@ananonymousparty - I love bill burr's take on it -- the president makes 400k a year salary and bankers and CEOs give themselves million dollar bonuses on top of their millionaire salaries..
Wow, this reminds me of when I was a kid living in south St. Louis county, playing in the neighborhood and knowing when it was time to come home for lunch when you heard the Admiral coming down the river with the steam caliope playing 'Meet Me In St. Louis' as turned around under the JB bridge. Thanks Ken.
Anyway, DanB, I don't have a printer, so I imported the JPEG of the loyalty card into a word processing program, turned it so it was list side up, wrote the text of the secret words in the spaces, converted to PDF, & attached it to an e-mail to Ken.
Look up "Deam-ing" by Complete on YouTube. You will not be sorry.
Fabio is a wise man. Love needs attention. After a long day of work, a crazy commute and the stress of the world we all need to hear those magical three words from our partner.... 'Pinch a loaf'
This is funny - I've always known "They Don't Know" as a Tracey Ullman song, but fine, I guess it was actually written and originally performed by this Kirsty MacColl.