@Mr. Fine Wine: This is a great concept well executed. Thanks for using this program to show a facet of Allen Toussaint that may have gone unremarked upon.
Area friends told me they tried to count the number of times 'Humpback' is actually spoken in this song. They were unable to come up with a definitive answer.
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Listener comments!
Melissa Jean:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Debbie D.:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Debbie D.:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Uncle Michael:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Debbie D.:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt F:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mailman Tom:
Uncle Michael:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Billy Jam:
Uncle Michael:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Gaylord Fields:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt F:
Mr. Fine Wine:
gilberto gil-procissao (1966)
Uncle Michael:
Uncle Michael:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Uncle Michael:
Billy Jam: