Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from January 7, 2016 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting January 7, 2016: Obama, Guns, Interviews, Fun, Music and Moor

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
An Interview with Bob at Grand Central Station
Peter Banks  The Loneliest Sea   Favoriting Two Sides of Peter Banks  Sovereign  1973  MP3  Original guitarist of Yes, later of Flash   
Phil at Grand Central Station
Art Garfunkel  99 Miles From L.A.   Favoriting Breakaway  Columbia  1975  MP3  Written by Albert Hammond   
Chiming In
Larry Fast and Alan White  On The Run   Favoriting Pink Box - Songs of Pink Floyd  Purple Pyramid    MP3  Pink Floyd Cover   
  Hillary Clinton speaks concerning the NRA
Pizza Gal
Dash Crofts  Today   Favoriting Today  Lightyear  2000  MP3  Love him and this. Such a defining Seals and Crofts sound.   
Joe at Grand Central
Pavane  Berceuse   Favoriting Pianorama - Modern Piano Music  Idol  2015  MP3     
Caroline Speaks to Us
Yanni  Santorini   Favoriting Yanni Live at the Acropolis  Private Music  1994  MP3     
  President Obama Speaks About The Need for Gun Law Reform
Talking with Ufaldo
Tom Petty  You Got Lucky   Favoriting Long After Dark  Backstreet / MCA  1982  MP3  Always liked this one.   
Claudia Shares some Thoughts
The Chocolate Watch Band  Expo 2000   Favoriting No Way Out  Tower  1967  MP3  Never heard this before, or the band. Heard about them all my life. Really dig this!   
Mike Has A few Things to Say
West, Bruce & Laing  Pollution Woman   Favoriting Why Doncha?  Columbia  1972  MP3  A Jack Bruce song. Jack from Cream, Leslie West and Corky Laing from Mountain.   
So Says Steve
Mahogany Rush  IV ... The Emperor   Favoriting IV  Columbia  1976  MP3  One can hear the Hendrix in this. Love it.   
  Still Alive ... C. Pigeon
Banjo's Biscuit - C. Pigeon
  Thanks for listening to this episode of The Dusty Show on WFMU. President Obama had just finished addressing the nation concerning guns and I thought it might be a good time to hit the street and ask people what they thought about the subject.

As it was, I was on vacation for a few days and I had the opportunity to walk around a little and not visit my usual haunts of either Union Square Park or Penn Station/MSG. I ended up at Grand Central Station, which exposed me to quite a different cast of characters than I might have found elsewhere. I had to turn this show in early, as my wife and I were going to take a trip to Jamaica. As you read this, we have already made that trip and it was very cool. Jamaica was an unforgettable experience. You know, I thought about doing interviews there and that would have been interesting, but I chose to actually be on vacation instead.

Anyway ... I'm glad you listened to this episode. The Accu-Playlist was lively and that's always good to see. I am so tired right now. We just went to see The Revenent. Kirsten liked it. I struggled with it. And the world continues to turn. Goodnight all. Peace. I miss David Bowie. Dan Haggerty. Natalie Cole. Alan Rickman. Always, always remember. ........CP1.16.1699fIACNTSK

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Marcel M:

I just don't understand when people say that, "gun control only effects the innocent." Do these people actually listen to what Obama said? It actually doesn't effect law abiding citizens who are mentally fit to own a firearm AT ALL.

