Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton: Playlist from March 19, 2016 Favoriting

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A yurt for the transgenred.

Saturday Midnight - 3am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Sat. Mar 15th, Midnight - 3am: Rich Hazelton and his Co-Host Kevin Nutt

Favoriting March 19, 2016: Marathon Week Two with Billy Jam

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Yol Aularong  Cyclo   Favoriting Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock And Roll  Dust-to-Digital ‎  Get in the running for this CD. Pledge $20 or more. 1 800 989-9368  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Beat Happening  Bewitched   Favoriting Look Around  K/Domino  Get in the running for this double LP. Pledge $20 or more. 1 800 989-9368 or online at wfmu.org  0:04:06 (Pop-up)
small faces  here comes the nice   Favoriting     on premium drugs available for pledges of $75 or more  0:14:12 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  L'Ultima Diligenza di Red Rock (Versione Integrale)   Favoriting The Hateful Eight  Third Man Records  A pledge of $75 dollars or more puts you in the running for an Ennio Morricone extravaganza. 3 LPs, The Hateful Eight double LP on Third Man Records, Il Sorriso del Grande Tentatore on Omni Recording Corporation, and Cosa Avete Fatto A Solange on Dagored.  0:20:28 (Pop-up)
Pen Ran  There's Nothing to Be Ashamed Of   Favoriting Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock And Roll  Dust-to-Digital ‎  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this CD  0:31:06 (Pop-up)
Beat Happening  Nancy Sin   Favoriting Look Around  K/Domino  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this double LP  0:34:12 (Pop-up)
Universal Messengers  Why You Wanna Be A Junkie   Favoriting     On my premium “Drugs” available for pledges of $75 or more  0:42:39 (Pop-up)
Charles Mingus  Group Dancers   Favoriting The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady  Superior Viaduct  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  0:49:24 (Pop-up)
Julia Holter  Night Song   Favoriting Have You in My Wilderness  Domino  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  0:56:40 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Main Theme   Favoriting Cosa Avete Fatto a Solange?  Omni  A pledge of $75 dollars or more puts you in the running for an Ennio Morricone extravaganza. 3 LPs, The Hateful Eight double LP on Third Man Records, Il Sorriso del Grande Tentatore on Omni Recording Corporation, and Cosa Avete Fatto A Solange on Dagored.  1:08:02 (Pop-up)
Julia Holter  Feel You   Favoriting You In My Wilderness  Domino  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  1:11:00 (Pop-up)
David Thomas  Coffee Train   Favoriting     On my premium “Drugs” available for pledges of $75 or more  1:15:45 (Pop-up)
Death and Vanilla  Arcana   Favoriting To Where The Wild Things Are...  Fire  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this CD  1:26:24 (Pop-up)
  Lady Snowblood trailer       A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this 2 DVD set from Criterion  1:31:42 (Pop-up)
Indian Puddin' & Pipe  Hashish   Favoriting     On my premium “Drugs” available for pledges of $75 or more  1:44:37 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  Veni Sancte Spiritus   Favoriting Il Sorriso del Grande Tentatore  Omni  A pledge of $75 dollars or more puts you in the running for an Ennio Morricone extravaganza. 3 LPs, The Hateful Eight double LP on Third Man Records, Il Sorriso del Grande Tentatore on Omni Recording Corporation, and Cosa Avete Fatto A Solange on Dagored.  1:48:11 (Pop-up)
Death and Vanilla  California Owls   Favoriting To Where The Wild Things Are...  Fire  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this CD  2:03:50 (Pop-up)
Joanna Newsom  Goose Eggs   Favoriting Divers  Drag City  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  2:14:41 (Pop-up)
Tommy Steele  Doomsday Rock   Favoriting Quiffs at the Flicks: Big Screen British Rock 'n' Roll  Fantastic Voyage  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this 3 CD set  2:19:54 (Pop-up)
Sonny Bono  Pammie's On A Bummer   Favoriting     On my premium “Drugs” available for pledges of $75 or more  2:29:15 (Pop-up)
Jimmy Crawford  Long Stringy Baby   Favoriting Quiffs at the Flicks: Big Screen British Rock 'n' Roll  Fantastic Voyage    2:41:37 (Pop-up)
Joanna Newsom  Leaving The City   Favoriting Divers  Drag City  A pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this double LP  2:44:12 (Pop-up)
Fred Karlin  Cigarettes Will Ruin Your Life   Favoriting     On my premium “Drugs” available for pledges of $75 or more  2:51:06 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  L'Ultima Diligenza di Red Rock (#2)   Favoriting The Hateful Eight  Third Man Records  A pledge of $75 dollars or more puts you in the running for an Ennio Morricone extravaganza. 3 LPs, The Hateful Eight double LP on Third Man Records, Il Sorriso del Grande Tentatore on Omni Recording Corporation, and Cosa Avete Fatto A Solange on Dagored.  2:51:51 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05am
Minnesota Jeff:


Hello Rich, Billy. Trying to inflate my carcass now.

