Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from September 8, 2015 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Monday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting September 8, 2015: Falling into the Moon, with Johanna Warren

Aspen Moonrise

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Artist Track Album Label Format Approx. start time
Jade Warrior  Moontears / Heaven Stone   Favoriting Elements: The Island Anthology (Way of the Sun)  Island     
Efterklang  The Ghost   Favoriting Piramida  4AD    0:09:06 (Pop-up)
Yo La Tengo  Awhileaway   Favoriting Stuff Like That There  Matador    0:13:29 (Pop-up)
Ana Egge  Maps of the Moon   Favoriting Bright Shadow      0:17:27 (Pop-up)
Kitchen Cynics Drone Trio  The Parting Glass   Favoriting Venus On a Buckle  Enfant Terrible    0:20:37 (Pop-up)
Elliott Smith  Easy Way Out   Favoriting Figure 8  Dreamworks    0:25:13 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
R. Carlos Nakai 

Shaman's Call / Canyon Reverie / In Media Res / Gateway   Favoriting

Earth Spirit 



0:28:45 (Pop-up)
Johanna Warren live on WFMU
Live performance and chat with Johanna Warren
Leaning heavily on mysteries of nature and the moon, Johanna Warren creates music as lovely as her multi-octave voice. Warren writes simply and deep, using minimalist percussion and flute to embellish her emotional unravelings in song. Johanna Warren's second solo is titled "nūmūn" in tribute to the celestial body, and she played some of those songs live on Irene's show.
Johanna Warren  My Storm   Favoriting Fates  (Johanna Warren)  CD  0:35:57 (Pop-up)
Johanna Warren  Figure 8   Favoriting       0:40:12 (Pop-up)
Johanna Warren live on WFMU
Johanna Warren  This is Why   Favoriting       0:48:57 (Pop-up)
Johanna Warren  True Colors   Favoriting       1:00:27 (Pop-up)
Johanna Warren live on WFMU
Johanna Warren  Found I Lost   Favoriting       1:12:13 (Pop-up)
Johanna Warren  The Wheel   Favoriting       1:24:15 (Pop-up)
Johanna Warren live on WFMU
Johanna Warren  Less Traveled   Favoriting Nūmūn  Team Love Records  CD  1:28:51 (Pop-up)
Johanna Warren  Noise   Favoriting Nūmūn  Team Love Records  CD  1:33:03 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
R. Carlos Nakai 





1:37:57 (Pop-up)
Linda Perhacs  Dolphin   Favoriting Parallelograms  Kapp Records     1:43:17 (Pop-up)
Nick Drake  Day is Done   Favoriting Five Leaves Left  Hannibal Records    1:46:11 (Pop-up)
Nick Garrie  Love in My Eyes   Favoriting The Lost Songs of Nick Garrie-Hamilton  Rev-Ola    1:48:54 (Pop-up)
Lisa Gerard  The Rite   Favoriting The Mirror Pool      1:52:15 (Pop-up)
Goddess  Paradise   Favoriting Paradise      1:55:31 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
R. Carlos Nakai 





2:00:10 (Pop-up)
Mark Lanegan  Sunrise   Favoriting Has God Seen My Shadow? An Anthology 1989-2011      2:08:16 (Pop-up)
Spaghetti Eastern Music  Time For Letting Go   Favoriting Sketches of Spam  Bad Egg    2:11:10 (Pop-up)
Rachel Unthank & the Winterset  I Wish, I Wish   Favoriting The Bairns      2:16:32 (Pop-up)
Andrew Bird  Dissent   Favoriting Useless Creatures      2:22:53 (Pop-up)
Patrick Watson  Know That You Know   Favoriting Love Songs for Robots      2:26:44 (Pop-up)
Zero 7  Morning Song   Favoriting When it Falls      2:34:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
R. Carlos Nakai 





2:40:39 (Pop-up)
Joan Shelley  Wine and Honey   Favoriting Over and Even  No Quarter    2:48:39 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird  Past Houses   Favoriting Don't Weigh Down the Light  Drag City    2:51:17 (Pop-up)
Flo Morrissey  I Only Like His Hat, Not Him   Favoriting Tomorrow Will Be Beautiful  Glassnote    2:56:13 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


