Mike, it's true! I'll be playing at Generation Records in the Village from around 4:30 to 5:15...then later, at 11:30, at Superfine in Dumbo, for the Dust & Grooves book-release afterparty...
mike east:
If it wasn't my anniversary I'd totally bring my baby. She seems to dig these sounds
Thanks guys! It's actually the anniversary of the first time I made out with my wife which we celebrate more than wedding day.
My buddy Jeremiah is "running sound" at generation tomorrow. Say hey, he's a good dude
@mike e. : Happy Foreplayversary!
...or Happy Whatever if "made out" doesn't mean just foreplay
mike east:
Hehe, thanks p90. It's an important day...before love, marriage and the baby carriage comes the KISSING
Great show mr finewine!!
Lovin' the Solid Hit Orchestra instro!
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Listener comments!
Billy Jam:
Mr. Fine Wine:
mike east:
Mr. Fine Wine:
mike east:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Mr. Fine Wine:
mike east:
My buddy Jeremiah is "running sound" at generation tomorrow. Say hey, he's a good dude
mike east:
Great show mr finewine!!