Good morning, Ken. You don't want to know what I've been dreaming about you since I went back to bed. In fact now I have to go back & dream some more to erase the memory.
I'll just say it ended w you looking on & eating a sandwich while Andy was turned into a Swiss cheese of bullet holes by a whole group of Mafiosi exacting justice for the multiple adulterous incidents. The dream, I mean.
Morning Ken from Birmingham UK, where the Supersonic festival will be kicking off on Friday. As for suggestions, playing two things randomly at once often works well - I've just accidentally listened to Nick Hook's Collage V.1 Remixes at the same time as Takashi and Brozman’s Sun Dunchi and it sounded great.
Post office says alcohol is OK domestically, but banned internationally. Prohibited items are air bags, ammunition, explosives and gasoline. Interestingly, narcotics are not on the list.
'Another local who came across him is Diana Death, who later said “I met him once and he totally skeeved me out, I wanted to dip my aura, which he said attracted him, in bleach...I think only dudes like him.”'
It's me! Listening in the car driving through London
Ken - if you weren't aware, two Fridays ago a guy dropped off a big donation of many boxes of LPs at the station, and i remember him saying there were polka records in there.
Proops' schtick is spouting cheap, lefty cant in a smug tone that makes me wish I didn't basically agree with him. (I only indulge in the expensive cant, and could not possibly be smug because that would imply that I were somehow imperfect and needed to change in some way.) Lopate was high-handed, but he had a point: when you lived through that era, you got to hear all the truly formulaic and predictable crap we've justly forgot along with the artists Proops is justified in extolling. It's true of any era, and the part of conservatism I can like: time is a great filter, and given a finite life-span....
(But to hear him use 'white people feeling good about themselves' as a negative epithet when he is extremely white and so intensely self-satisfied...he might not be in a Volvo, but caring about that is itself commodity fetiche, and reverse-snobbery is still snobbery, often with a 'protest too much' flavouring.)
Basement Jaxx makes me miss when Cecile would stop by this show's comments section. She's entertaining and Ken will play anything she requests. Because everything she requests is gold.
If you liked "the Gaz" (not the band's actual name, this is some odd Italian translation of the name Plyn), you should listen to Dybbuk's Ale Cert to Vem, their only full album of songs from this period (Dybbuk was the name they played under after Plyn was banned by the government.)
A good Monty Hall event would have the Mollie B. Polka Party from RFD-TV playing on a big video screen. Couples with matching hats admitted at a discount.