Favoriting Blurred and Obscured with Jonathan Herweg: Playlist from August 17, 2014 Favoriting

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An underground journey through the history of psychedelic rock, modern music, shimmering noise, free jazz, punk, funk, children's records played at the wrong speed, tape cut-up, static, the composition of decomposition, and subversive spoken word.

Sunday 10pm - Midnight (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 10pm - Midnight: Jonathan Herweg and his Co-Host Cullan Bryant

Favoriting August 17, 2014: A Heart That Caves In, A Soul That Blows Out

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Artist Track Album Label Format Comments Approx. start time
  Absolutely Real           0:00:00 (Pop-up)
  Adult Entertainment           0:02:22 (Pop-up)
  Transmission Begins           0:02:36 (Pop-up)
  Barfly (All The Things I Don't Want To Be)           0:03:27 (Pop-up)
Electric Orange  Holzbock   Favoriting Platte        0:04:12 (Pop-up)
  Revenge         Soundbite From Bloody Pit of Horror  0:08:13 (Pop-up)
Gino Peruri  Bloody Pit Opening Theme   Favoriting         0:08:57 (Pop-up)
Jake Holmes  Dazed and Confused   Favoriting The Above Ground Sound of Jake Holmes        0:11:23 (Pop-up)
Louise Landes Levi  Part V   Favoriting City Of Delirium        0:16:00 (Pop-up)
Neil Young  On The Beach   Favoriting Live Somewhere?        0:18:35 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Gas 1   Favoriting

Nah Und Fern 




0:26:13 (Pop-up)
            0:31:30 (Pop-up)
Bardo Pond  Without A Doubt   Favoriting   Drawing Room Records  7"    0:33:56 (Pop-up)
Hogo  Sea view   Favoriting Essmma        0:36:40 (Pop-up)
Pjusk  Glott   Favoriting Solstov        0:40:14 (Pop-up)
City Of Salt  Dreaming Ape   Favoriting Towers Open Fire        0:46:16 (Pop-up)
Feldspar  Feldspar   Favoriting Feldspar        0:49:59 (Pop-up)
Tashi Dorji  Improvisation No. 1   Favoriting Tashi Dorji        0:56:49 (Pop-up)
Ruthann Friedman  Topsy Turvy Moon   Favoriting Constant Companion        1:14:53 (Pop-up)
Brian Bennett/Alan Hawkshaw  Mermaid   Favoriting Synthesis        1:15:38 (Pop-up)
Camden Joy Express  Kill The Movies   Favoriting Teaching and Advocations        1:18:34 (Pop-up)
500 mg  Problem Child   Favoriting Vertical Approach        1:21:16 (Pop-up)
Meridian Brothers  Cancion del Moderno Templario   Favoriting Devocian        1:27:16 (Pop-up)
Alvarius B  Flying Skillet   Favoriting Alvarius B        1:30:52 (Pop-up)
  Weird Sound/Destructive Sound Montage           1:32:01 (Pop-up)
Equipe 84  Senza Senso   Favoriting         1:32:34 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Scheeming   Favoriting The Chosen OSt        1:36:36 (Pop-up)
Major Stars  The Way We Are   Favoriting Distant Effects        1:45:12 (Pop-up)
Valet  Dealers Vs. Ocean   Favoriting False Face Society        1:54:08 (Pop-up)
  Galaxy Of Terror!           2:06:36 (Pop-up)
Vangelis  Spiral   Favoriting Spiral        2:07:55 (Pop-up)
The Blue Men  Magnetic Field   Favoriting         2:18:42 (Pop-up)
Mauthones (Boring Machines)  More Alien Than Aliens   Favoriting         2:19:33 (Pop-up)
Michael Flower And Neil Campbell  Wharf Cat   Favoriting     7"    2:33:27 (Pop-up)
Joni Mitchell  Woodstock   Favoriting Ailes For Miles        2:38:51 (Pop-up)
vanessa rossetto  whole stories   Favoriting Whole Stories        2:46:03 (Pop-up)
Papir  Sunday #2   Favoriting Strundum        2:52:13 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Morning Jon ......

Night shift.
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 3:04am

Avatar 3:07am

Hey there YALL!
Avatar 3:07am
Nadine Duchamp:

Hi Jonathon. Started listening from Mary's show. Good stuff!
Avatar 3:08am

Thanks Nadine!
Avatar 3:29am
Nadine Duchamp:

What about You dont have to go? oh wait thats not the name of it, is it?
Avatar 3:32am
Nadine Duchamp:

Go, go, go! Thats the best after you've been up late at an amazing show. Ah, you're young. You can handle it ;-D

I'm here. Good stuff thus far
Avatar 3:36am

Jonny? That's my name? I have no use for the superfluous H though .
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 3:36am

I'm here too.