Hi Clay!!
vanya moscow:

"Banjo initiation theory rotate salamandra"? Good evening everyone

Happy New Year Clay, wherever you are...
Avatar 6:07pm

yo Pidge!
V Priceless:

Happy New Year, Clay!
Avatar 6:08pm

Claaaaayyy ....
Avatar 6:08pm

Happy New Year Clay and Pigeonnaires. I'm ready to hear some Steve Hackett solo records now.

happy 2016 Clay and all the listeners!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

this guy's a total tool.
Avatar 6:09pm

Lovely tunes today, Clay! Love you man
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

hi Clay and all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Marcel M:

There was an extremely revealing article in The Times that showed all the guns that were used in killings and mass killings. An overwhelming amount of them were bought legally by people who should have clearly been denied them. Also, if your background check takes longer than 3 days, you are automatically allowed to then buy it cuz it took too long. Under federal law. What the hell? People who disagree with that sort of thing being changed are just sick, I'm sorry...
Avatar 6:10pm

Get 'em all worked up, Clay. Then stick a mic in their faces ...

Do you love the USA? To me, that sounds like, Do you love the high school football team? Just me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Marcel M:

Ok, I'm drinking whine now and rolling one up so I'll calm down now ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Marcel M:

wine* HAHA! whine was a Freudian slip
Avatar 6:11pm

have the "we have a mental health problem" people explained what they're going to do to prevent gun violence by the mentally ill? i cannot find an answer to this question.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm
Marcel M:

I'm whining with my wine over hea!
Avatar 6:12pm
Linda Lee:

good evening! Happy New Year Clay!
Avatar 6:13pm

i'm an outsider, so maybe i'm not really qualified to ask americans the question, but honestly, who needs to own a gun? besides hunters and farmers, who need rifles, of course.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Marcel M:

@Steve: If the background check system was a bit better it would be easier to spot people with mental illness in the background check system. Putting way more money into a budget regarding this would lead, at least, somewhere in the right direction. People with mental health issues slip through the system right now, there are ways it can be made better.
Donald Trump:

Fuck yes and I'm so high right now !
Avatar 6:14pm

I live in Texas and I'm surrounded by it but sometimes the things I hear from people I am around scares the shit out of me. I will never own one because I know I wouldn't be responsible with it, even though they are treated like toys buy half the people I meet.

Executive actions are illegal...really
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

i don't agree with this guy either.
Avatar 6:14pm

You can tell when Clay isn't in the studio when Fabio has the last 20 minutes to stretch out his show. ;)
Avatar 6:14pm

"I certainly was in the right."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Marcel M:

Here is the article: www.nytimes.com...

If you read through it it becomes clear that the background check system can be improved.
Avatar 6:15pm
Linda Lee:

@glenn ~ as an outsider you're most qualified. frankly my belief is that everyone has an equal right to own a gun, as the need is basically emotional.
Avatar 6:15pm

DSOTM fans may enjoy 6Blocc's 2015 funky reworking of that album. On bandcamp.
Avatar 6:15pm

6blocc's rework was great.

Glenn.. nobody
Avatar 6:17pm

Ive heard people around here bitch about how hard it is to get a silencer. .......just why?

Did that man say he didn't know if he was a member of the NRA or not? How could he not know that?
Hot Mess:

Bernie vs. Trump!
Avatar 6:18pm
Linda Lee:

@Sally ~ maybe he's never paid dues.
Avatar 6:19pm

right. i'm aware of that Marcel, i've still never heard a gun rights person say this, ive only hear libs say it... i hear NRA people saying "we have a mental illness problem", then not offering anything.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

Nice sounds Clay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm

the 2nd amendment is there to keep the government from getting out of control. we will regret it one day if no citizens have guns. but automatic multi-round weapons? NO ONE should be allowed them- (certainly not cops) except soldiers- and then only allowed to use them in times of war,on the soil which the war is being fought.
...and yes,obviously reform the background checks.
Avatar 6:20pm

Everyone needs a gun to protect themselves from everyone else who has a gun, which is everyone. That's the basic argument.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Marcel M:

@Steve: Oh I see, I'm sorry I misinterpreted what you wrote. I agree.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Marcel M:

Oh my god... Clay, next time someone says that can you please ask them how what Obama said will effect them??? Please????
Avatar 6:23pm

"the 2nd amendment is there to keep the government from getting out of control."

