Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from June 30, 2015 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting June 30, 2015: The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

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Tonight: The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
I knew this Confederate Battle flag business was going to get ugly. And it has.

In the aftermath of the Charleston Church Massacre, citizens, state officials and business leaders have called for the "Southern Cross" (which is not the "Stars & Bars") to be removed from official perches and mothballed. A prominent flag manufacturer said they will no longer make the "Rebel" flag. Wal-Mart, eBay and other retailers, both online and off, have removed the flag from their inventory.

This, of course, has some Americans pig-biting mad. Which, of course, sent sales of the flag through the roof. Online and on front lawns, there are now more Rebel flags being displayed than before last Wednesday, when a despicable racist gunned down eight Americans because of their skin color.

The OTHER flag in the news this past week is the Pride flag. A real uproar ensued when it was Photoshopped on the General Lee, the Dodge Charger driven by "those Duke boys" on the southern-friend TV show Dukes Of Hazzard and became a meme:
A rare shot of the General Lee before they welded the doors shut.

Speaking of flags, a reporter named Lucy Pawle thought she saw an ISIS flag flying at a London Pride event and CNN spent seven minutes on it before realizing the flag actually depicted sex toys:
Click the picture to see the video.
Tonight, we'll discuss symbolism, semiotics and the power of flags. Call 201-209 WFMU and let your flag fly.
Last Week: Left In the Lurch
Last week's show was a bust. And not the kind I like. My cousin J.D., who was scheduled to join me in the studio, bailed on me with two hours to air. He'd forgotten a previous engagement and was contrite... but it still left me in a tight spot. And not the kind I like.

I decided to make the subject of bailing the focus of the show, and I discussed J.D. and the position in which he left me. Of course, someone just had to call and invoke the perpetually-moronic directive "Get over it." Oh boy, did that set me off. I hung up on the woman who suggested same. But she wasn't done yet. She called back later on and accused me of not being entertaining. Ha! I unloaded on her once more and again hung up. How very satisfying.

Oh, and here's some playlist comments:
  • People who chronically bail are the WORST.
  • I remember back in pre-cell phone days waiting on street corners in Manhattan to meet friends who never showed up. "Did i say 35th and 7th or 37th and 5th?" Turns out they were just dicks and didn't show.
  • Feel free to just talk about stuff for an hour, CT—I'm enjoying it.
  • Get rid of anybody that dicks you over twice and claims to be your friend because they are not your friend.
  • i like this topic better than the planned topic actually.
  • Chris is a punk rocker.
  • I bought my one friend a Dodgers ticket when I was Out West, and two days before the game I see him on Instagram getting on a plane to TX. I thought "Huh, that's weird…maybe he'll be back on Sunday?" Nah, I definitely ate that ticket.
  • Pissed off Chris T. is soo funny!
  • Chris - The next person that says to get over it, give the phone a big yank like Moe from The Three Stooges used to do. They'll smash their head into the wall on the other end.
  • Hey Chris. I have no tolerance for flakey people as well. I mean sometimes its unavoidable but the way it sounds your cousin could have avoided leaving you in the lurch at the last minute. and everyone who complains that "its not funny" can f*&k off.
Lincoln Hubcap
When we divorced I was driving a 1962 Lincoln Continental. Black. Suicide doors. Big V-8. A head-turner. Built the same year I was born. I found it in the classifieds of Hemmings Motor News. A lovely car but its personality was beginning to get to me. Something always needed fixing. I'd head out to the garage to spend the afternoon convincing the power windows to go up and down again and my wife would issue her standard line: "There he goes. The king of lost causes."  

Eventually, she declared the Lincoln unsafe for our son ("Why can't you just take the Cherokee?!") Sam loved it. The backseat was like a sofa. He’d, settle in and before long be lulled to sleep by the whine of the bias ply tires and the Mets on the radio.
The Easter Sunday after the lawyers did their work and visitation was split, I was driving him back to Westchester up the east side of Manhattan when we hit a bad pothole. I pulled over.
“Yeah Dad?”
“I’m gonna see if I can get that...”
“Huh?” He was half asleep. “Get what?”
“That hubcap...”
“Listen... take this.”
I handed him my cellphone. He pulled himself up in the seat, looked outside. It was dark. All the cars had their headlights on.
“Don’t worry. It’s okay...”
He looked at the phone.
“You know how to dial that, right?”
“Yeah.” Cars whizzed past.
“You know who to call?”
“No. Don’t call Mommy. Dial 911.”
I opened the door. The angry buzz of traffic became much louder.
“What road are we on?”
I laughed. “We’re on the FDR drive. By the 59th Street bridge.”
I pitched myself out the door and sprinted to the median, searching up and down. I picked up a hubcap, threw it back down. I walked north, picked up another. Threw it down. My son looked at me, pressing his face to the glass.
The traffic had become much heavier. There didn’t seem to be a break. Sam clutched the phone to himself and shut his eyes.
What if he gets killed? What if I open my eyes and he's dead on the road?
A moment later I flung the driver’s side door open and dumped myself back in the driver’s seat.
“Damn!” I twisted the key in the ignition. “Damn! None of ‘em...”
I checked traffic in the side-view mirror. After a moment, I peeled out onto the roadway. A few hundred yards down the road I pulled over again.
“That’s it! That’s GOTTA be it!” I hurled myself from the car, timed the traffic and skittered across the lanes to the divider.
I scooped up a hubcap, waved at Sam and grinned. He waved back, smiling frantically. The traffic kept coming.
Come on, run!
I stepped out into the roadway. A huge truck went roaring past, blowing its horn. I jumped back.
Come on! Let’s go! Run!
I tried it again. In a second, I was across. I hauled the driver’s door open and tossed the hubcap onto the rear seat.
“Man, that was CLOSE!”
The hubcap landed face down. Sam turned it over.
“This hubcap is crushed!”
“I know.”
He put it on the floor and stretched out again. The Mets were ahead of the Braves five to two as he dozed off. In my head I began working on the wording for the ad I'd run in Hemmings.
Give The Drummer Some For Holly

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I wouldn't ordinarily tell you to go listen to something else while Aerial View is on... but tonight is different. Doug Schulkind of the Give The Drummer Radio stream is programming a show for Listener Holly in North Carolina, who's going through some tough health issues right now. The show is on the same time as Aerial View but you can weigh in on Doug's Give The Drummer Some playlist now and offer some love for a woman who's offered plenty for WFMU.
Obligatory Throwback Pic
On a Canadian road trip, circa 1983.
Tomorrow is Canada Day and I hope to have my 
roadtrip partner, Canadian Dave, on with me tonight.
How To Hear Aerial View
OVER THE AIR: Every Tuesday night, 6 PM Eastern time on WFMU in the metro NY/NJ area at 91.1 FM and on WMFU at 90.1 in the lower Catskills, Hudson Valley, western New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania.

ON THE WEB: Streaming audio in several formats is available at wfmu.org.
ON DEMAND ARCHIVES: The Aerial View Archive page features archives going back to nearly the beginning of the show in RealAudio and MP3 format.
PODCAST: Aerial View is available on iTunes as a podcast.
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Artist Track Year Format
The Chris T. Band  The Night They Drove Old Aerial View Dixie Down   Favoriting 2015  CD-R 
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds  God In The House   Favoriting    

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Listener comments!

Chris T.:

I've kidnapped the General Lee and I'm taking it to get a Pride Flag painted up top!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm

well, those duke boy did grace the broadway stage....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm

can't ken run down to walgreens for a new cd player?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

Evening, Chris!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Buckle your seat belt when you jump over the creek, Chris.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

Fuck that flag. Pardon my French.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

@dale, they need industrial-strength CD players that can go 24/7. You can't get one of those at Walgreens. You AT LEAST gotta go to the Mega-lo-Mart. Or maybe Sheetz? No wait, Sheetz is just for industrial-strength windshield wiper juice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

That's too bad. Cooter was such a nice guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Reminded of the early Punks who wore Swastikas to shock & express Rebellion. Only the true Nazi sympathizers didn't change their tune there.
Nazi symbols are of course illegal in Germany.
...The Swastika. however, was stolen by the Nazis, just as Nordic Runes were (⚡) - none of which they created or belonged to them. They created their own official versions of everything as totalitarians - just as they did with their phony racial 'science'. So that's a little complicated (I'm not, however, inclined to argue much w/a a Holocaust Survivor about what they wouldn't like to see...)

The Confed. flag, on the other hand, was conceived from the very start (reportedly - what do I know actually?...) in Slavery & Racist Oppression - Terrorism & Fascism in fact - & is used to symbolize them still
- whatever else it may mean to anyone else (& it does mean other things to other people, but I'm sorry.)

But know what? These are just symbols. It's the hatred & bigotry - & the GUNS that kill.
Avatar 6:17pm

actually, those shows were doing great, but Grant Tinker, CBS head, hated them and ditched them in 1970.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
Mike East:

interesting and educational gif map, Chris
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

..& the Klan *did* come before the European Fascists (Nazis) & *were* an inspiration to them - as was the effectiveness of the genocide of Manifest Destiny. Yay America....
Avatar 6:18pm

he said something like, "I don't even want to see a show with a tree in it on this falls' schedule"

The flag is an easy symbol to attack and despise for the unforgivable system of slavery it represented. Let's look at dealing with the much harder to deal with hatred and insanity in young white men. What is at the root? why does it persist? Certainly it is much more complicated than a flag on a sleeve...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm

@Cecile, it also had a lot to do with the burgeoning demographics obsession. Aiming solely at "adults 18-49" and higher-income audiences in prime time wasn't a thing until then. When they found that the country-fried shows got older and poorer audiences, that's one of the main arguments they used to ditch them. Now if you do really well in "total viewers" but badly in "adults 18-49" you don't stand a chance, which is why lawyer shows are mostly on the outs.

