thanks Ken!
Avatar 11:13am pierre:

@CheriPi : Have I ?
Avatar 11:13am Cecile:

thanks you guys. I had a couple of weeks of sick, and then a staycation where i was on a media diet except for Law and Order Criminal Intent, the Olympics and the Lego Movie.
  11:14am LovecraftDude888:

Beefalo Ranch Tiles
Avatar 11:14am Cheri Pi:

@Pierre, you have on this board. all of your hard work converting the French to WFMU listeners is finally paying off.
Avatar 11:15am Cecile:

I don't hate Jane Birkin on this - it works!
Avatar 11:16am Cecile:

I am doing French on Duolingo and also German so I can follow along.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am Mike East:

Just watched the Great and Powerful Oz. My daughter and I liked it, but my wife couldn't be bothered.
  11:16am Laura L:

Thanks for the Foetus Leatherette, Ken!
Avatar 11:17am pierre:

@ Cheri Pi : well I was actually thinking that maybe Bibi is from Quebec, or another french speaking country… anyway, it's nice to see and read another friendly face around here.

Come on Europe, WFMU will soon need our euros !
  11:17am LovecraftDude888:

warm tasty formica!
Avatar 11:18am braveness23:

The WFMU flash is only 6 oz... what kind of lightweights do they think we are???
  11:19am LovecraftDude888:

i gotta run out and do food shopping not happy about it...back later on for the run-up to next bloody storm! wheee
Avatar 11:19am Cecile:

Mike, it's was good. The truly great Oz movie that is true to the subject matter has yet to be made, but I liked a lot of elements of it.
  11:21am LovecraftDude888:

anybody need some Combos or anything?
Avatar 11:21am bibi:

wow, this piano thing is all at once, calypso, contemporary, dubstep.
Avatar 11:22am glenn:

quebec is NOT a country, no matter how much the seperatistes bleat on about it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am Andrew Waterloo:

@Cecile I am also on Duolingo French. Using it a long with my college french course
  11:22am Tørbjorn:

@pierre: I'm standing by with my oil-coated King Haralds; we got this. I'm so looking forward to those WFMU rolling papers !
Avatar 11:23am Jeff:

Kind of cool that people still keep doing Warm Leatherette covers, even though common sense would seem to suggest that The Normal and Grace Jones together had most people's Warm Leatherette needs covered.

This version by Foetus, with the orchestration - anyone else think it sounds like the theme song for the new "James Bond in: Warm Leatherette" blockbuster?
Avatar 11:24am earrie:

Yes. Canada is a bilingual country. It's a French speaking country. And it's an English speaking country.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:25am Webhamster Henry:

This is the year of the do-do-do-do-do, 1992.
Avatar 11:25am Cheri Pi:

2X EX!
Avatar 11:26am earrie:

There's a lot of French spoken outside of Québec.
Federal leaders of Canada are stocked from Oil Country where they don't speak much French.
  11:26am HarktheUmpire:

*Kokend asfalt

Godverdomme! >:(
Avatar 11:26am pierre:

(what Cheri Said)

and to glenn : i'm sorry, you're right. I bad with geopolitical topics.
  11:27am booboo:

The Ex deja vu--it's February 15, 2006 all over again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am Konin:

KokenD asfalt moet dat zijn volgens mij. Ik zeg het maar.
Avatar 11:27am bibi:

quebec is not a country for a 0.5% vote shift or so.
Avatar 11:27am glenn:

and new brunswick is the only official bilingual province.
Avatar 11:27am bibi:

@pierre, im a totally regular parisian bobo. arent you ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am Ellirb:

Never heard that version of In Every Dreamhome A Heartache before. Bravo! Love it. I got lots of coffee, a joint and Ken on the air. Couldn't get any better. Great show today :)
Avatar 11:29am KOTJ:

Ex Ex WAY better than XX
Avatar 11:32am pierre:

@ bibi : your suggestion makes me think that, yes, I might be :)
  11:32am f@f@ (:

so why bibi and not bobo?
Avatar 11:32am fred von helsing:

must dance
Avatar 11:33am bibi:

fmu turns breakcore ? i remember that great label featuring bands like duran duran duran. what was it. google, help me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am fred:

@bibi: cock rock disco?
  11:34am Tørbjorn:

@bib; Could it have been Cock Rock Disco, run by WFMU's very own DJ Donna Summer ? .. My favorite breakcore label, for sure.
Avatar 11:34am bibi:

cokrockdisco. that was wicked stuff.
Avatar 11:34am βrian:

En solidarité nous déclarons qu' aujourd'hui nous sommes tous les bobos !
Avatar 11:34am bibi:

hi fred, faster than google. thx.
  11:35am brendan:

Sounds like one one those isolated tracks things i like these
  11:35am adrian in mpls:

singles going steady flashbacks
  11:35am Tørbjorn:

@Ken; Come on, you know we need Crazy Horses @ 33 rpm, not this pitched-up version !
Avatar 11:36am Dan B From Upstate:

Wow. This seems like it's being played too fast.
Avatar 11:36am pierre:

aaaah Cock Rock DISCO and duran duran duran, souvenirs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am common:

crazy horses at any speed! good!
  11:37am Sam:

Je suis un ex-bobo parisien, devenu un hipster de jersey city.
Avatar 11:37am bibi:

brian, j'ai bien peur que tu en sois déjà un. il est trop tard.
Avatar 11:37am pierre:

@ bibi : btw, fred is a friend, I guess he can tell if i'm a parisian bobo
Avatar 11:38am bibi:

a bobo becoming a hipster, is that possible ?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:38am Rich in Washington:

