t w e n t y f e c k i n y e a r s of love n soul groove fantasticness- wow what beauty this universe can create , blissin me out Mr Fine Wine , anyone listening and reading please just post a comment - anything just feel n show the love - this is music brought to you with love , thats gotta be worth a quick keyboard bash
...I can just never get over how astounding these records are - & how they are never presented to me anywhere else I have access to - I can't get to the bottom of it !...
I hope some of you can come to next week's 20-year anniversary party!! It's for you! Here: www.meetup.com...
What RRN63 said +1 !!!
KW in GA:
Congrats on 20 years of soul satisfaction! Wish I could be there for the big throw down, but I will be in Birmingham AL diggin for records. And I know you've heard this before, but am planning to make an appearance in the Big Apple this fall.I hope!
spellbounding balance of records , thanks Mr Fine Wine , classic playlist - could play this on the vacation of a lifetime or the simple day to day passage of life -- oh man WFMU always reminds me how much i love music ---respect
i cant comment on this weeks show (twenny years )(coz no comm box) but fuck yeah absolutely magnificent MFW ,,wow what an achievement in the name of love and soulgroovemagic i love you man
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Listener comments!
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
KW in GA:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Ken From Hyde Park: