GM, y'all. I wasn't here last week. Well actually I was here, I just wasn't there. But I'm never there though, really, I'm always here, unless I'm someplace else.
fƆfƆ (:
The key is on how you ask for the request, Cory.
Don't: Please play Barenaked Ladies, sir!
Do: 'Could you please play a song from a Canadian band who is not RUSH and whose melodic pop pairs with strong harmonies, clever humor an an eclectic mix of folk and pop/rock, much influenced by the B-52's, and whose band name could be constructed as sexist and demeaning to women but in fact it isn't ?
I'm picturing Cory singing Institutionalized to the lyrics:
I go: There's nothing wrong Ken
And he goes: Don't tell me that, you're on drugs!
And I go: No Ken I'm not on drugs I'm okay, I was just thinking you know,
Why don't you play me Barenaked Ladies
And he goes: No you're on drugs!
I go: Ken I'm okay, I'm just thinking
He goes: No you're not thinking, you're on drugs! Normal people don't act that way!
I go: Ken just play me Barenaked Ladies, please
All I want is a Barenaked Ladies, and he wouldn't give it to me
All I wanted was Barenaked Ladies, just one Barenaked Ladies song, and he wouldn't give it to me
Just a Barenaked Ladies song!
Morning Mr. Jensen… I'd like to meddle with the forces of nature today…
Could I request Jane Weaver's "Don't Take My Soul" in dedication to Juno Temple's Jamie as our favourite show unleashes another clichéd, banal, and crass subplot?
Congratulations goes out to DJ Female Convict Scorpion and all the other female women out there on the great news that the New York State Tampon tax has been repealed. THAT is the power of Seven Second Delay.
What's going to happen now that they've lost the tampon tax revenue? Are they going to cut music programs out of schools? Did you guys really think this through?
Well, I guess feminists and pro-feminist everywhere should thank you, Ken for allowing the call to be put on air on last week's 7SD show. You were so worried about Andy screwing it up that you almost didn't wanted the call her. Fortunately everything went better than expected!
I think McSorley had Guerilla Toss in for a live set within the past year.
The best technique I have found so far for correctly pronouncing Italian is to wear a fake Mario Brother moustache while talking. It works like a charm! I suspect Ken uses it.
The Barry Adamson reminds me of I Got a Line On You
Ken, couple weeks ago you and Andy had that guy on 7SD about musicians plagiarizing songs, and now the google entertainment news feed is on about the Spirit/Led Zeppelin lawsuit.
fƆfƆ (:
Again, that's the power of Seven Second Delay!
Im pretty sure these guys plagiarized City Slang from John Allen's blistering h
Hoof and mouth performance
City Slang...makes you wanna leap out of your seat! There is a great live recording of this from the Second Chance in Ann Arbor, late 70s. Pre- Ken's days in that fair city?
Trump was in town yesterday. No incidents to report, I guess, but this is pretty much Trump country up here. I kind of wanted to see the spectacle of it, but I figured my time was better spent doing anything else.
Vinyl: Cocaine, guilt, cocaine, Self destruction backdrop of music references, dude from Doogie Howser and Andrew Dice gets his head bashed in, and keep expecting Ray Ramano to revert to his sitcom routine and more coke
It was picked up for a second season right around the time episode one aired, but HBO is panicking -- they just fired the showrunner! Are you worried it's going to be less of a trainwreck next season, @Ken? What if the new showrunner is too competent? That'd be no fun.
will life imitate art? will WFMU dj,s watch the show and slowly change. will the DISCO entry in wikipedia show VINYL's influence? will VINYL ever go onto dvd so that i can watch it from the public library?
Vinyl is just like Boardwalk Empire: tourtured, conflicted, good/bad main character has fleeting encounters with real period figures of their respective eras.
I guess they never figured out how to store visual content in a vinyl format
phone nazi? reminds me of Andy Breckman's "my mother is a real nazi about grammar" (or something like that)
fƆfƆ (:
Remember the episode of the Nazi parrot? A talkative parrot invited to the show that turned out to be a holocaust denier. One of the funniest moments in 7SD history. Funniest is a funny word, isn't?
Love this song and the double tracking. "Sweetheat" is singular. Label is Columbia.
fƆfƆ (:
I still remember when I bought Technotronic's 'Pump Up The Jam' (FM Belfast's Pump is a cover ) cassete single along with a Milli Vanilli cassette album in a Kmart.
Perhaps I still remember because after the Milli Vanilli scandal broke up Kmart where refunding people that bought their music in their stores.
VINYL - i wonder if it's possible to have a character wear a WFMU tee in the show. (i plan on going to for the Bernie rally later; maybe i'll bring him a spare Shut Up Weirdo tee i have. that or the New Pornographers.)
that Andy is too funny - when Margo Siebert told 7SD of the Tampon Rally, Andy says "i am sooo there" and Margo goes "yeah!", but then he qualifies it "well, i might be late. if i am, start without me..."
To sir with love, a perfect perfect song if I may say so myself
fƆfƆ (:
It's not about font size. It's about being skillful in yelling quietly while typing. Like in Piano try pressing the keys piannissimo and sforzando each one. Put a dynamic emphasis in your mezzo staccato. Try.
Now that the weather is getting warmer, wear your WFMU t-shirts outside. Wear them to Drumpf rallies, too, so people on national television can see what you're wearing as you get tossed out.