do people actually think anyone has any chance of fighting back against the goverment with guns? if the goverment wants you out you don't stand a chance, whatever gun you have.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

ola pigeonairres.

but what if that deer is wearing protective armor?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm
Marcel M:

@Steve: I have two friends who own guns and say that same thing all the time. I really just suspect they are only concerned with being able to play with their toys.
Avatar 6:26pm
Linda Lee:

@coelacanth ~ the concept of a citizenry utterrly without guns is such an outside hypothetical that it should bear no weight in debate.
@steve ~ absolutely right. the fantasy of armed rebellion against the government is just adolescent.
Avatar 6:26pm

All of my friends who own guns, are all for gun control, even those down South, now my uncle....
Avatar 6:27pm

dead air

Great show tonite clay.
Enjoying it muchly!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

steve- if as many people as are in the armed forces and the police force had them? yes. soldiers don't want to get shot any more than anyone else.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

linda lee? how about the ukraine? just sayin'....
Avatar 6:28pm

Nevermind, I had muted my headphones. Wow, so lame.

Clay , when someone tells you things went to hell under Obama , ask them what things ? And pls point out congress opposed everything he wanted to do ,even bills or programs past republicans would have supported
Avatar 6:28pm

Clay, you're pretty mellow tonight. I guess you're not gonna break out the Cinderella?
Avatar 6:29pm
Linda Lee:

i own a hunting rifle. if literally giving it up to any agency could assure a safer world for children, i'd do it in a heartbeat. no question.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm
Marcel M:

Yeah Clay, it would be cool if you asked people to explain themselves. I know you're not trying to trip people up, but just ask them, why and how every now and then. I'd be very curious to see what they would come up with.
Avatar 6:29pm

People are going to get guns illegally regardless. And then you have less ways to track it.
Avatar 6:30pm

coelacanth - so, you're saying, an organized citizen army not sponsored by the government, that's as big as the US army, could take on the US army?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

linda, you will be forced to do that if some people have their way. it's not hypothetical at all; it's what some people are pushing for...without also pushing for cops and soldiers having them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

@Marcel and Linda Lee: Yes, the idea that the government could ever completely disarm the citizens is ludicrous. I also see a distorted sense of the risk vs. benefit of guns for self-defense.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Mike East:

I got live at the acropolis as one of my 10 cd's for a penny for joining one of those music clubs in the 90's
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

i'm ready for the olympics now after that yanni!
tommy t:

Creepy moment one - "here's my card ".
Creepy moment two - yanni

We love you Clay!
We're listening to your show on the drive back to Tel Aviv from a party in Haifa. Yanni taking us back to our respective parents' cassette tapes in the car
Avatar 6:33pm
Linda Lee:

@melinda ~ of course. on both counts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

well,steve, maybe... but if it's too organised the government can track it- and destroy it.

...and,what Grok said.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Marcel M:

@Coelacanth: In reality the gov. coming and taking people's hunting rifle is no where near being on the table. The idea that it is is hurting the cause very very much because people are afraid their guns will be taken.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

the government makes a killing (pun intended!) bringing firearms into this country to be sold illegally. that's not going to stop, for the same reasons cocaine and heroin wont.
Avatar 6:36pm
Linda Lee:

@coelacanth ~ at the present time i consider the possibility a total non-starter, simply due to the political power of the NRA. however, as i said, i'd be fine with it. i'm not emotionally invested in owning this rifle. & emotionality is really the Achilles' heel of both sides.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

Marcel- it's not near being on the table, just as cell phones weren't near being on the table only 20 years before everyone had them.
Avatar 6:37pm
Linda Lee:

if only the NRA sold cocaine & heroin. we'd all be a lot safer. you can only kill one person with a loaded syringe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm
Marcel M:

What do cell phones have to do with politics?
Avatar 6:39pm

And you currently can't own a multi-syringe clip.

We should get the guns to shoot heroin.

