Favoriting Wm. Berger presents My Castle of Quiet: Playlist from September 10, 2014 Favoriting

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WFMU's House of Horrors; with black/death/doom metal, punk/grind, Kosmische/Krautrock, filmmusic, and noise/improv. Regular live guests and film commentary.

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Favoriting September 10, 2014: #235 Lose or Loose?

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Fabio Frizzi & Giorgio Tucci  Zombie Theme   Favoriting Zombie OST  Blackest Heart Media    CD    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Stooges  Loose (Take 2)   Favoriting Funhouse  Elektra / Rhino  2005  CD  2CD orig. 1970  0:05:03 (Pop-up)
Extended Versions  In This Town   Favoriting Extended Versions  Nur. Sch. Records  1991  LP    0:09:53 (Pop-up)
Tangerine Dream  Ossiach Lake   Favoriting Electric Monster Rock Show - Live German TV Performances 1969-1972  Seidr    CD  v/a  0:14:09 (Pop-up)
Bruce Lose  What's Your Name?   Favoriting Lose  Subterranean Records  1983  7"    0:18:28 (Pop-up)
The Stranglers  Goodbye Toulouse   Favoriting IV Rattus Norvegicus  EMI  2001  CD  1977  0:24:06 (Pop-up)
Spitzenqualität  B.M.K.   Favoriting Spitzenqualität  self-released  2014  MP3  https://spitzenqualitat.bandcamp.com/releases  0:28:29 (Pop-up)
Moonknight  Dreaming in Blood   Favoriting Moonknight / Horrendus  Bajo Sepulcro Productions  2014  Cassette    0:41:51 (Pop-up)
Alkerdeel  Horsesaw   Favoriting :Morinde:  Consouling Sounds / At War With False Noise    LP    0:44:49 (Pop-up)
Hexis  Abalam   Favoriting Abalam  Halo of Flies    LP  http://hexisband.bandcamp.com/album/abalam  0:47:05 (Pop-up)
Portal  Abysmill   Favoriting Outré  Profound Lore  2007  CD    0:49:33 (Pop-up)
Bad Biology  trailer   Favoriting           1:56:21 (Pop-up)
Ellorsith  Marasmus   Favoriting 1959  Caligari Records  2014  Cassette  coming in September  0:55:45 (Pop-up)
Dismember  Override of the Overture + Soon To Be Dead   Favoriting Like an Ever Flowing Stream  Nuclear Blast    CD    1:02:29 (Pop-up)
Martyrdöd  Tämjda Människor   Favoriting In Extremis  Havoc Records  2005  CD    1:07:43 (Pop-up)
Klais Schulze  Frank Herbert   Favoriting "X"  Magnum    CD  2CD  1:20:45 (Pop-up)
Moth Cock  D. Kiss   Favoriting Bremmy  Hausu Mountain  2014  Cassette    1:31:15 (Pop-up)
DA  LOVE MESSAGE   Favoriting OVERMIND  DA-REC  2014  MP3  http://www.schlockweltall.de/daovermind.html  1:48:50 (Pop-up)
Night Train Murders  trailer   Favoriting           1:56:44 (Pop-up)
Lussuria  Boneblack   Favoriting Industriale Illuminato  Hospital Productions  2014  CD  avail. on LP & CD  1:55:46 (Pop-up)
Laurie Spiegel  East River Dawn   Favoriting The Expanding Universe  Unseen Worlds    CD  2CD reissue  2:33:51 (Pop-up)
Steven Hufsteter  END CREDITS   Favoriting Kiss of the Damned OST  Soraya  2013  CD    2:22:03 (Pop-up)
Justin Marc Lloyd  The Number Five Tasted Wrong, Part 2 + Panic Dreams   Favoriting your  Love Earth Music  2013  CD    2:25:57 (Pop-up)
Dementia and Hope Trails  Man Is Obsolete. Erased, Extinct.   Favoriting Dementia and Hope Trails / Soft Pieces  seven1878    CD-R  violentthreads.blogspot.com  2:33:09 (Pop-up)
Josh Millrod  Cutting Out   Favoriting Seeking the Millenary Kingdom  Solid Melts  2014  Cassette    2:49:09 (Pop-up)
Polushon  Krugovi   Favoriting Dépaysement  self-released  2014  MP3  http://polushon.bandcamp.com/releases  2:55:03 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:11am

morning. great start
Avatar 12:15am

You going to play the new u2? I want to hear the new u2
Avatar 12:17am

Fucking iTunes; I thought I had paid for that shit! or been hacked... The Nerve! Like "who wouldn't want free U2?" Me!
Avatar 12:24am

I wish you did pay for it or got hacked. I'm not laughing at you tho
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29am

Hey folks.
Avatar 12:39am


that was rad
Avatar 12:46am

Moonknight rulez #1
Avatar 1:00am

Great Ellorsith track.

I never, in my long life, with its diverse interests, had am urge to listen to even one song by U2, I always thought about Bono and crew as totally non-deserving of interest.

good morning from southern germany
Avatar 1:22am

I completely agree Schlockmaster.

I always thought U2 was making music for italian junkie-whores.
Avatar 1:22am

Flemish is crazy awesome!

But its easy making fun of them - I never did understand the appeal, the whole phenomen of U2, its alien to my mind, so uts better to shut up about it at all.

