Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

March 30, 2014 Favoriting

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Favoriting Grounded - The Catholic Girls (CD: Exposed!) 2012 [Cinema] 4.00
Favoriting In The Land Of The Few (Listen: Pop-up) - Love Sculpture (45) 1970 [Parlophone] 4:04
Favoriting Bill Murray (Listen: Pop-up) - Sloth Baby & The Land Pirates (CD: Sloth Baby Demos) [Sloth Baby & The Land Pirates] 4:0750
(Listen: Pop-up) * mic break 4:1225

Favoriting Troglodyte Girl (Listen: Pop-up) - The 99ers (CD: Spark) [Spinout] 4:1335
Favoriting Open My Eyes (Listen: Pop-up) - The Nazz (45) 1968 [NGC] 4:1525
Favoriting You Give Me (Listen: Pop-up) - The Cocktail Slippers (CD: People Talk) [Wicked Cool] 4:1805
Favoriting When I Think Of You (Listen: Pop-up) - Twiggy (45) 1967 [Ember] 4:21
Favoriting She's On Her Way (Listen: Pop-up) - Michael Lynch (45) [Market Square] 4:2310
Favoriting I Did My Part (Listen: Pop-up) - Little Phil & The Night Shadows (CD: The Legendary Night Shadows) 1966 [Hottrax] 4:2505
(Listen: Pop-up) * mic break 4:2820

Favoriting Swing Like A Monkey (Listen: Pop-up) - The Len Price 3 (CD: Nobody Knows) [JLM Recordings] 4:3020
Favoriting Te-Ni-Nee-Ni-Nu (Listen: Pop-up) - Slim Harpo (45) 1968 [Excello] 4:3315
Favoriting Girls From New Jersey (Listen: Pop-up) - The Launderettes (CD: Getaway) [Wicked Cool] 4:3515
Favoriting Glendora (Listen: Pop-up) - The Downliners Sect (45) 1966 [Columbia] 4:3825
Favoriting Bad Romance (Listen: Pop-up) - EOS (CD: Album) [EOS] 4:4105
Favoriting Walkin' After Midnight (Listen: Pop-up) - Patsy Cline (45) 1957 [Decca] 4:4410
(Listen: Pop-up) * mic break 4:4640

Favoriting Set Me Free (Listen: Pop-up) - The Mourning After (12" LP: Tall, Dark & Gruesome) [Screaming Apple] 4:4810
Favoriting Things You Do (Listen: Pop-up) - The Morning After (45) 1967 [Tam] 4:5120
Favoriting Thoughts About Her (Listen: Pop-up) - The Frowning Clouds (Digital album: Gospel Sounds From The Church Of Scientology) [Saturno] 4:5345
Favoriting Barbara (Listen: Pop-up) - The Temptations (45) 1960 [Goldisc] 4:5630
Favoriting In Vino Veritas (Listen: Pop-up) - The Revellions (12" LP: Give It Time) [Dirty Water] 4:5915
(Listen: Pop-up) * mic break 5:0325

Favoriting She Don't Care About Time (Listen: Pop-up) - The Grip Weeds (CD: Inner Grooves) [Ground Up] 5:0515
Favoriting You Don't Care (Listen: Pop-up) - The Tallysmen (45) 1965 [Tally] 5:0740
Favoriting Not Me (You've Got It All Wrong) (Listen: Pop-up) - The High Learys (CD: Here Come) [Off The Hip] 5:0955
Favoriting I Idolize You (Listen: Pop-up) - Ike & Tina Turner (45) 1960 [Sue] 5:1225
Favoriting Chucara (Listen: Pop-up) - Los Protones (CD: Mara Villa!) [A Tutiplen] 5:1515
Favoriting I Can Beat Your Drum (Listen: Pop-up) - Fever Tree (45) 1967 [Mianstream] 5:1715
(Listen: Pop-up) * mic break 5:1915

Favoriting Uptown (Listen: Pop-up) - Blue Stratos (CD: Diamond Afterlife) [Off The Hip] 5:2020
Favoriting Pachalafaka (Listen: Pop-up) - Soupy Sales (45) 1965 [ABC Paramount] 5:2455
Favoriting Who Will Save Rock & Roll (Listen: Pop-up) - The Subway Surfers (CD: Karmageddon) [Deep Eddy] 5:2700
Favoriting All Over Town (Listen: Pop-up) - The Au Go-Go's (45) 1965 [Jest] 5:2935
Favoriting I Don't Want You (Listen: Pop-up) - The Thanes (45) [Dirty Water] 5:3205
Favoriting I Wonder Why (Listen: Pop-up) - Dion & The Belmonts (45) 1958 [Laurie] 5:3435
(Listen: Pop-up) * mic break 5:3650

  (Listen to your DJ: Pop-up)
Favoriting I'm In Love (With Not Being In Love With You) (Listen: Pop-up) - The Yum Yums (CD: Play Good Music) [House Of Rock] 5:3805
Favoriting I Want My Woman (Listen: Pop-up) - The Emperor's (45) 1965 [Sabra] 5:4055
Favoriting 6654321 (Listen: Pop-up) - Baby Woodrose (CD: Kicking Ass & Taking Names) [Bad Afro] 5:4325
Favoriting Hey, Good Lookin' (Listen: Pop-up) - Hank Williams (78) 1951 [MGM] 5:4540
Favoriting The Kids (Listen: Pop-up) - The New Trocaderos (Digital single) [New Trocaderos] 5:4830
Favoriting You're Gonna Miss Me (Listen: Pop-up) - The Spades (45) 1965 [Zero] 5:5150
Favoriting Walking Stick (Listen: Pop-up) - The Blind Shake (CD: Key To A False Door) [Castle Face] 5:5505
(Listen: Pop-up) * mic break 5:5805

Listener comments!

Avatar 4:05pm Mailman Tom:

The power and the glory of REAL rock and roll! Play on, Bill Kelly!
  4:38pm david from ks:

,,,,Wow! a comments board for the seasoned DJBK ! good show !
  4:54pm Robert:

interesting "black hole" playlist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm mariano:

Don't fall in...
Avatar 5:12pm Whooda:

The black hole entrance (en-trance) into the the treasure cave of a another time and place.
  5:15pm moe:

great show... love the len price 3 and the grip weeds, great rendition of a gene clark chestnut, just finished the 1200 page history/discography of the Byrds by Johnny Rogan... epic... and that's only part 1... again great show...
Avatar 5:17pm Whooda:

My volume knob creeps up and my mind drawn in deeper to the black hole that is FMU until too late to escape. The physics are true, no escape until the other side into DJ amEdeo. Sorry for that mental image folks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm mariano:

Speaking of black holes:

Careful, very addictive, easy to fall in!
Avatar 5:25pm Whooda:

Hooked vertical bars, chain link curtain and probably a shot of my apartment building door in there somewhere. Thanks Mariano
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29pm mariano:

Very welcome, Whooda. Always happy to put one on the road to perdition!
Avatar 5:30pm Whooda:

Just my luck, I tried to enter more portals to hell and my wifi died. Not even the Devil will entertain me...only DJ Bill Kelly and FMU can tolerate my stench.
  5:49pm SeanG:

  10:54am your way, my way, Norway:
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