Hey lady , the action was not about taking guns away from anybody
Avatar 6:40pm

sorry coela 6:33 + 6:27, im sure this conversation could be carried out reasonably face to face, but reading that seems so over the top, out of the realm of possibility and reasonable discussion (on any side of the debate, even gun owners) im throwing in the towel for now.
Avatar 6:40pm
Linda Lee:

@carmichael ~ of course if the first shot goes wrong, you neutralize the rest.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

i agree with this person...except i don't own one,don't hunt.
Avatar 6:41pm
Linda Lee:

@Tommy ~ am i the lady you're talking to? how sweet of you. & yes, I know.

As a gun owner, I think I would get much more functionality out of my heroin-shooting gun, when it wasn't nodding off.
Avatar 6:41pm

Make all the drugs legal.
Old Dave:

Great topic, Clay! Just had a conversation with my Mom over New Years about the same thing. Her Episcopal Church in Abilene TX is going "open carry" just now.
I'm asking her what does that mean. She says any kind of pistol, like sidearm. I say, well an Uzi is technically a pistol. It is a machine pistol (am I right, B/wad?) She sounded surprised.
Good luck, you Texas "Christians."

Make all the drugs legally available, but only if shot out of guns. This resolves the entire issue.
Avatar 6:43pm

i like your style AnagramOrgies

Clay, this guy is insane , move on
Avatar 6:43pm

A lot of gun violence is from illegal drugs. So, just make em legal so I can get em at the drug store instead of in the projects at 3am.
Avatar 6:44pm
Linda Lee:

thank you Grok.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm
Marcel M:

kids have no respect no mo... its a total melting pot ova hea! EY!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Maybe the politicians would like some more gun control if they spent time in a room with a bunch of mentally unstable people. And some of those people had their legally-purchased loaded guns on them.
Avatar 6:45pm

There was a country recently that decriminalized all the illegal drugs. And spent the money they were wasting on their war on drugs on getting help for drug users. Apparently, their abuse of drugs went down, crime went down, etc. Quite a lot.
Avatar 6:45pm

Hmm, have to see if I can find the articles on that.
Avatar 6:46pm

Think it was Portugal
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

steve, i knew my opinion wouldn't be popular here. it's just that i have seen our rights disappear bit by bit ever since reagan and people who think a scenario as in the book "1984" is implausible have their heads in the sand. it would be easy for them even now...if no citizens had guns the deal is sealed.
...i still Love them!
Avatar 6:46pm
Linda Lee:

yes, Portugal.

Grok, I agree with you on principal, but have you looked at the portuguese lately? Those squares are doing LESS DRUGS. How are we supposed to win a war when no one is doing drugs for us to fight?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Marcel M:

Coel: Even if I agreed with your principles, the idea that citizens having guns could prevent a 1984 scenario seems absurdly naive to me.
Avatar 6:48pm
Linda Lee:

it's amazing what occurs when there's no political advantage to permitting murder.

and coel, come on dude, you know it's really about making supressors out of oil filters and popping off rounds in your garage without the neighbors calling the cops.
Avatar 6:49pm

One problem with stricter gun control. The people that are still going to get them illegally are the ones that are wanting to use them for bad purposes. Then good people don't have them. So, when someone shoots up a movie theater with their illegally obtained guns there's no one to stop them. Seems the majority of targets for these lunatics are places where guns aren't allowed. Cus they know no one will be able to stop them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm
Marcel M:

A piece of steel is actually a knife. Not a gun.

Switzerland has guns for everyone, they are assigned after strict training to every household.

That being said, the Swiss have a long tradition of staying out of fights, and we have 250+ years of nearly continuous war.
Avatar 6:51pm

Education and Training seems better to me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

this conversation always reminds me of the itchy and scratchy movie where they keep pulling bigger guns on each other.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
Marcel M:

They fight, they bite... fight fight fight... bite bite bite!
Avatar 6:52pm

change the constitution, i say. it was written almost 300 years ago. things have changed.

