Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from May 27, 2014 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting May 27, 2014: Live from providence

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Com Truise  Galactic Melt   Favoriting        
Paperclip People  The Climax (Basic Reshape)   Favoriting Basic Reshape  Basic Channel  2004  0:04:14 (Pop-up)
Robert Hood  Bells At Dusk   Favoriting Omega: Alive  M-Plant  2011  0:16:07 (Pop-up)
Ellen Allien  Go (Marcel Dettmann Remix)   Favoriting Go  BPitch Control  2007  0:25:12 (Pop-up)
Ninos Du Brasil  Novos Mistérios   Favoriting Novos Mistérios  Hospital Productions  2014  0:31:43 (Pop-up)
J.D. Emmanuel  Infinity 7   Favoriting Echoes From Ancient Caves  Sun Ark Records  2012 reissue  0:42:41 (Pop-up)
unknown LSD tester  LSD tester   Favoriting "Schizophrenia Psychosis"  Department of Physiology, University of Southern California Medical School  1955  0:52:47 (Pop-up)
J.D. Emmanuel  In Movement On The Rings Of Saturn   Favoriting Echoes From Ancient Caves      0:53:00 (Pop-up)
Thomas Brinkmann  Untitled   Favoriting Studio 1, Variationen      0:57:16 (Pop-up)
TM404  303_303_303_606_606_Original_Mix   Favoriting Svans EP  Kontra-Musik  2013  1:02:10 (Pop-up)
Ustad Sharif Khan Poonchwaley  Bhairavi   Favoriting       1:10:49 (Pop-up)
Minilogue  Clouds And Water (Rrose Remix)   Favoriting Cycles Remixes  Enemy Records  2013  1:37:03 (Pop-up)
Drexciya  Dr. Blowfins' Black Storm Stabilizing Spheres   Favoriting Harnessed The Storm  Tressor  2002  1:43:18 (Pop-up)
Truss  Beacon   Favoriting       1:48:50 (Pop-up)
Neville Watson  Songs To Elevate Pure Hearts   Favoriting Songs To Elevate Pure Hearts  Crème Organization  2013  1:54:17 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Speaking of school
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
listener james from westwood:

Evenin' Jesse! How do, all!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Whoa, the extended mix!
Avatar 7:03pm
Jesse K:

hey guys! welcome Gary and James!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
listener james from westwood:

Doug, if you're still here, I've been mired in that damn Liar Town site for like a half hour. The neighbors must think I've lost it.

Tuning in from Brooklyn, hi ya'll
Avatar 7:21pm
Jesse K:

hey Adam! welcome to the mix
Avatar 7:21pm

Solid Robert Hood track.
Avatar 7:25pm
Jesse K:

I saw him play last week in boston and he was in top form.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm
listener james from westwood:

Just gonna fave this episode now b/c the 1st 30 min have been the bomb.
Avatar 7:41pm
Jesse K:

thanks James! Thought I'd let my fingers do the walking tonight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

Hey Jesse and everyone! Peeking back in for a while - interesting track (Infinity 7).
Avatar 7:49pm

When was this JD Emmanuel recorded? It's boss!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

Just looked it up, ngh, it was 1981: jdemmanuel.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 7:51pm
Jesse K:

He recorded it in 1980 and 81 and self released on tape, hence the hiss
Avatar 7:52pm
Jesse K:

Daniel Emmanuel was on the I Am The Center new age box recently reissued but he put out a bunch of great stuff that's starting to see the light of day. Here's the liner notes from that record: "Created in 1980-81, this album continues my mix of electronics and jazz. The instrumentation on this album was a Crumar Traveler 1 organ, Yamaha CS-15 Synthesizer, Octave Cat Synthesizer, Yairi DY-74 acoustic guitar with an Echoplex EP-4, Ross Phaser pedal and a DOD Compressor/Limiter pedal. A Teac 4 channel reel deck was used for the multi-tracked recording.

Side one starts with a tape loop using the Crumar Organ mixed with wind chimes and birds that were recorded live. The next two pieces were created with acoustic guitar and synthesizer. The final piece is using the organ.

Greg Kelly, exceptional guitarist friend of mine, plays the acoustic guitar on Memories of Atlantis, which we co-wrote.

Side two is all multi-tracked organ and synthesizers."
Avatar 7:52pm

Thanks davex & Jesse!
Avatar 7:54pm

I almost bought that box last weekend, but my gf convinced me that I shouldn't spend that much money on recs when looking for a job.
Avatar 7:57pm
Jesse K:

she's probably right. But it's pretty awesome
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

Any CD with a 44-page book has me on the brink

could be the next format craze... when cassettes sputter out
Avatar 8:04pm
Jesse K:

PROGRAMMING ALERT:: A very special special GTD crossover next week as I welcome Gary Sullivan of Bodega Pop to these airwaves and he welcomes me into his home. Cohosting from 7-9pm next week!!
Avatar 8:05pm

Not familiar w/ TM404.
Avatar 8:08pm
Jesse K:

Good stuff imo, his given name is Andreas Tilliander. This one is new, his titles for the TM404 project are usually strings of numbers and letters referencing his equipment
Avatar 8:08pm
Jesse K:

who doesn't love to talk about their equipment though
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm

I am scrambling to find Off the Chart of the Obscurometer Material for that show. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm

That crossover show sounds good - looking forward!
Avatar 8:12pm
Jesse K:

hey Gary, I owe you an email, these past two weeks have been non-stop
Avatar 8:12pm
Jesse K:

also, I don't think you'll have trouble with the obscurometer, it should be asking you for advice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm

This track is insane great.
Avatar 8:28pm

hey Jesse and friends
Avatar 8:30pm
Jesse K:

hey Steve, welcome aboard!
Avatar 8:33pm
Jesse K:

@Gary, I'm having a hard time finding the recording details of this track by Ustad Sharif Khan Poonchwaley
Avatar 8:35pm

It's very groovy, details aside.
Avatar 8:35pm
Jesse K:

though in researching him I did find this which looks promising: oriental-traditional-music.blogspot.de...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm

Oh yes, that's a great blog, too, btw
Avatar 8:37pm
Jesse K:

it has some versions of the same raga but none that are that long
Avatar 8:43pm

Rrose. anything the man touches is gold.
Avatar 8:45pm
Jesse K:

Avatar 8:46pm

Fine, I'll fave this set, daggnabbit!
Avatar 8:51pm
Jesse K:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm
listener james from westwood:

Initiating bedtime sequence to the Truss fest. Looking forward to next week's dynamic duo show! Thanks for the killer cuts tonight!
Avatar 8:55pm
Jesse K:

thanks James!
Avatar 8:56pm
Jesse K:

have a great week, I forgot to talk tonight...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm

Great show tonight; see you next week!
Avatar 8:59pm

thumbs up
Avatar 8:59pm

Thanks Jesse, awesome set!
Avatar 9:03pm
Jesse K:

thanks everyone see you soon!
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