I was overjoyed to have found a copy of Crazy Horses at a Goodwill a few years ago but on closer inspection, it looked like it was smeared all over with something that looked like fecal matter. Ken, can you confirm if that was part of the original packaging or not?
  11:39am Sam:

Good point bibi, maybe I wasn't really a bobo, but more of a beauf.
Avatar 11:39am KOTJ:

Goddamn! Jesus is a rock star.
  11:40am f♞f♞ (:


Viva la Español!!!
Avatar 11:40am KOTJ:

More like a rock God.
Avatar 11:40am bibi:

fred, would you dare charging pierre with boboism, that could end your longtime friendship, watch out !
  11:40am pierre:

Bobo, hipster, it's what you call other people that don't fit in those two categories that really matters !
  11:40am Sam:

THIS Jesus must die
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am tim from champaign:

This songs gives me the image of Batman running around with only his top and cape on solving crime. Maybe it's the Scratch Acid version that seared that image in my mind.
Avatar 11:40am glenn:

in a perfect world, kandia crazy horse and crazy horse would do a 20 minute jam of crazy horses.
Avatar 11:41am βrian:

Ah, les jeux sont faits. J'accepte mon destin.
Avatar 11:41am bibi:

what is the technical difference between a 25-35yo hipster and a young bobo ? im asking.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am fred:

@pierre: Sorry, you're just not rich enough
  11:41am f♞f♞ (:

Oh, no! Please, no, Lord! Don't let pierre be a parisian bobo!!
  11:42am pierre:

@bibi : naaa, it takes more than that
  11:42am Sam:

Batman was crucified by the Joker, but on the third day the light with the bat logo was seen in the sky by his disciples.
  11:43am pierre:

@ fofo: don't worry, as Fred said I'm not rich enough. But I'll buy you a pint for sure !
  11:43am Sam:

There is a difference. I don't think bobos have scrappy beards and wear plaid.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:45am Rich in Washington:

Is a person who fakes being a bobo a Fauxbo?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am paul b:

Damn, Now I'm in the mood for some Laibach
Avatar 11:47am Lewis:

@paul b - funny thing, I just ran across Laibch here:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47am Andrew Waterloo:

I have a copy of Crazy Horses. It was one of those things were you walk into the record store and the owner says: "just buy this"
  11:47am Brigitte:

Hallo Ken -- Karneval is Germany is coming soon and there are so many wacky songs that need transatlantic PLAY. Won't you celebrate? Germany shuts down from working for a whole friggin' WEEK! Can you believe that?!?
Avatar 11:49am βrian:

Or BoboFaux. I like that. I'm of the bohème-bibliothèquaire ilk, myself.
Avatar 11:49am bibi:

@rich, i like the idea, and it sounds good. i may qualify myself this way.
Avatar 11:49am MenfussMike:

what Wire song is this?
Avatar 11:50am KOTJ:

Strange by Wire
Avatar 11:50am bibi:

a 'fobo' would be a bobo without the contradiction of having the money and denying it. a variation would be the brokbo.
  11:51am Sam:

I think a bobo is more like what we used to call a yuppy. Do yuppies still exist?
Avatar 11:51am KOTJ:

Avoid the REM version at all costs
  11:51am Sam:

Or maybe it's somewhere between a yuppy and a hipster.
Avatar 11:52am MenfussMike:

Avatar 11:52am bobdoesthings:

I like the fox gif... great set ken, most enjoyable!
Avatar 11:52am bibi:

i would say a yuppy lives the market and stands for it. a bobo lives the market and pretend to resist it.
Avatar 11:52am βrian:

I think the bohemian sense really never existed in the term "yuppie."
  11:52am f♞f♞ (:

what about a f♞b♞ ?
Avatar 11:53am bibi:

the fuzz sound of this riff is gorgeous.
Avatar 11:53am βrian:

Before "urban" insinuated itself, I think the demographic term was "young upwardly-mobile professional."
Avatar 11:54am bobdoesthings:

Avatar 11:54am pierre:

@ bibi : maybe we will see each other in gigs then. The international recognition sign is a WFMU item. most often, a t shirt
Avatar 11:55am pierre:

@ f♞f♞ : I like that !
Avatar 11:55am glenn:

yipsters, no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am SeanG:

there's gonna be a borstal breakout
Avatar 11:57am bibi:

sure, ive already posé un mauvais lapin to fred 2 weeks ago, but i wont commit it twice. btw saw a nonsense lineup last saturday, including casio judiciaire. was fun.
Avatar 11:57am βrian:

@glenn: Too close to Yippie:
  11:57am brendan:

Thanks again K man
Avatar 11:58am bibi:

@fred, ive checked couteau twins and i really like their stuff. missed them in la cantine de belleville just one month before you got me to know em.
Avatar 11:58am glenn:

personally, i think sham 69 is the greatest punk band britain ever produced, but maybe that's just me.
Avatar 11:58am Michael:

Thanks Ken.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:59am Ken:

Bye everybody! Thanks for all the L-U-V.
  11:59am f♞f♞ (:

Thank you Ken! And thank you all listeners and commenters whether you are a parisian bofo, bobo, fobo, babo, biba, bobi, bibo...
  11:59am Sam:

I'm a-scared for tonight...
Avatar 11:59am fred von helsing:

today's chatboard was brought to you by
Avatar 11:59am bibi:

thx ken, it'll be 7 stars all in all for bibi this week.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 6:26pm Lizardner Dave:

Just participated in the 7SD thing but I have a feeling this is a reverse prank that is being pulled on us. Andy's acting is horrible, BTW.
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