But Obama's action is not about taking guns away from people also this idea of a gun packer being able to have an effect in a movie theater shooting is highly problematic
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

AO, true- but i know that my friends who typically shoot pumpkins and stuff would use their guns if some shithead was knocking down their neighbor's door; or in a scenario like the holiday party shooting.

Wow that is the scariest thing to come out so politely .. "deal with these people who hate Americans first".. so if most of the world hates America, you gonna destroy everyone until only Americans are left?
Avatar 6:53pm

Ultimately, I don't think you can change the situation. Especially not by creating new laws. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Changing the laws doesn't change the people or their behavior.

I love people who assert that ownership of automatic weapons is somehow a bulwark against government tyranny. As if ownership of a Tec-9 can effectively protect you from a drone deployed Hellfire missile fired from 2 miles away coming in through your living room window.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Marcel M:

Grok you really don't think that making it harder for people with a record and mental illness to get guns wouldn't help things?? If a gun check takes more than 3 days, you can buy the gun. No matter what, simply because it took so long. You think that is ok?

Yeah, but you're talking some pie in the sky shit, sire or madam grok-o-matic. The reality is that americans don't want to foot the tax burden or the time investment of proper training and education. We can't even learn to drive properly on a two lane highway and you want us to operate guns safely? I agree with you and coleo in terms of 'bad guys will always get guns', but don't try to say it will make anything safer. Guns don't make things safer, they just scare people into behaving to the tune of the guys with guns, be those guys with guns lunatics in theaters, rogue nations, revolutionary forces, or the armed executive branches of government.

Grok, I'm sorry that soundbite is pathetic. You can't shoot someone if you don't have a gun. Just look at gun deaths in the UK verses America. Even our police do not carry guns. And we have never had a school shooting. AND we are a lot closer to ISIS!
Avatar 6:55pm
Linda Lee:

Grok, are we looking at the perfect as the enemy of the good?
Old Dave:

Mercy. Its a concept you can't make a bigot understand.
Avatar 6:55pm

fair enough coela, but i still find that pretty problematic. i see virtually all gun hoarding militia folks as people who are severely misguided... most anger ultimatley stems from the shitty economy and jobs situation which stems from Wall Street people destroying the economy in the late 00s in a way that was never fully explained in mainstream news and is already extremely hard to understand for pretty much anyone who doesn't go out of their way to study it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Marcel M:

Also not to mention the fact that the only reason Paul Ryan is in favor of the NRA is because he gets paid to be. Its not about second amendment rights, thats complete bullshit. Its money.
Avatar 6:56pm

Again, you're not keeping the guns out of peoples hands. If someone wants a gun they will get it illegally and probably faster than waiting 3 days to get one legally. Or whatever it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Marcel M:

How do you know that Grok? And why not try?

It is hard to get guns illegally. Especially if they have been illegal for a good few years. Australia's gun death rates plummeted after their restrictions came in.

Okay: I second that.
Avatar 6:57pm
Linda Lee:

i feel as if i've been debating gun policy for the last week of my life. while the gun lobby continues to accrue political power through wealth & gun owners continue shooting up their own families.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks, Clay—Happy 2016!

If you like guns then fine, but don't make stupid excuses. Just admit that there will be more deaths as a result of that freedom.
Avatar 6:59pm

Honestly, I don't care either way. And I don't think it would change anything even if you somehow took all guns out of America, which would be impossible anyways. If someone wants to get a gun to kill somebody they will get one. Just like if I want to go shoot cocaine into my nutsack. I will go find that cocaine.
Avatar 6:59pm
Linda Lee:

i'd put forward that the main issue here is the conflation of the US government with corporate power and not the innate violence in the American character.
Avatar 6:59pm

nice discussion here today!

okay, as a person with an illegally obtained gun here, I'm going to have to say it's stupid easy to get one, everyone should have one, and if everyone had an illegally obtained gun, regardless of their willingness to use it, the world would be... like australia after they killed all of the psychopathic murderers and only the people with small imaginations and a healthily cultured sense of risk aversion are left.
Avatar 6:59pm
Linda Lee:

Grok, i wouldn't advise shooting coke into the nutsack. bad site for infection.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

well,the bottom line for me is that i'd like NO ONE to have a gun...but as long as cops have them and they are coming in illegally, that desire is irrelevant.