More Jade Warrior. Thank you, Irene.
Avatar 9:11pm

hi Irene! YES! what Andrew said :)
V Priceless:

Hey Irene - digging this Warrior!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
Irene Trudel:

Hi Andrew, slugluv and V Priceless! Glad you're liking the tunes tonight.

me too :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21pm
Irene Trudel:

HI Martha! Glad to have you here too.
Avatar 9:23pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Damn, just missed Yo La Tengo...
Avatar 9:26pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

But I'm here just in time for Elliott Smith, yay!

Hello Andrew, slugluv1313, V Priceless, Martha, Bronwyn Smeltfish and Irene!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm
Irene Trudel:

Lots of good stuff tonight, Bronwyn. Sorry you missed Yo La Tengo, but I'll be playing more of it in the future.
Avatar 9:29pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Hi Jake! And it's ok Irene, I'm excited to hear whatever you have planned for tonight :)

Last blast of summer indeed. Cools down the rest of the week. So nasty in NYC/NJ right now.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:37pm
Summer and Michael:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good evening, fine WFMU citizens. Just in case you were wondering, it's also hot & humid here north of New York City.

@KenFromHydePark: It’s just so bad. I mean we need rain.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09pm

Who is she? That they're talking about?
Listener Robert:

Her name was mentioned so softly, maybe we'll have to pick it up on archive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12pm

olá Irene and all youz
Avatar 10:12pm

Linda Perhacs! of "Parallelograms" fame <3
Listener Robert:

Thanks, slug.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17pm
Irene Trudel:

Yes, slugluv, lovely Linda Perhacs. Parallelograms is one of my all-time top 5 albums. And as we talked about, she's a big influence on Johanna Warren.
Avatar 10:20pm

anytime, Listener Robert! please do check out Linda Perhacs when you have the chance!
i grew up in rural/suburban NJ -- "Parallelograms" was HUGE on (mostly) late night WNEW-FM in the 1970s -- but i could not track down her album ANYWHERE! so, i too became somewhat *obsessed* over the years, and was happy to hear that not only was Linda Perhacs still alive but also still writing, singing, and recording!

Pretty amazing that archaic sexism still exists in radio nowadays.

Also, people who are “gearheads” have no clue what they are doing. It’s like guys at Guitar Center who just noodle around all day but have never created anything. Or even guys at photo stores… Crap, do I hate going top photo gear stores.
Ice in Brooklynth:

Thanks for playing easy way out
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23pm

i (as a dude) think i engineer more like a woman....but i'm definitely guilty of being distracted by a beautiful voice!
(if that is in fact a "man" thing. [which is a sexist generalisation; and i know females who also get distracted by a beautiful voice.])
Ice in Brooklynth:

I've been boring holes lately
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26pm
Irene Trudel:

slugluv, sounds like my experience with the album. WNEW-FM played Parallelograms a lot, and I finally found Linda's LP in the 80's. And, yeah, Jake, there is less sexism but it does persist. I'd rather get the music out there rather than talk about how I'm going to do it-- although I'm guilty of that in this interview a bit tonight. She just got me in a comfortable groove talking about my experiences and hers.

Also hardware stores. I’m a guy, but I don’t look like a contractor so there is a good chance I will get treated like a dolt. But that said, hardware stores are a tad better to be a “non pro” in nowadays.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm

i really like this.
Ice in Brooklynth:

This is beautiful

nice set johanna. beautiful sound

@IreneTrudel: This might be a slight tangent, but I work mainly in the tech world and was talking to an old co-worker I ran into—who quit the tech world—about how horrible “dude-bro” culture is in that world. We’re both guys, we both know what we are doing, but the level of toxic “What do you know??!?!” nonsense there is stunning. You would think a relatively new field like that would be less sexist, but it’s just nutty how “old school” some tech start-ups are.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32pm
Irene Trudel:

Thanks everyone! Glad I could turn you all on to Johanna's lovely music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm

Jake- i'm lucky i guess. my local hardware store appears completely un-sexist. there are 2 strong women [you know i don't mean strong physically,necessarily] who work there and even the young part-timers who work the register seem to get treated with respect and no condescension.

