mornin' all. bummed I won't get to hear the show until three, yet oddly happy that I'll get a four hour block of Ken. 7SD won't be too depressing, will it?
Good Morning Ken and all. Ken, I was listening the the other night after the news broke about Robin Williams and the depressed gentleman was posting on the Comments board and you popped right up to.communicate with him and offer him your email address. Just wanted to say, that was most cool.
Hey Ken, would you play something from Derek Bailey's "Drum N' Bass" record? Pretty weird record.
f« » f« » (:
Great GIFS! The TV presenter one reminds me of that other GIF where a dog stares with its weird eyeballs some delicious biscuits. I propose to file the snake handler one under 'GIF classics' right there with the talking egg.
Someday I'm going to make a diagram like the one on the blackboard for "Lost", but with color coding to indicate the transmission of themes, names, descriptions. and proximity clues.
Bob Bowers:
The tunes you pick cheer me up! They just make me laugh. Thanks, BB
f« » f« » (:
Far Away Places by the Springfields is one of those few songs in the history of mankind that happens to be perfect.
Im finally losing it. Hearing lullaby music. I knew this day would come - just not so soon
oh wow mutube is coming to a theater near you,, good morning fearless leader and all you kiddles ,,
Here's my French translation of Nirvana's "Come as you are":
Viens, comme tu es, comme t'etais, comme je veux que tu sois,
Comme un ami, comme un ami, comme un ancien memoire
Et je te jure que je n'aiiii pas de flingue
Waiting for the chorus.....
such a beautiful language!
oh man this is terrible
f« » f« » (:
What a shame Klaus Bayer has a video of Die Glotzer (?) but it's SO lo-fi crap! Otherwise it could be shown today!
I love the Beatles and always will but an interesting idea occurred to me: I wonder if it's possible for WFMU to impose a year-long moratorium on any music related at all to the Beatles. Might be an interesting challenge. Even if a tune's lyrics mentions the Beatles, not allowed...
How about a year long moratorium on all rock and roll? That would be interesting.
Instead of a restriction, they could do it like dead air chicken, and whoever 1st plays the Beatles "loses". Wouldn't be much of a chicken contest, though.
mashed Potatoes ... work with "Eisbein & Sauerkraut!".
f« » f« » (:
Can someone explain me the significance/meaning/reasoning of the T-Bone song ? I understand Neil Young is a master lyricist but for the life of me I just don't get it.
But there is at least one thing I can appreciate from this song: Neil Young didn't tried to rhyme T-Bone with 'cancer of the throat'.
German translation service says:
Helge Schneider describes his death as an alcoholic, his burrial in the neighbourhood of celebrity alcoholics, his resurrection as zombie and final cure from addiction since the bartender is to frightend to serve a zombie.
We are lying and sitting on the floor and enjoying your show. Charlie periodically looks toward the speakers with his mouth hanging open, especially when you start speaking.
Ken you must share the findings of this great experiment sometime. I haff been consulting vith mein colleague, Dr. Flossbender und he und I have wunderbar feeling dat like us, you too are crazy id der coconut. We luv u!