Thanks, for all of it, Clay: music, interviews, Banjo and his biscuit, etc...
Be back in studio next week?
Old Dave:

Didn't i hear suicide is still the #1 gun death scenario in our good old USA today?
Keep 'em handy, I guess.

do you have any idea how hard it id to get hold of a gun when they are illegal and seriously not cool???!! Kids here don't WANT guns. You are an idiot if you get into that nonsense.
Avatar 7:00pm

How many people are killed by alcohol in America?
Avatar 7:00pm

Marcel, get me a volkswagen beetle like Fabio's and an automatic gun for my birthday please.

grok- if you had my drug shooting guns, you could actually kill one nut with two ideological crusades.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Marcel M:

Has nothing to do with it Grok..c'mon man. Booze? you are bringing that up now?

In London people just stab each other, and even those crime rates have been falling.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Marcel M:

@Meowcow: All to easy in this country! Done!
Avatar 7:02pm

It doesn't. Wait, what's the issue here?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Marcel M:

Hah... anyway. Nice discussing with you all. Have a good night Clay and all <3
Avatar 7:04pm
Linda Lee:

Clay copped out tonight. shame on him.
Avatar 7:04pm

I think nearly twice as many people are killed by alochol than guns per year
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

well, he lit the fire!

Guns are like believing in Jesus
anti gun? don't get one, go to your homes and pray that the rule of law persists indefinitely, or at least until it's not your problem anymore.

pro-gun? Stock up on illegal firearms, bury them in the woods with a shit load of ammo, and turn into a mad max warlord in oh, say, 45 years or so.

on the fence? just get one and bury it anyway and hey, when judgement day comes, you, too, can shoot your own terminator robot/zombie braineater/future alien overlord
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Marcel M:

@Grok: But what's your point? Do people go into theatres with booze and force people too drink it? It doesn't have to do with what we are talking about.
Avatar 7:08pm

People go to theaters and get trashed and then run their cars into other people that went to the theater and kill them. Yes, it's just not necessarily on purpose or out of anger. But, it's a major issue. It's a implicit weapon much greater than the explicit weapon.
Avatar 7:08pm

I guess the point was are you going to take away the alochol and make it illegal? Cus it kills away more people.
Avatar 7:08pm

DUN DEATHS. www.humanosphere.org... Someone witha gun shot that guy on the AIR NOW
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
Marcel M:

Grok you are pro prohibition?
Avatar 7:09pm

But, I really wasn't trying to make a point. Just throwing stuff out there and how irrelevant the entire discussion really is. There are much bigger issues in the world that we ignore and focus on non-issues.
Avatar 7:09pm

GUN DEATHS I meant. Excuse my typo I am just a cat no thumbs

grok @7.08 YES, and then I would start a BOOTLEGGING OPERATION.
Avatar 7:09pm

No, I don't want to get rid of anything.
Avatar 7:10pm

I think making drugs legal is a better solution than taking anything away.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Marcel M:

There are a lot of problems, just mentioning other problems while talking bout one doesn't really mean anything. Its just derailing it. I also think drugs should be legal, but we aren't talking about that right now.