Always glad to find myself awake at this ungodly hour on a Sunday morning.

switching from app to stereo

Here in Calif. Liked the Electric Orange one.

well, Jherweg, it could be worse--there's some pro baseball player first name Jhonny
Avatar 3:44am

Is that how they spell it in Norway?

I like Jhohnnhy.
Avatar 3:46am
Nadine Duchamp:

Jahni, be good?
Avatar 3:48am

I try to be kind.....I have no interest in being good though.....good is a weak adjective, like nice........
Avatar 3:48am
Nadine Duchamp:

Johannes is Swedish.
Avatar 3:53am
Nadine Duchamp:

"Feldspars are a group of rock-forming tectosilicate minerals that make up as much as 60% of the Earth's crust. "

hello everyone!!..
Avatar 3:55am
Nadine Duchamp:

hello vlad!

good morning nadine..!
Avatar 3:57am

Hey Vlad!.....
Avatar 3:58am
Nadine Duchamp:

Is it short for Vladimir?

Short for Impaler

short for vlady..
Avatar 4:00am
Nadine Duchamp:

Har har!
Avatar 4:02am

Vlad is from MEC EEE CO

hey jonathan!!..nice selection from tashi..!

I'm listening and digging it... We're here
Avatar 4:04am

He'll be playing here LIVE on the 7th of September at the performance space....

Avatar 4:05am
Nadine Duchamp:

What is MEC EEE CO?

I like , jherweg, nice tunes, love it baby!!!


decadent groupie...haha

Vlad's a nice spelling, but it needs extra Hs. Vhlahhd.
Avatar 4:10am
Nadine Duchamp:

Thanks, I never say "what is that" when I have access to the internet, MEC EEE CO brings up weird stuff.
Avatar 4:11am
Nadine Duchamp:

Mexico, I've been to there!
Avatar 4:13am
Nadine Duchamp:

You really can't...
Avatar 4:13am
Nadine Duchamp:

Yes, we can!

a silent h..

dodgy eye contact in ny city..
Avatar 4:14am
Nadine Duchamp:

I could explain that

Absolutely zero pronunciation of the Hs.
Avatar 4:15am
Nadine Duchamp:

It mixes with the A, right? So no direct pronunciation of the H but it is still there

Thank you

tu tu tu...
Avatar 4:33am
Nadine Duchamp:

If you could change your heart to wanting to give, wanting to give whatever it is that she wants, ok, no eye contact/ then what is going on? I ask myself why I want eye contact so much I asked that when I was young--14 to 20's-- but everyone thought I was crazy. So I got used to men always and forever wanting to make eye contact whenever i was in public. I drank a lot , n the weekends it made me so nervous. SO now thats the reason I figured out after asking myself why I needed eye contact so much from men. I wasnt used to it at first, then I got used to it because it wouldnt stop and now that I am used to it, it is totally different and you can probably imagine why...When a woman is young, it is a constant. You will need to actually know her. There is a lot of stranger" lack of trust. ANyways, thats my take on it...or one of my takes on it all, the sexes thang, since I am in this great category of women where we are sort of old but sort of young, too, so we can actually discus such things and thereby hopefully promoting greater understanding between the sexes (genders?)
Avatar 4:34am

How was the Alvaris B show the other night, Herweg?
Avatar 4:34am

Avatar 4:34am

Avatar 4:35am

You New Yorkers are way too spoiled. /jealous
Avatar 4:36am
Nadine Duchamp:

Guitar has a lot of wonderful swells, peaks, crescendoes and dips
Avatar 4:36am

Yeah well we only have to pay like 7000 dollars a minute to rent an apartment in the corporate asshole of the world.
Avatar 4:38am

It's crazy that dichotomy. It is both the arts capital and corporate asshole of the world.
Avatar 4:38am
Nadine Duchamp:

This is really the best stuff. I really miss NY.
Avatar 4:39am
Nadine Duchamp:

There are other cities with music where it isn't so hard to live
Avatar 4:39am
Nadine Duchamp:

Nooooooooooooo; its so sad
Avatar 4:42am
Nadine Duchamp:

I didnt have kids and I swear don't give up hope, man! Its been a hard week, I've been trying to figure out why I give such a shit about a celebrity. No, but you get used to the action of caring and taking care. The sooner us humans learn how to actually take care of life, the sooner we can find a way to communicate about problems!

and they´r like really tiny pieces!..of plastic..that disolve, and are messing with the molecular composition of the fishes..
Avatar 4:45am
Nadine Duchamp:

....And I was depressed about that 20 years ago. I understand why you are so upset. You have to know that some of us were totally angry and went to many demonstrations which the media totally ignored, etc etc etc, I am just strangely happy that everyone seems to know about the problems it seemed only a few of us knew about. At least people know about the serious problems now. The worst thing of all is the nihilistic attitude.
Avatar 4:47am
Nadine Duchamp:

Anger is an energy , yeah? If it is not buried with negativity, then one can do much with it

never heard major stars before..