Klaus Schulze is fun, though. Did you ever play Manuel Göttsching?
Avatar 1:29am

They used to be sort of fun if you were tired of listening to your Echo and The Bunnymen records, U2 were a 1/2way decent Irish diversion along similar lines, first three alubms, maybe. But he [Bono] has always overdone it, his histrionics are not my style, though somehow I love Freddie Mercury's histrionic vocals, or Halford. ...It's like they summed up so astutely on South Park, "no matter what he does, he still comes off like a piece of shit." That's pretty accurate!
Avatar 1:31am

I have played Manuel G., yes, for sure on this show. An album from '83 was reissued recently, and of course the collab w/Schulze was officially done on CD, though I have had a boot for awhile. And the Apricot Brandy album, I've played a lot in life, can't recall whther or not on this pgm.

WOW I'm a fan of MOTH COCK now, brilliant!
Avatar 1:52am

Yeah I love those guys! ...Another case where the live set really "sold" me on them. That piece is great, and they're just a phenom in person.
Avatar 1:58am

Amazing new record from Lussuria!
Avatar 1:59am

...was just sitting here thinking the same thing!

The night train murders giallo is one of my favourites, I always derested riding the train from munichvto rome, and that one has got all the bugs, thrills and stops of that ride!
Avatar 2:01am

Really? Are there women in their 30s giving out free shags in the W.C.?

I love the night train muc-roma. it was the best way getting back home from bavaria to my city. it s a pity that my husband don t share this love.
Jill K.:

Another great show Wm. Thanks for helping me fight the demons of my insomnia brain as always. -j

and mine, as well
Avatar 2:10am

Ah, some fresh voices! Thanks so much, you're welcome. ...I understand the burden of the insomniac well. I have been on sleep meds for years now, otherwise brain just won't shut down....
Avatar 2:39am

NIGHT TRAIN MURDERS: sure there were young women available in toilets back then - it was the mid 70s - remember? By the time I got to ride that train in the early 80s, they were gone, I was left with the noise, the stops and the boredom of waiting 3 hours on the tracks near verona to continue the ride - no dining car on that one either, no drinks, but the wife always loved everything about it.
I can see the analogy to LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, the cruelness and the hopelessness surrounding the deaths of the young girls, I think were these films differ is the on point atmosphere in those giallo films - LHOTL could play anywhere in the bushes around any city, its not printed on NYC - but NTM cleverly includes the feel of the time and place, its so recognizable, I think that speaks for a lot of those great italian 70s and 80s films we love. Even ARGENTO includes precise settings, that give you those films a documentary look and feel. American film-making is more about creating fantasy settings, there are lots of exceptions, sure, but take HALLOWEEN for example, where Carpenter builds the ultimate suburban setting, its an over the top world, that could be anywhere. Or PRECINCT 13 - over-amplifying LA into a guerrilla war zone, I could bring up more examples but I think I made my point - those italian films and even german ones from that time tended to let fantastic events happen in the "real" world, thats part of their appeal.
Avatar 2:43am

LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT again: I saw the remake a year ago, and I don´t remember much about it, I think they changed the ending a bit, but other than that it was so lala, O.K.ish like all those remakes, TCM, Hills have Eyes or Halloween for that matter, nobody needs them, they are getting done anyway...
Avatar 2:46am

...you made me think of Fort Apache The Bronx, right there. That movie makes the Bronx seem like a post-apocalypse eternal night, and I think in a lesser way New Jack City did that with Harlem. ...I agree, I fancy the European films much more, they give me a sense of different European locales at that time in history, I dig the fuck out of that stuff!
Avatar 2:47am

Fuck remakes. That said, The Evil Dead one was NOT BAD AT ALL! Mostly, they all suck compared to the originals, I doubt any genre fan would argue....
Avatar 2:48am

But perhaps our perspective - remember BORING OLD FARTS? bof, hehe - could be wrong and the new generation has a better grip on the media being produced for them - when I played those films to my kids a few years ago, they just laughed, they thought the FX were funny and could´t relate to the characters motivations... And those films are in color, so they CAN digest them, b/w is totally unreadable for them.
Avatar 2:48am

I LOVED the Herzog remake of BAD LIEUTENANT, I think its superior to the original.
Avatar 2:51am

FORT APACHE THE BRONX, best film by Newman ever and its got Pam Grier, FUNtastic!!!
Avatar 2:52am

My son hates my penchant for old movies, doesn't get it. But new horror films are so plastic, so predictable, he sees that too. ...And I really love both Bad Lieutenant films for completely different reasons, the Keitel one is great C'MON it's super-gritty, and a great NY film. The Herzog / Cage one is just freaking insane, that's why I love it.
Avatar 2:54am

Yes, or think about the portrayal of NYC in King of NY - its so over-the top and you don´t really see LIFE, you see sets like the irish pub or the crack house or the hotel, and it makes you see THAT for NYC - other than in the Giallo settings, where most is shot live on the corner, at the piazza.
Avatar 2:56am

Even the NYC of Scorcese is over-aestheticated mostly, I don´t mean that as a minus, I LOVE what american filmmakers do, but its a totally different approach to the european one.
Avatar 2:57am

Gotta go walk the dog now, great talking to you, as always, take care, good show, etc....
Avatar 2:58am

I agree, King of New York looks really plasticene/neon/fake; but somehow Ferrara captured the grit of those times perfectly. I lived in Brooklyn at that time, and was in lower Manhattan often, so those drug cellars and LES streets are very real to me from that time. Somehow, the LIEUTENANT succeeds where KONY fails in that visceral regard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17pm

Getting to this week's show a tad late. Coasting to 5pm Friday.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm

Wow, I LOVE the Laurie Spiegel track. I will need to listen to more of that.
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