I mean, let's be real guys, we're all extropian economic socialists with a mean streak.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Marcel M:

@Meowcow: Well, its impressive you can type so well with those cute cat paws!
Avatar 7:11pm

Well, it kinda does in that gun violence would most likely decrease if drugs were legal. And that is what we're talking about.
Avatar 7:13pm
Linda Lee:

frankly i think guns are just another drug!
Avatar 7:13pm

But suicides are the biggest number for gun deaths.
Almost double that of homicide. And if someone wants to commit suicide there are tons of ways besides a gun. So, we really shouldn't count the 20,000 suicide gun deaths anyways.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Marcel M:

We are talking about having stricter gun control. You are saying stricter gun laws would do nothing. I don't think legalizing drugs would solve the gun problem. FYI i'm not arguing that guns should be illegal altogether.
Avatar 7:14pm

But, even more so, I think you just said something that made me go into troll mode. I really could care less either way. I don't have a gun, I don't drink, and I don't do hard drugs. And I don't think trying to make any of those things go away or stricter is going to change anything. Probably just make it all worse.
Avatar 7:15pm

Oh that's what we are talking about? Then stricter gun laws will make the issue worse. End of that. That was an easy one. Guess I thought the discussion was a little bigger than that.
Avatar 7:15pm

And I don't think I ever said stricter gun laws would do nothing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm
Marcel M:

Ok Grok. Have a good night. G'night all.
Avatar 7:17pm

If anything I implied stricter laws would make it worse. In everything I said. But, even I've offended anyone or made anyone upset, I apologize. I'm just bored waiting for traffic to go away before I leave work.

I have a gun, I drink, and I'm high as franklin's kite at the moment and I condone all of these acts in moderation and to the limits of good sense. But I also think the world is full of idiots who just want to talk really loud and angrily about things and think that this is all just soooo serious because seriously the people that disagree with us are some sort of troglodytes due to the fact that they disagree with us, instead of due to their actually being troglodytes, or vice versa.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Marcel M:

I understand your argument, I meant "would do nothing to help things" as your position. I hope you beat the traffic, you have not offended me. Have a good night.
Avatar 7:22pm

Avatar 7:22pm

@anagramOrigies I want a gun, I used to drink, and pot is pretty nice. Also, I think that's exactly right. No laws or policies are going to stop crazy people from doing crazy things. And stricter gun laws makes it no more difficult for crazy people to do those crazy things.

can we just all agree that the only thing that we can all agree on is that it is agreed that on all contentious matters, there are aspects of each ideology that are agreeable and others which are disagreeable, but that ultimately constructs like truth and ethics and morality are ever-changing and dependent on one's culture and perspective and can never be meaningfully agreed on?
Avatar 7:23pm

yeah, definitely
Avatar 7:23pm

Culture I think is a big one here.
Avatar 7:23pm

Places that don't have as much gun violence have a completely different culture and view of the world that effects that beyond gun laws.
Avatar 7:24pm

And my bigger point with the alcohol was that it we tried to take it away and it made it worse. Same thing will happen with guns. That was the point.

how do stricter gun laws not make things more difficult fore crazy people?

If you are sane and malicious, like terrorists or domestic nudges that take over park visitor centers, tighter gun laws won't help.

But if you're an impulsive 17 year old kid, or some tinfoil hat goombah, the tribulations of red tape could definitely put a big damper in your plans.

I mean, I just jumped into the middle of this conversation, but yeah, prohibition is stupid and never works. That being said, regulation can cause massive social change.
Avatar 7:27pm

Maybe you're right about the younger people. But, maybe they just get their friends dad gun. I mean teenagers still have an easy time getting illegal drugs. But, yeah that might cut down on kids or some people from trying to get a gun on an impulse. But, it's probably faster to get a gun illegally than it is legally anyways. I could be wrong.
Avatar 7:27pm

Or at a gun show or flea market.
Avatar 7:28pm

But, I guess if they take care of that "gun show loophole" Maybe that would create a small change/decrease.
Avatar 7:30pm

I mean is the consensus here that stricter gun laws will change things and be an overall good/better thing? Just wondering.

again, if you're sane, and malicious, that's true.

But literally anyone can walk into the gun fair in harrisburg PA and buy a firearm. No questions asked. shit like that has to get shut down NOW, and there should be really difficult provisions, you should only be allowed to purchase certain firearms in certain quantities, etc, so that the amount of illegal guns that can reach the market is controlled.

I just say this as a big believer in the 2nd ammendment, I think everyone should own a gun, but since there are stupid people that don't see the advantages to breaking that zero sum game, the next best solution is 'one gun per person, strictly tracked, with enormous red tape and verification in order to purchase and a limit on the amount of ammunition you can buy at once. If you're a prepper you can get a gun for you and your wife and your 18 year old kid (I'd recommend a ruger 10-22 rifle, it's light and easy to fire and perfectly suitable for shooting a deer or a rabbit for food or a rogue militia getting ready to storm your village)
Avatar 7:36pm

I agree AnagramOrgies. That's where I stand on it as well.

Avatar 7:36pm

the loopholes need to be closed.

but they won't be as long as people believe the NRA and fox news reports to fight the estate tax.
Avatar 7:38pm

I've never had a need to own or use a gun. But, I'd prefer a revolver.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm

holy shit this conversation still exists!
Avatar 7:39pm

The only thing though about what you said that I may disagree with is a limitation on one gun. Some people just collect guns. Whether old (possible not even usable) or new.
Avatar 7:40pm

haha, unfortunately, I think it's a conversation that will always be around.
Avatar 7:42pm

I will have to say I prefer the conversations about music and generally don't even get involved with conversations on politics or religion. Although, I guess music can be up there on that list. Mostly emotionally driven conversations.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

i agree; but i am passionate about most things that i think about- which is most things!
Avatar 7:45pm

nothing wrong with that. I'm really not passionate about the gun control debate. I'm just spouting off. However, often I will argue a point I don't agree with just to try and present the other side or a different view point. Just one of my quirks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

the thing that's frustrating for me is that the issue is so immensely complex that it's impossible to back up my opinion to several people simultaneously on a one-hour comment board (supposedly!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

for someone who *may not* "believe" in gun control, you presented some good insights that i did not express.
...but my point earlier about the government taking full control of the people- steve made a good point but responding to it adequately was impossible because it's far more complex than just "will the people be able to hold back the government?"
Avatar 7:50pm

Well, there's not going to be anything that everyone agrees on or shares an opinion. Unfortunately, but does it really matter? It's also really to have any kind of proper discussion in text on a sidebar of a website.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

absolutely...but people sometimes think an opinion as i expressed could mean i'm not concerned about the innocent people whose blood is shed, which is not the case.
Avatar 7:52pm

It's not that I don't believe in or not believe in gun control. I'm just not sure it really matters. People are people and will do what they want. At the same time, having any laws is a good thing. But, again if we all agreed on things then we wouldn't have wars and murder. "will the people be able to old the government back?" Probably not. We let the governments dictate everything. And corporations dictate the government in a lot of cases.
Avatar 7:53pm

I think most reasonable people are against blood shed in general. It's all the kooky edge cases. Honestly, religion probably has killed more people than anything ever.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

i think it's greed; but i'm opposed to organised religion in general.
- and i agree with what you said about drugs; but again it's a very complex matter!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

any way,maybe Clay will Never shut this comment board down! but i'm going to the drummer stream now!
Great communicating with you.
Avatar 7:58pm

It's really complex. That's why it's difficult to talk about, agree on it, or change it.
Avatar 7:59pm

On an issue like this, it's so complex, we will always be divided on it.
Avatar 8:00pm

What's culture ape? Is that your music?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

i'm back to say - sad,but probably true.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02pm

Hahaha! that applies to that post too!
Avatar 8:02pm

diggin it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm

ciao- going to Bill Mac's board
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

oh! Thanks!
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