And… On topic… Johanna Warren is quite nice this last-ish day of summer heat… johannawarren.bandcamp.com

@coelacanth: You are upstate right? Small towns are actually more open-minded I find that NYC is when it comes to hardware store knowledge/culture. More in tune with the fact that smaller areas need better long term relationships with folks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36pm

Johanna was excellent! i'll come back for the first 4 that i missed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37pm
Irene Trudel:

Jake, I'm lucky in that I finally work at a place that treats me as an equal when it comes to the technical side. And we all discuss new tech and things that might help improve our work tools and such. Mostly sexism comes from people outside our organization, and I just brush it off now. I can't speak to tech startups because I've no experience there.
Peter K.:

Johanna Warren's music is extraordinary, the interview was one of the best you've ever done, and the Mets just came from six runs behind to win, 8-7. It's a great night!

Johanna's voice is a bit musical even when she is only talking. Enjoyed hearing her.
Avatar 10:40pm

i LOVE the kinda "old school" hardware stores here in Hoboken -- sadly, two have closed -- but always super helpful and informative, and i have NEVER been treated in that condescending/sexist "oh you poor little helpless female" kinda way -- but then again, it is not like i ever have this "cutesy" "damsel in distress" kinda demeanor either
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40pm

that's interesting Jake. i don't think most people would guess that...and if i'd thought about it more, [i would've thought A LOT about it if the environment offended me with sexism or employee belittling!] -i might've decided it's 'cause i live in a decidedly "progressive" community, which it is.
Avatar 10:42pm

YES Johanna's music and voice are positively ENCHANTING! fascinating interview too!

Hello Irene!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45pm
Irene Trudel:

Thanks a lot, Peter! And thanks for the Mets Update. Glad to see they didn't collapse.
Avatar 10:47pm

@ Irene -- ahhh Allison Steele "The Night Bird"? :)
i was never able to find Linda Perhacs' LP -- *jealous*!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47pm

actually, Johanna's speaking voice distracted me! ...but, beautiful though it may be,it was because she sounded uncannily like someone i know.(& cannot think of who)

@IreneTrudel: Tech startups are another issue. But yeah, I understand in general.

@slugluv1313: FWIW, I find the mentality of store owners—and maybe just people—in Hoboken and Jersey City to me much more “human” and easy to deal with than NYC. NYC nowadays is far more competitive than it should be even by NYC standards. And when I mean competitive I don’t mean “workplace” competitiveness, but just daily experience competitiveness. Buying a sandwich at a Pret-A-Manger form noon-2:00pm can give me hives.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48pm
Irene Trudel:

Hi KP! Oh, slugluv, you're making me blush! Allison was a big influence on me.

Liz Berg was already preceding Brian on Tuesdays, Irene. The big one is Joe/Joe Mondays
Listener Robert:

Don't be so sorry re name pronunciation consider all the people who must read your name to sound like "strudel" w/o the "s".

@KP: Yeah, Imaginary Radio moves to Thursday and Joe McGasko is on Monday and then Dan Bodah has a new 1 hour long show on Mondays

I think there's still a lot of Nick Drake stuff in vaults.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52pm

still no Sue P. (sad &/or pissed face emoticon)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54pm
Irene Trudel:

KP, you're right! Just had a senior moment with Liz on that one. Listener Robert, yes I do get "Strudel" a lot. One of my brothers wanted to add an extra "L" to his name legally because it annoyed him so much-- until he went to Montreal and found there's lots of Trudels up there (pronounced correctly too.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56pm

i never thought "strudel"; but i used to think "Trudeau"!
Avatar 10:56pm

@JakeGould -- i know what you mean! NYC USED to be "friendlier" -- more "Mom & Pop" shops i guess -- but now all those big box stores, the suburban stores . . . Starbucks on Delancey Street? 7-11 in NYC? how did this happen?
Avatar 10:57pm

beautiful show, Irene! SO RIGHT for this steamy Summer night!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57pm
Irene Trudel:

coelacanth, I get "Trudeau" a lot too.

@slugluv1313: Well, it’s not just the big box stores making NYC less friendly in basic ways. If anything I will say my interactions at 7-11, Home Depot and other chains have been quite pleasant. But—for example—“foodie culture” restaurants supplanting real mom & pops is maddening. Don’t get me wrong! There’s lots of great new food in NYC nowadays, but some of these places are just staffed by a-holes who seem to have read Anthony Bourdain books and decided that it’s acceptable to be a d-bag for no reason.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05pm

my town has successfully blocked chain-businesses from coming into the heart of the village,mostly. starbucks got in somehow;but i don't really care. there are at least 6 cafe's and many more places for coffee & tea in a 1/4 square mile area and they all survive.
i'd bet that one day the ordinance will be changed. someone will get paid off & we'll end up with a wendys or a cvs. for the time being,there's enough of us who care that that won't happen.

@slugluv1313: Meaning, in old NYC if you had no reason to be mean, you were nice. If someone was a jerk, so were you. Now it’s really that stereotype of entitlement I never knew before.

@coelacanth: Where is this magical place you live in? Perhaps I can be granted to passage to it one day?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07pm

you can't get here from there!

FWIW, there are so many Rite-Aids in my Bay Ridge neighborhood I can’t even. I’m waiting for the day they take over 1 whole city block: The Rite-Aid district.

@coelacanth: Where my good man?

Coelacanth, I wish they would do something like that with Greenwich Village. It needs protecting but it's just about too late
Avatar 11:13pm

@JakeGould -- yes, exactly! all this weird arrogance/entitlement -- and yes, i appreciate that, for example, there are more vegan options in NYC -- but the snooty "foodie" stuff? yuck!
and yeah, i wanna know where coelacanth lives too!
here in Hoboken, there are THREE CVS stores, a Walgreens, and more nail salons and bars than you can count . . . and ok, i am aware of Hoboken being that town with a bar on practically every corner (think "On The Waterfront"!) but not the "frat boy" bars/clubs you have here now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13pm

i thought you knew! new paltz.
...it's not so magical. it is better than average though. and we do have a few of those things a mile up the road- which is good,i guess. i do shop at shopright.
(& there's a rite aid,a whackdonalds and a bugger king.)

@KP: Sorry to say but Greenwich Village is effectively dead. I remember the magic of exploring mom & pop stores there as a kid in the 1970s. What other place in the world would let an 11 year old kid buy copies of the underground comic “Fat Freddy’s Cat?” Or just have tons of great, true mom and pop stores. Now if I walk on Bleecker from 6th to 7th I want to vomit. It’s not just the loss of stores, but what they have been replaced with. Just chains and true tourist crap. And then past 7th Avenue? It’s just high end boutiques and not much else.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15pm

(...and the usual filler stations)

@coelacanth: I was going to say New Paltz, but I didn’t want to assume since I watched that Odd Couple episode where Felix taught Oscar about what assume means: Makes an ASS out of U and me.

Agreed Jake. St. Marks is a disgrace as well.

@KP: Saint Marks on a Saturday night is quite a shitshow nowadays. Just frat boys and sorority girls and the shops are just crap. If it weren’t for the smattering of Japanese restaurants/bars it would be completely useless.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20pm

yeh,last few times i was in nyc i had to lament the loss of not-TOO-pretentious pubs. are there any left?

this singer is very slightly Joanna Newsomish.

Yeah 6th to 7th is bad. There's a Bleeker record store toward end but it's kind of dreary and the rest is worse
Listener Robert:

So, Jake, you saying at 10:47 that "Sandwich Time" is an accurate represent'n?

@KP: And also Canal Street back when it was filled with hardware and surplus places. Now THAT was a great place to get hardware. Never talked down to and just amazing.

@ListenerRobert: I have no idea what the "Sandwich Time" representation is, but Jesus Moses and Mary do I hate going into Pret or any deli during real lunch hours.

@coelacanth: Some normal pubs/bars still exist. But nowhere near what it used to be. I mean you know what’s nuts? McSorley’s Ale House is arguably the only bearable “go to” bar in the near East Village nowadays.
Avatar 11:23pm

@JakeGould and KP -- AGREED yes my first ventures into NYC (especially LES and Greenwich Village) were in the late 1970s -- TONS of record stores, book stores, and of course CBGB's, Max's, etc. . . . i think Porto RIco Coffee is still on Bleecker Street (i hope!) but so much is gone

Jake, the NYU seizure of whole area is unforgivable. They should be cursed just for erasing the Bottom Line. That changed everything
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25pm
Irene Trudel:

Oh, how I miss those electronics shops and hardware stores on Canal Street! I found so many cool & useful gadgets/junk there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26pm
Irene Trudel:

Yes, Porto Rico Coffee is still on Bleeker. I often go there to buy coffee by the pound. The aroma in there is really intoxicating.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28pm

Jake that's funny but i can believe it! there was a time i lived in a certain town in nj and the best bar within 20 miles was tgi fridays! (and there were probably at least 15-18 bars within 20 miles of me)

@KP: The Bottom Line disappearing and turning into a “Violet Cafe” is just evil. They are an arts school and they pushed that place out!?!?!

@IreneTrudel: The amount of sheer cool surplus stuff on Canal Street plus staff that really, really, really had knowledge that is just gone is stunning.
Avatar 11:29pm

Canal Street YES amazing finds there!
The Bottom Line, Bleecker Street Cinema, St Marks Cinema on Second Avenue (when that closed, one day my co-worker called me -- from a pay phone! -- on her way home to share the HORROR that it had been turned into a . . . GAP!!!)
@ Irene -- THANK YOU! yes INTOXICATING is exactly the right word!
Avatar 11:31pm

there is an Empire Coffee here in town -- similar aroma! i swear you feel *different* in these coffee places!
Listener Robert:

Jake, I meant like this: www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32pm

canal st. rocked! for a while it had a crazy eddie's too which was great for me at the time, though it may have signaled the beginning of the end.

On one of my last nights at the Bottom Line, Bob Dylan and Neil Young were sitting together at the next table. Just months before that I was outside trying to eavesdrop on a conversation between Mary Travers and Paul Newman. And a college closes it.

I remember taking the train to West 4th Street as a teen, walking to West 8th Street and ALL of the shops there. And then exploring beyond West 8th Street to Saint Marks was another adventure. Now, West 8th Street between Broadway and 6th Avenue is so dead you cannot believe it. Like just empty shop after shop in a city seeing a retail boom and near NYU.

@coelacanth: Crazy Eddies or Uncle Steves? Yes there is a difference and I remember that Uncle Steve’s.

That stretch of 8th is horrendous. One failed fast food chain after another.
Avatar 11:37pm

omg YES! Uncle Steve's!
Avatar 11:38pm

yeah who would think that 8th Street would ever be "depressing"? used to be filled with such character/personality -- the shops AND the people
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39pm

what was that record store on st.marks,right across the "the dojo"? you know- the one with an amazing selection,sometimes reasonable prices and staffed only by uppity assholes...
i remember when that one disappeared.
second coming disappeared a while before.that store was the bomb!

@KP: The replaced the Gray’s Papaya on 8th with a… Liquiteria? Who decided that, “Hey, the cheap hot dogs are gone… I know! Let’s get the $7 per cup fancy juice place in here!”

@coelacanth: Saint Mark’s Sounds? That was the last holdout since the owner of that place also owned the building. So he ran Sounds until he got bored with it.

Zero 7 is adding up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41pm

i remember uncle steve's. 'never could get what i wanted there.
there was also either a crazy eddie's or maybe it was a drucker wholesales.

@coelacanth: This place, right? gothamist.com...