Have you watched "Blackish" lately?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

I can't help but think that this is a consolation prize for the fact that, once again, there will not be so much as a discussion about gun control legislation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

There was something about CBS wanting to be known as "The Tiffany Network."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Mike East:

sit in the cone of silence!

look at old photos of Skynyrd they look like total hippies

Thought fiat was our monetary system
V Priceless:

Larrabee lives!
Avatar 6:25pm

i loved Get Smart as a kid... so its held up?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

i always saw the confederate flag as a symbol of states rights and secessionism, not necessarily racism. it's just that racist asshats are the ones who hoist it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

Dude, there was a Get Smart convention about 10 years ago, and I totally went to it. Everybody but Mel Brooks and Buck Henry were there. Don Adams with a walker. Barbara Feldon. I don't think Hymie showed up, actually.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

on the channel two news a piece on uber had one guy on who made $120,000 as an uber driver. wtf?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

A cousin of mine in northern VA is defending the Confederate flag on Farcebook and saying the Civil War was because of "states' rights" and not slavery. Gross. NoVA isn't even really the South! That's practically D.C. I haven't had to deal with this before. It's crazy-making. At least my closer family members have more sense.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

is dick gautier sill alive?
Avatar 6:28pm

It looks suspiciously like the Georgia flag
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

He was alive when he was giving the cold shoulder to the Get Smart convention, I'll tell you that.

@dale - Saw him on Love American Style last night

I live in the south. Actually, there are a lot of progressives in larger southern cities. The South is rapidly changing and urbanizing. We've wanted for a long time to get rid of Confederate flag displays. Unfortunately, it took a terrible tragedy to create momentum on this issue.

whatever non-despicable things the flag may have stood for in the past it now has changed into a symbol of ignorance and hatred. No one cares what other former symbolism the swastika may have stood for - it is rightly abhorred for its association with murderous fools.
Avatar 6:30pm

nice asb. excellent avatar btw.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

HAH - russ - you must have decades network, too. i liked when the had celebrity bowling.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

i think that's a bit OVER reactive to eliminate the general lee from history. will model companies stop making models of german messerchmitts or panzer tanks?

Max power flag
Avatar 6:34pm

Obama's poll ratings are suddenly over 50% for the first time in years... i can't help but wonder if the (near 100% conservative and/or republican) bigots and homophobes being extra visible in the past week makes him look more appealing to moderates

American stars and bars , neil

What about black flag ?

for the record it was american Stars n Bars... which was a pun and showed a drunk person on the floor of a bar on the cover (the drunk person was neil). Geddit?!

I heard Mister Young talk about her...
uncle ben:

Free at last free at last
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm
Mike East:

why is the south so proud that they lost their rebellion?
Alex Jones:

In do time. Enjoy the American flag while it's still legal to own. The globalists will give you a new one. Hahahahaha.

The powers that be do these "dumb stupid" things as part of their global chess game, they just make it look dumb for plausible deniability

As a graduate of the University of South Carolina, I can tell you that the "debate" over the flag has been going on at least since I was there in the early 90's. People were well aware of what the flag meant and why it was put there. Bear in mind, the flag went up over the state house in 1961, ostensibly to celebrate (no, I don't get celebrating a loss either) the 100th anniversary of the end of the Civil War.
The fact that it coincided with the Civil Rights era? Just a coincidence...Really, it's not about hatred or marginalization.

Avatar 6:44pm

who me?


Chris "Sweet Home Alabama" You can make up for calling me a Douche.

Oh Can-di-da!

That would almost work, Fred
arrow apple:

The US made Japan require unions in the Unconditional Surrender. Now Corporations wave the flag to destroy US unions. Nothing has changed since the Boston Tea Party.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Greg from Bloomfield:

He just accidentally included "the unemployment rate is way down" in his list of complaints.
Alex Jones:

Finally. Someone that makes sense.
Avatar 6:52pm

lol... i love these angry Obama haters... guy hasn't offered a single alternative

How much is a civilian worth?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

This is the best and quickest explanation of the horrors of the TPP: www.newyorker.com...
It goes unbelievably far beyond just IP. UGH.
Dave Z:

CHRIS !!!!!!! My health insurance went UP
24 % in 2 years.

Don't forget Grover Cleveland.
Avatar 6:58pm

there was literally nothing preventing any insurer from dropping you when you were at your most desperate prior to Obamacare (part of why health emergencies were US citizens most common reason for bankrupcy). now that's against the law. there's no legit comparison between plans before and after ACA.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

the 'middle' class is still picking up the bill for the poor through the aca.
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