will look it up ...
Avatar 4:49am

they kick ass, and they put on one of the best live shows ever.
Avatar 4:50am
Nadine Duchamp:

I forgot to fave songs on Mary's show. Not used to all this luxury.
Avatar 4:51am

Avatar 4:57am
Nadine Duchamp:

I want to go on there but that would destroy my anonymity right? i don't know much about these things right now.
Avatar 4:59am
Nadine Duchamp:

This is creepaliscious
Avatar 5:00am

you mean your name is not Nadine Duchamp?

graveyard shift..!
Avatar 5:07am
Nadine Duchamp:

Yeah, don't fuck with your sleep...Hope you get a good rest after this!
Avatar 5:08am
Nadine Duchamp:

LOL yeh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...don't tell myself - I'm supposed to be sleeping - but enjoying show...avoiding unnecessary eyecontact...& H's...
Avatar 5:09am
Nadine Duchamp:

Some of us are natural night owls, but it doesn't hurt to have a solid 8 hours every night... Hello to RRN63! Get yeself back to bed right this instant!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10am

Hello Jonathan and listeners
Jonathan, your premium is so good I vowed to wake up before noon and catch some of your show live
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:


silent eye contact and family oriented h´s...premium graveyard shift material..!!
Avatar 5:13am

Oh Wow thanks Fred, so glad you dig it, i worked really hard to find sounds that were unavailable anywhere else, I was worried it was a little all over the place, but i think you were one of about 5 people that got my premium!
Avatar 5:15am
Nadine Duchamp:

Vangelis? The Vangelis?

I grew up in an era where everyone stayed up late on Saturday, plus we're in Cali, man.
Avatar 5:15am
Nadine Duchamp:

How do you go about finding what is unavailable anywhere else?
Avatar 5:17am
Nadine Duchamp:

I would get your premium!
Avatar 5:18am

I can't reveal all my secrets, I did a sound bite montage that was all my cut up, theres a field recordings on there that i made. some other home recordings, very obscure tape music i found, and a band from my home town.
Avatar 5:19am
Nadine Duchamp:

Thanks, Jonathon! Is that whats on your premium?
Avatar 5:21am
Nadine Duchamp:

To be honest, I really like some of what you've played but there's a few things I care not so much for. But that's the beauty of it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25am

@Nadine: Yes. This premium covers some ground, but there is something consistent about it too. Definitely one of my faves of this year's harvest

I love it all Jherweg, Jonathan!!! It's some weird stuff and that's what makes your show totally awesome!!!
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 5:28am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

Hey everyone!

nadine you wrote..jonathon..sounds like you were trying to mash-up his name with marathon...
Avatar 5:30am

Thanks Fred that means so much ...... and thanks to everyone who has listened..... its been a fun show.!

hey spatulator.
Avatar 5:31am
Nadine Duchamp:

Yeah, alone the thing I didnt care for would not be great, but it all hangs together so well! Hi Spatulator!
Avatar 5:34am
Nadine Duchamp:

that sounds like crap, yeah woops, I loved most and I mean 95% of your show and the other part I didnt even hate.
Avatar 5:36am
Nadine Duchamp:

and I'm very choosy with what goes into my ears, bla bla bla yada yada yada

Love it baby!
Avatar 🎙 Swag For Life Member 5:37am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

This is good background music while I do house work.
Avatar 5:38am
Nadine Duchamp:

@Spat--Right? I'm selling stuff on ebay, or procrastinating (its Saturday! Whaa)
Avatar 5:40am
Nadine Duchamp:

But even so, when I dont like something I cant listen to it. I thought I was going to lose my mind wiith that samsung phone that would not let me have control over my music, and started to feel very "end-of-worldy" when I had no access to good music. This what you are playing is magnificent!!! I feel very honored to be listening. And sharing this with others here as well.
Avatar 5:43am
Nadine Duchamp:

what a maroon, yah i know

This is a great song, I love Joni Mitchell.
Avatar 5:50am
Nadine Duchamp:

But hey there may have been the aftereffects of his meds....new pharmaceuticals to deal with his PArkinson's

Anyways, thank you!!

Oh captain , my captain!!! I love your free will, great show Jonathan!!!! Loved it

Later. Thanks
Avatar 5:51am
Nadine Duchamp:

Seize the day, now go to bed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55am

Great last hour Jonathan! That will motivate me to get out of bed earlier next week

Avatar 6:19am
Nadine Duchamp:

I was on some kind of rant there and missed some great comments spec to me, sorry about that, I missed them at the time: J--Youre correct in that "good" is weak adjective! I can't stand using that word but I do too much.
And vlad-- Thank you re: connection of marathon and Jonathon, but I didn't realize it till you said! LOL, but I didn't get "decadent groupie!"
Avatar 2:00pm
Simon P:

Initiate sonic bombardment, indeed. Thanks Jon. NY/Pjusk/Tashi Dorji/Major Stars..the list goes on, and I still love Joni
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