What about “Emotionally Retarded Larry’s?” Now THAT was a store!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43pm

No,but Yes! st.mark sounds was my other favorite! i forgot about it just now.
there was another one a few doors up or down from 'sounds.
Avatar 11:43pm

Trash and Vaudeville is moving off St. Marks Place too (or already has)
Avatar 11:43pm

Venus Records?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45pm

slugluv for the win!!

@slugluv1313: I think Venus Records is the place. Staff were always jerks. But they had a garage music guy downstairs that was really, really, really knowledgable.

@coelacanth: The thing about Saint Mark’s Sounds is EVERYTHING was a promo copy. It’s like that place was where everyone would sell their promo CDs for cash in that “payola not payola” sense.

I walked by Sounds other day and it looked open. Couldn't stop but could see in window and it appeared to be stocked
Avatar 11:47pm

i used to go to all those shops too . . . not to mention the thrift shops that used to be on St. Marks! i think one was called "The Late Show"? and of course Manic Panic and Defiant Pose

@KP: Odd. Maybe the owner decided to stay open?
Avatar 11:48pm

and yes! Venus Records' staff could be pretty hideous -- but i interacted with them as little as possible
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48pm

i remember venus getting more and more expensive,until i wouldn't buy anything,except...they had very cheap cassettes-always.

yes,that's right Jake! i've got hundreds of cut-outs from 'sound!

@slugluv1313: Yeah you went there during the prime days of that street. I didn’t thrift back then, but went to Flip! on West 8th, Unique on Broadway and Canal Jeans back when they were on Canal Street… And then on Broadway… Those places had pretty awesome clothing cutouts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49pm


FWIW, I have a funny feeling at least one person who worked for Venus Records—or at least knew folks there—has a WFMU connection. It just seems like I remember someone mentioning Venus Records once.

@coelacanth: “yes,that's right Jake! i've got hundreds of cut-outs from 'sounds!” You and me both helped keep the “DJ promo copies by the case to cash” economy going.

Okay, I am gone. Goodnight folks!

And thank you Irene for letting us folks ramble. And also having Johanna Warren on the show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53pm

it used to piss me off that 'sounds always put a 2" round sticker on the albums that was never NEVER coming off- seemingly aiming for a key spot to the integrity of the album art.

The used cd trend bugged me. I stayed away
Avatar 11:53pm

i also used to work at the Tower stores -- bookstore, then the outlet --- somehow Other Music has managed to survive
@JakeGould -- a bunch of us thought that Flip! opening was the beginning of the end of 8th Street! (trying to remember what was there before) -- but like one of the first "large" stores on 8th Street! . . . but yeah i used to go to Unique, Canal Jeans, etc. too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54pm

Jake,you're probably gone- but i think that's true! (and that person was not civil)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55pm

(yes i remember who.)

Other is awesome. Convenient to me. But when I moved here Kim's was practically next door
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56pm

'night Jake.
Avatar 11:57pm

goodnight, Jake!

See ya all. Good night, Irene
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm

goodnight KP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm
Irene Trudel:

G'nite all! Thanks for all the old NYC memories, and of course, for listening in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am

Thank you Irene. 'twas Lovely!
g'night slugluv!
'night folks!
Avatar 12:04am

goodnight Irene! thank you for a lovely show!
goodnight coelacanth, KP, everyone!
Avatar 12:30pm
Van in DC:

My turn!
Avatar 1:13pm
Van in DC:

Wow! When the first Johanna Warren song first came on, I immediately thought, "Is this Marissa Nadler with Dead City Emily?" ha ha
Avatar 1:43pm
Van in DC:

Awsome that Johanna is influenced a lot by Linda Perhacs
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Sean in Boise, ID:

Great show, Irene and a lovely set from Johanna Warren
Avatar 10:22am
Van in DC:

Back for more!

Look forward to the live Goddess set next week!
Avatar 11:14am
Van in DC:

Oh, and for any other Yo La Tango fans in the DC area who happen to see this - they are in DC at the 9:30 club on 9/25
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