w00t! First time a playlist I've created and uploaded has actually taken on the iPod! Past attempts mostly fail. I credit D:O for the mojo to make this work.
Must drive off to the Mines of Moria for the moment. Looking forward to the archive if I can't get a signal amid the mithril and orcs. Laters, all!!
Yes - Beefheart. Though Brown's fines were heavier. Miles was probably the most destabilizing bandleader around. He relished putting his musicians in new and uncomfortable situations they had to figure out for themselves. Thinking also of Miles running up on George Coleman and telling him to stop running scales in his hotel room because ''I pay you to practice on the bandstand.''
I'm reminded, too, of Dave Liebman, in some Miles reissue's liner notes, essentially conceding that he had no idea what was going on on the bandstand most of the time.
I know Terry's a friend of my oft-mentioned uncle Jim. He appears in Jim's film about Pandit Pran Nath. Jim had to be in Omaha for our family reunion the weekend of the Terry Riley festival.
The first time I heard 'In C," it was performed live by just about every musician I knew here in Topeka at that time. I think it was the first time many of them had approached this sort of thing. It was great.
@Uncle Michael - "In C" is a perfect composition for that sort of thing. Engineered for it, in fact. The musicians in Minnesota I saw perform it were also mostly newbies.
COMING UP AT NOON: Amanda's MONKEES SPECIAL on Nazario Scenario: www.wfmu.org... - Amanda welcomes special guest Iain Lee, BBC radio host, record producer, and Monkees superfan
I think what attracts me to d:O is that I will hear music generally not found in other places. Sometimes the radio is sufficient for my listening needs ie no need to own. The other great thing is that other music sounds also appear and you are not wearing those jazz blinkers that so become some DJs. Freeform it is then.
Keep it coming.
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Listener comments!
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
Jeff Golick:
@βrian: good idea -- moah coffee!
Jeff Golick:
listener james from westwood:
listener james from westwood:
Must drive off to the Mines of Moria for the moment. Looking forward to the archive if I can't get a signal amid the mithril and orcs. Laters, all!!
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Didn't Elvis once play the Triscuit Palace?
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Doug Schulkind:
(Needs that second S.)
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff J:
Brian in UK:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Brian in UK:
Apologies for mentioning this but wtf is Trump's problem. Ghengis Khan was a wimp kind of talk.
Jeff J:
Brian in UK:
Jeff J:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Andrew Waterloo:
Andrew Waterloo:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff J:
Andrew Waterloo:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
We've actually preempted our (non-Miles) planned set-ending tunes to just play the rest of this Berlin performance...
Jeff J:
Andrew Waterloo:
Brian in UK:
Jeff J:
Brian in UK:
Jeff J:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff J:
Brian in UK:
Andrew Waterloo:
Brian in UK:
Look fellas I have to walk the dog. Give me a break.
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Uncle Michael:
Uncle Michael:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff J:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Keep it coming.
Amanda Nazario:
Jeff Golick:
Jesse K:
Jeff J:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff J: