Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

February 23, 2014 Favoriting

Week one of the 2014 WFMU Marathon with co-host Evan 'Funk' Davies
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(Pledge now! 800 989 9368!)
Favoriting Busmans Holiday - The Allah Las (CD: Allah Las) 2012 [Innovative Leisure]
Favoriting Hey Joe - The Leaves (45) 1966 [Mira]
Favoriting Don't Leave Me Much A Man - The High Learys (CD: Here Come) [Off The Hip]

Favoriting Kick Your Ass - Blue Stratos (CD: Diamond Afterlife) [Off The Hip]
Favoriting Do You Hear Wedding Bells - The Jive Five (45) 1962 [Beltone]
Favoriting Rimbaud Eyes - The Dum Dum Girls (CD: Too True) [Sub Pop]

Favoriting Words Won't Come - The Len Price 3 (CD: Nobody Knows) [JLM Recordings]
Favoriting Farmer John - The Tidal Waves (45) 1966 [HBR]

Favoriting Calligraphy - The Blind Shake (CD: Key To A False Door) [Castle Face]
Favoriting Are You A Boy Or Are You A Girl - The Barbarians (45) 1965 [Laurie]

Favoriting Making My Time - Baby Woodrose (45) 2009 [Bad Afro]
Favoriting Watusi - Richard Berry & The Pharaohs (45) 1956 [Class]

Favoriting Over The Edge - The Gripweeds (CD: Inner Grooves) [Ground Up]
Favoriting I See The Light - The Music Explosion (45) 1967 [Laurie]

Favoriting Much To Much Too Soon - The Frowning Clouds (12" LP: Whereabouts) [Anti Fade]
Favoriting A Public Execution - Mouse (& The Traps) (45) 1966 [Fraternity]

Favoriting Weeping Willow - The Persian Claws (12" LP: Persian Claws) [Musica Para Locos]
Favoriting Diddley Daddy - Bo Diddley (45) 1955 [Checker]

Favoriting Bad Word For A Good Thing - The Friggs (45) 1993 [Telstar]
Favoriting Don't Tread On Me - Kit & The Outlaws (45) 1966 [Blacknight]
Favoriting Dancing With Joey Ramone - The Dahlmanns (12" LP: All Dahled Up) 2010 [Screaming Apple]

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm Minnesota Jeff:

I really love this years Pledge Illustration. Looks like a Taito Arcade game or something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm Rebecca Lewis:

I started a playlist so there can be commenting during this marathon show. Hope that's okay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm Minnesota Jeff:

I may not have enough pull, but I think its okay! Bill Kelly rules!
Avatar 4:12pm tim:

Thank you Rebecca! I put the PLEDGE ALERT graphic in there, but was waiting for the thing to go live. Great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm Uncle Michael:

At what percentage does Chris Christie rise up out of the Hudson?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm efd:

hey everyone, thanks for listening this afternoon! Make sure yiou get your pledge in now to support the Teenage Wasteland show! 800-989-9368 or use the white box at the top of the page to pledge online!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm Minnesota Jeff:

Is she singing "You've got Bimbo Eyes"?
  4:27pm charley44:

Bill Kelly has saved my life more than one Sunday!
  4:27pm LovecraftDude888:

Gumbo eyes..nah think it's Rimbaud Eyes isn't it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:32pm Uncle Michael:

I don't have any money but if you tell Bill that my dad used to date John Fleckenstein's sister that's gotta count for something.
  4:34pm LovecraftDude888:

ready to donate my lupins collection as per that Irish chick on the other night....kidding. Listen EFD..if I'm a cheapo and just order stuff on the FMU shop site is that acceptable? on a budget here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35pm Santos L Halper:

Sounding good Bill! Is this the original Farmer John and who is it. Afraid i only know it through Neil Y's cover.
  4:35pm LovecraftDude888:

I wanna see Chris Christie become a Kaiju monster and wrap himself around the GW Bridge like the Godzilla movies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm Santos L Halper:

No LCD (they weren't kidding on the last board). If you can afford all those box sets you talk about having you can pelage!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37pm Santos L Halper:

Or *pledge* even
  4:37pm LovecraftDude888:

grrrr ok I'll do my best folks
  4:43pm LovecraftDude888:

there he is Chris ChristieManda zssssss!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm Minnesota Jeff:

Yeah! Blind Shake! From Lake City, MN! Best live band in the state!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm efd:

Lovecraftdude, if you pledge just $50 you can get a t-shirt and a sticker! And you don't have to pay right now either.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm Minnesota Jeff:

Lake City is also the birthplace of Water Skiing! On the waters of Lake Pepin!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm Stevel:

No-miss radio today and on Wednesday nights. Good to hear efe in the Wasteland. Doing taxes now, figuring pledge soon.

Blind Shake are on the No-Miss list for me.
Fort. Wayne. Indiana. (Between Chicago/Indy/Detroit/Toledo. Just thought I'd say that.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm Minnesota Jeff:

Stevel: Blind Shake's energy is a-mazing! Hope you like big round house kicks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm Stevel:

Like big roundhouse kicks? Tell me more!!

Seen The Hussy?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:55pm Minnesota Jeff:

Not seen the Hussy, but yes, kicks like that. Plenty of them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm Stevel:

Neato!! Energy is the most important thing to me. If I'm any good as a photographer, I'll capture that aspect of a band. Obviously, the more physical a band is, the easier the task!

Basically, I'm lazy and don't mind getting beer spilled on me.

I'm going to tell The Brass Rail to get on it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm Minnesota Jeff:

Yer at 7%!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27pm Stevel:

Hot cow/dog woof moo action!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31pm Rhody Chris:

I'm so glad the woof moo is in black this year. Me and white shirts don't go together very well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Don't have to Pay Now to Pledge !
- I always forget that !
...Next problem: I wanna 'credit' probably 75% of the programs ! ; but isn't that a wonderful 'problem' to have, indeed
- & LDude: What I do is I pay $10/month automatically (also)...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& I forgot to get a Career, man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm efd:

Last chance folks! 800-989-9368 or online at wfmu,org! Pledge now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm Stevel:

Is Dancing With Joey Ramone a perfect pop song?
  5:58pm charley44:

95% ain't nuthin ta sneeze at!
  6:14pm mark300y94:

show is over.
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