It's Michele's birthday!
Avatar 12:18am

Hey Rich and Billy... I fell asleep in my chair and just woke up (its gone 4 am) , hope peoples are splurging dosh

good morning all. happy marathon!
give us a call at 1 800 989-9368 or pledge online at wfmu.org

no visuals this week, instead we've got reading material:
Avatar 12:42am
steve portland:

is there any non audio drugs in this premium
Avatar 12:44am
steve portland:

holy shit that nancy joke slayed
Avatar 12:55am
steve portland:

this is so good

What a combo! HazelJam!
Avatar 1:09am
steve portland:

you sick fucks
Eric von Golgoth:

Hugs not drugs!
Avatar 1:18am
Alejandro in TO:

great show tonight!
Avatar 1:22am
Alejandro in TO:

rare that I can catch Squirrel Carcass - I usually work Fri nights. I've pledged S4L about a week ago, patiently await my boombox
Avatar 1:22am
steve portland:

this is a real great show everybody should donate to this
Avatar 1:23am

wfmu is awesome! there is a local community radio station here in cali, but not a lot of variety on it. I love listening to wfmu.

S4L = Swag for Life.

Go HazelJam!
Avatar 1:25am
Alejandro in TO:

pillow_out: we have a lot of campus/community radio here, but it's not up on the same level.
Avatar 1:25am
Alejandro in TO:

(here being Canada) = CKUT in Mtl is a good one though.
Avatar 1:26am

yeah. I would love to say that the radio station where i live is amazing because anyone can be a dj if they apply, but man if i have to listen to any more americana i'm going to jump out the window
Avatar 1:26am
Alejandro in TO:

Listening to a lot of wfmu I'm often hearing things on many shows that are already to my tastes, that I haven't heard of.

@pillowout, i am in sacto and you're right. This is an incredible station.
Avatar 1:27am
Alejandro in TO:

Why shouldn't say... a noise rock band from the mid-west or somewhere be considered "Americana" haha. I understand you mean the sonic spectrum of what "Americana" might entail though...
Avatar 1:28am
Alejandro in TO:

possibly including banjos and mandolins...
Avatar 1:28am

true but i thin kyou know what i mean by americana
Avatar 1:29am

Avatar 1:30am

i wish there was a way to favorite the songs on this playlist
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31am

Just click the star in the song box you want, pillow-out!

@pillowout: create an identity and you can favorite songs. It's free.
Avatar 1:32am

oh nevermind i see it now.
Avatar 1:33am

it was hard to see

I am on my iphone, so not logged in. Caryn, so good to hear from you again!
Avatar 1:34am
Alejandro in TO:

ya very faint..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35am

Yeah, the grey background makes finding the stars an eye test...

Hi Carm!
Avatar 1:39am
Alejandro in TO:

I think regardless of genre, for the most part it's all about good curation!

how/where do i create an identity on the mobile app?
Avatar 1:48am
Alejandro in TO:

I'm not sure you can login that way Muddy, but if you are listening on the app you can "favourite" a song and it'll record it within the app
Avatar 1:48am
Alejandro in TO:

As in, you can fav tracks on the app and it'll save a list for you
Avatar 1:51am
Alejandro in TO:

(by tapping the star at the bottom while a song is playing)
Avatar 1:51am
Billy Jam:

thank YOU for joining Rich tonight for his second WFMU Marathon show for listening to WFMU. In two days this Marathon will be all over - so if you've been holding off on showing your support, now is good time to pledge as little as $20 - and you could win one of these prizes that are worth more than that -

Thanks... of great tunes.
Avatar 1:53am
Alejandro in TO:

thx BillyJam - I've caught your show once - I dig it and have heard great hip hop on there! gotta check out more..

LOTS of great tunes
Avatar 1:57am

wow i love this
Avatar 1:59am
Alejandro in TO:

Morricone the master
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13am

It was WOR and they would show the more "blue" specials on HBO
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22am

Yes all of the women in my family hated the show because he was a "dirty old man". I think he had the same appeal as the 3 Stooges here. My grandfather loved him.
Avatar 2:26am

Yeah nevada city!
Avatar 2:35am

ooooooo PAMMIE!
Avatar 2:35am

ooooooohhhhh PAMMIE!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41am

Rich I ask that same question every year

thanks everyone. keep on pledging. back to normal next week with the return of midnight matinee and john schnall live on the comments board.
have a great week.
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