Like Harry Shearer said on his podcast a couple of weeks ago, "Hey let's keep doing what we've been doing the past 14 years, it's worked out really well hasn't it?"
To honor the recent terrorist victims from Paris, I just made some French toast. Happily, my daughter ate some. She can be finicky about food, so this is wonderful.
Anonymous the hacker group said they are now at war with ISIS.
Neil, Wild:
So dig, we wanted to kill Russians so bad we dumped billions into what is now Al-Quadia to kill Russians back in the early 80's...its like a big make-work program for the Military Industrial Complex...
My Whirlpool washing machine leaked water all over the basement over the weekend. After running a load, the valve closed properly and all is dry again.
If that Mark Zuckerburg is a smart guy, he'll bequeath some of those $45B of Facebook shares for charity in the name of WFMU. I'm not a Facebook member, but I'm sure it's a fine, upstanding product.
A minor issue: the time on the home page appears to be off. It says "The WFMU time is now 10:22 EDT on Wednesday" just now. It's 10:36 on my computer and it's now EST because Daylight Saving Time is not currently in effect. I wonder if the time difference affects posting comments from Android.
I’ll tell you what’s wrong with the website – no HEADSTREAMING. A million crappy radio stations that can beam directly to my brain, and no WFMU? What am I paying for here? Come on, people, it’s 2022 and you’re behaving like