I reckon hollering is good for the soul as long as its yodel like and not asshodel like .
liking the chaotic unorganized show MFW , why not go crazy and just pull out a random plate and spinnit ,bet its a gem
@Martin if you dont find any good record fairs then you could do wot i did and download some MFW podcasts- I am off boarding into the snowy mountains soon and my small portable sound system needs food while i thrash n glide thru natures majesty- sooo looking forward to blasting the mountains with MFW shows and Billy Jam shows i recorded...its bliss
at Spidermank - I like your snowy mountain soundtrack….One weekend I just listened to Downtown Soulville archives back to back - not one bad record….goddam that Detroit DJ made my day
@spidermank... That sounds like the proper way to carve a mountain. Wish I had plans to to do some riding. Winters in New Jersey are hit-or-really-really-miss
Hey Billy , good to see you in MFW comments box. Looking forward to your manchester visit , you too MFW ,you have always a welcome and a place to stay.
I hear you Billy - my friend plays archive PTNOTR and DTSV all the time when we are at work - its so good to work hahahahah .
@Martin - if there's snow even a small slope with a homemade kicker is a day well spent , its worth chasing the snow , theres always a drift of it about somewhere . Hope you get to shredd some slidy stuff geeza . (with music blasting its extra ace)
That Pretenders Track? Forgettaboutit. Too beautiful for words...;That seals it. What's up with some of these 'FMU DJ's doing some of their BEST shows latey?
Any time Mr Fine Wine.
If that aint a song title then i dont know what is 8)
Thanks for the usual magic MFW , fridays make my week worthwhile BJ and MFW -wikkid
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Listener comments!
Sean B.:
Melissa Jean:
Listener Jumpy:
Listener Jumpy:
Mailman Tom:
Sean B.:
Listener Jumpy:
Sean B.:
liking the chaotic unorganized show MFW , why not go crazy and just pull out a random plate and spinnit ,bet its a gem
Mr. Fine Wine:
Sean B.:
Listener Jumpy:
Billy Jam:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Billy Jam:
Ignore Function:
@Martin - if there's snow even a small slope with a homemade kicker is a day well spent , its worth chasing the snow , theres always a drift of it about somewhere . Hope you get to shredd some slidy stuff geeza . (with music blasting its extra ace)
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
Sean B.:
Billy Jam:
If that aint a song title then i dont know what is 8)
Thanks for the usual magic MFW , fridays make my week worthwhile BJ and MFW -wikkid
Sean B.: