Favoriting Why Oh Why? with Andrea Silenzi: Playlist from June 18, 2014 Favoriting

Andrea Silenzi speaks with friends, experts, guys in bars, and her own Grandma Phyllis about where love and sex meets technology.

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Favoriting June 18, 2014: #8 - Hacking the Uterus (Rebroadcast)
Take a deep breath, and come along as Andrea prepares for her appointment to get an IUD, or intrauterine device. Though many women describe the insertion process as one of the most painful experiences of their lives, the women who love their IUDs can't say enough about how it's led to an entirely new kind of independence from hormones and hassle.

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Artist Track Album Label Comments
        Take a deep breath, and come along as Andrea prepares for her appointment to get an IUD, or intrauterine device. Though many women describe the insertion process as one of the most painful experiences of their lives, the women who love their IUDs can't say enough about how it's led to an entirely new kind of independence from hormones and hassle. 
Beex  Beat, Beat   Favoriting Necroscopix (1970-1981)  Artifacts/yclept  Free Music Archive 
Adrienne and Elise at Palace Cafe in Greenpoint        At the Palace Cafe in Greenpoint

My IUD and Me        Here's the article from my friend Adrianne Mathiowetz 
My Mom        Had a bad IUD experience 
Grandma Phyllis        Tried to trick Grandpa into knocking her up 
Anonymous        1/1000 
Krackatoa  Chasing Butterflies into the Snow   Favoriting Dining On Backs of the Brave  Krackatoa  Free Music Archive 
This Episode Reviewed by the Guardian Media Podcast        Listen Here 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:02pm

Hi everyone! Submitting this episode to some contests and stuff, so would love feedback on anything that's edit-able.

What ever happened to the cervical cap? That was thought to be the coming thing in contraception 40 yrs. ago when I took Obs-Gyn.

Reminds me of withdrawal from Tramadol.
Avatar 7:16pm
dB from Oakland:

Hi Andrea! Keep us posted if we're able to vote for you in any of these contests #TeamWhyOhWhy

There's a much gentler, gradual way to dilate a uterine cervix, using a pessary. The pessary swells over about a day.

These IUD and birth control stories are exactly the same as the experiences told from the 70s

I'm so glad you're sharing this episode, and just wanted to also share my experience with the IUD.

I had an absolutely awful experience with the Mirena IUD. The insertion was so painful my eyes well up everyone I talk about it. After, my periods were completely unpredictable (and they didn't stop). From then on, everyday I had debilitating cramps that were so powerful I wouldn't be able to stand. And to top it off, I gained 30lbs in 3 months without any other life changes.
It was insane.

Unfortunately when I talked to my doctor about everything, she didn't know why I had these *unusual symptoms and only in some forum did I see there were other women who experienced these unbearable issues.

I had my IUD removed after 7 months. The hormones scared me so much I refuse to try again -- it's condoms + period tracker app for life!
Avatar 7:24pm

Meeps -- these stories are SO COMMON. Thanks for sharing. Since I first aired this episode, I can't tell you how many stories like this I've heard. So sorry tou had to go through that. I still have the most vivid pain memory ever oy my own IUD insertion.

In my experience, ObsGyns make little of pain. I was even taught by one that childbirth wasn't really painful, but that the Mexican-American & Central-American women we had a lot of as patients at Cook Co. Hosp. were just screaming a lot during parturition because in their culture it was considered good luck!
Avatar 7:35pm
Eyepatch Fox:

I was put on Ortho Tricyclin when I was 18, and It put me into a deep deep depression which ended with me having to drop out of college because I couldn't get out of bed. Turns out I have PCOS, and it was the total opposite of the kind of hormones I should have been on.

Ange, your show is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing these experiences! It's too easy to write BC off as a solved problem.
Avatar 7:42pm
Eyepatch Fox:

I decided, at 34, to get my tubes tied. I was afraid that rough sex like fisting or something might mess up an IUD, and I didn't want to have to worry about it in the future. My mom had her tubes tied when I was a kid, she had no scars, so I thought nothing of it. I should have checked out my doctor better. He said the scar would be below the hairline. It totally wasn't.

This is how I looked when I woke up.


Now I look like I was attacked with a stapler. The scar is tethered to the skin beneath it, like a second bellybutton.
Avatar 7:47pm

@Eyepatch -- that's HORRIBLE. WTF. I actually have had a few women want to talk to me about the decision to get their tubes tied -- the scar was the last thing I was thinking of. Why are girl parts so behind modern medicine?

@Ange As a guy might I say, “Why are [women anything] so behind [what it should be]?”
Avatar 7:58pm
Eyepatch Fox:

Yeah, I had to FIGHt with the guy to do it, too. Even though I was 34 years old, with a mohawk. He thought I was too young to get it done. I should have let him talk me out of it. :/

If you want ladies for a tubal ligation show, I'll tell you all the details!
Avatar 7:59pm

i like this one

Got pregnant on the Copper IUD and had a procedure. Diaphragm sloppy and got pregnant. Procedure.
Now the fab cervical cap- love it. Snug, well fitted by an older MD. Tried pill for about a month at the very beginning and too sick and weird health. No way I am using that again and I now have quite regular periods and cycle. Love it.
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