The 2nd Prize for today's marathon show: "Shirtless Despot with Horse" by Jorge. Everybody pledging $1 a day or more is in the running to win it. Drawing at 11:58am today. Top prize: another year of WFMU and you do NOT get the painting.
Those who have not pledged: Do you know that for a sizable enough pledge, you can adopt one of many orphaned WFMU fixtures or DJs, like the volume knob shown here in my avatar? Think of it: It's like those bronze memorial plaques you see in the hospital, but made of sustainable paper and last a whole year!
Pledge and check out the orphanage on Flickr here:
F€F€ (:
Goats? look no further. this song has one and it is from a Ken approved artist™:
holy shnikies are u serious? flipper? ........ dogs at my house are Duke (marma) and molly. other dogs i know besides myself are Tina, Sarge, and Idle.....
Ken! It's your favorite-ever listener, Jeezy! I'm trying to determine my pledging budget this year but I'm still paying off my mouse-pledge for the downstairs theatre. I just wanted to confirm our DEAL. I have a guest list plus one on perpetuity, correct? Is there a place i can ascertain my balance on this?!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again,"'Dreamer's disease'? Really, Mick? I mean... really?"
All this talk of poop cats reminds me of my very own poop cat. I'm making a pledge in the name of Tripod my three legged butt dragging poo smearing cat...cats rule
Back on platypus venom (I had no idea, thanks SMKen!): "Although powerful enough to kill smaller animals such as dogs, the venom is not lethal to humans, but the pain is so excruciating that the victim may be incapacitated."
I'm tellin' ya, boss. Make a special pledge drive later in the spring JUST for the transmitters, and offer a coupla geeky-cool transmittery shirts, and ya cannot go wrong. Ya got plenty of gearheads on tap here.
I think in the context of Russia's precarious male life-expetency, it is meet and good for the Little Father to appear shirtless, on horseback, as often as he sees fit.
The Bukowski Photo is great and so True!!!
Don't let "Them" Kill WFMU!!!!
Greek titan:
Sometimes when they say anal sacs it sounds like they are saying anal sex. If they were talking about anal sex they might get more pledges or fewer I'm not sure which.
missed out on the pet theme in my brief visit here. I live with them, but not by choice… truth be told, I will grieve the passing of all but one of them.
Thanks, Ken and Dave! And to meet the demand to hear these wonderful songs, we have 3 volumes of industrial musicals available on iTunes... see for more info! And the book is available of course from Amazon. Enjoy! from Laura at Blast Books
Thanks, Andrew Waterloo. I always check there but with no luck.
Could someone please share the link to the 7SD e-newsletter web browser version? Thank you in advance.
@ Dan B. From Upstate: Maybe that's why. But the promotions folder doesn't show up when I open the email client through my mobile. Thanks anyway. Great tip.
I don't think they were intended to be heard with a straight face.
Laura L:
@Joe Ray--exactly so. They weren't ever meant for regular people like us (ahem) to hear. Our 256-page book is chockablock with 400+ images and superb text by Steve Young and Sport Murphy. It's great fun.
Damn, friends can't pick me up after my little procedure today to have my anal sacs removed, and they don't want to let me walk to the train station afterwards, but shit, it's just a little Demerrrol, no big thing, I can recover fast from that. Will they sic my insurance company on me or bill me extra if I hoof it afterwards? Anybody know?
I wouldn't go out immediately after having demerrol, I know after surgery, I flit in out of consciousness w/ no warning for at least 2 hours (when given demerrol)
@NGH, last 4-5 times I've been fully alert immediately afterwards, unlike first few times. Too acclimated perhaps. Admittedly could be dangerous if they give me a new droog.
(That was still early on after my sister's family got him after he was rescued. He was literally 45 pounds when the rescuers in Kentucky saved him). Anyway pledge in honor of your Lucky! 800-989-9368!
Please let Andy buy his way out of the tatt. We know by now that you abuse your body just for the fun of it, but Andy's not used to that ssort of thing.
Thanks @Fred Von Helsing! I'm thinking of both streaming and the huge amount of public domain oddities, some of which showed up on WFMU's VHS collections. In addition they will soon have a functioning performance space. It seems like video and audio are beginning to converge in Ken's gif laden page.It would be a huge investment in terms of both time and money.
I just looked up "andy breckman bloods" in google search. The 3rd entry is his wikipedia entry but shows the word "bloods" crossed out in the search result. Not for long, though ;)