Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from July 12, 2016 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting July 12, 2016: Tony Coulter Presents Tape Hiss: Die Trip Computer Die, plus "A Private Studio Compilation" Nos. 2 & 3 [PLEASE NOTE: "Tape Hiss" shows are not archived.]

Artist Track Album Label Year
The In-Theme  Holger Hiller: Toyshopshoptoy   Favoriting      
Frank Pahl  Ode to a Farfisa   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Rascal Reporters  Babbaloo!   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Kathy Snow  Anna Livia   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Frank Pahl, a.o.  I Like Myself   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Frank Pahl, a.o.  Manny Goes to War   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
(former members of) The Zooks  Big S.O.B.   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
The Goode Guys  Celestial Sardines   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Donna Ross  BĂ©arnaise Sauce in Cm   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Frank Pahl & Doug Gourlay  Kitefishing in America   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Frank Pahl & Ken Stanley  O Lucky Day   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Frank Pahl, a.o.  Vacuum Diagrams   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Frank Pahl  Ode to a Bass   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Rascal Reporters  Shout   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Frank Pahl, a.o.  Manny Goes to the Carnival   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Les Miserables Orchestra  Big John   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Ken Stanley  Friend of the Court   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
The Goode Guys  Hogtied and Greased   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Nelson Smith  Tightrope Walking   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
M. L. Liebler  Asshole Blues   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Tim Zukowski  I Was a Potato   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Anonymous  Headrock!   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Frank Pahl, a.o.  Warped #12   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 2  Private Studio  1985 
Frank Pahl & Doug Gourlay  Ode to a Balalaika   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
The Goode Guys  The Old Rugged Grandma's Crotch Stew   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
The Ralph Martin Combo  Bed   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Only a Mother  Westinghausen Laughed Yesterday   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Frank Pahl & Larry Rosa  Margaret, So Nice of You to Call   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
The Blurbs  Rotten Chicken   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
M. L. Liebler, Frank Pahl & Doug Gourlay  Ballpark   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Only a Mother  The Romantic Side of Ken's Cat   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Spanking Bozo  I'm a Girl   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Marco Novatchcoff & Tim Holmes  A Man Made of Clay   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Rascal Reporters  C'mon Hep Cat!   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Howard Glazer  A Various Combination of Notes: OPUS ONE   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Jim Kiraly, Doug Gourlay, & Frank Pahl  Jim Bob Shuffle   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Frank Pahl & Doug Gourlay  Ode to a Snare   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
The Goode Guys  The Ballad of Marv   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
The Ralph Martin Combo  Double Coupon   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Kathy Snow  The Two Sides of Kathy Snow   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Ken Stanley  Venus de Milo   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Marco Novatchcoff & Doug Gourlay  Wolfgang Amadeus Maytag   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Maelstrom  88 Sucks   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Dan Holmes  Extended Brain Vacation   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
G. E. Siclivan  Guitar Study #1   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Spanking Bozo  Black Dream   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Only a Mother  The Romantic Side of Brutus Lee   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Sublime Wedge  Tom Sleeper   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Doug Gourlay  A Little Too Serious   Favoriting A Private Studio Compilation: Tape Number 3  Private Studio  1988 
Die Trip Computer Die  side A (live in 2002)   Favoriting Stop Killing Jelly Trousers  Altered States  2011 
Die Trip Computer Die  side B (live in 2002)   Favoriting Stop Killing Jelly Trousers  Altered States  2011 
Die Trip Computer Die  Jackie X   Favoriting Stadium Death  Alcohol  1999 
The Out-Theme  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting      

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:21am
listener james from westwood:

Ooh, looking forward to the DTCD-a-rama!
Avatar 11:59am
Tony Coulter:

Heya, Listener J!

DTCD will appear in the final hour....
Avatar 11:59am

Hello! wish I could stay for the entire show but happy to tune in even for a half of it!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
listener james from westwood:

Howdy, Tony, Mayuko, and all!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

good day everyone.
Avatar 12:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Greetings, Mayuko!
Avatar 12:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Ahoy, JtotheK!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

greetings Tony and hissy listeners
Avatar 12:02pm

Avatar 12:02pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, coelacanth!

... and Cecile too!!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Avatar 12:04pm

Oh man, it's after 9! Hello Tony and Hissers.
Avatar 12:05pm

hey, Carm!
Avatar 12:07pm
Tony Coulter:

Ahoy, Yvang & Carmichael!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Doug Schulkind:

Tape Hiss: It's a Pahling!
Avatar 12:08pm
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Took a while to tear myself away from Jonathan Richman on Liz's show, but i'm here now! Hi Tony and everyone : )
Avatar 12:09pm
Tony Coulter:

Ha!! A+, Doug!
Avatar 12:09pm

that Frank Pahl alone already has made me extremely happy that I was able to tune in live today!
Avatar 12:09pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, Wood Elf -- just in time for the Rascal Reporters

Yes! Frank Pahl is one of the unsung genuises of our age. Ive been writing about him with creepy stalker-like enthusiasm on my blog for years.
Avatar 12:13pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey ho, MrFab!!
Avatar 12:14pm

oh! could you post a link to your "creepy" blog so that I can see it MrFab?!
V Priceless:

Hey Tony! Diggin....
Avatar 12:16pm
Tony Coulter:

Track on now has no group name listed -- just five or so musicians names, including Frank Pahl ... so I've listed it as Frank Pahl, a.o., even though he may not be the main person here. I will repeat that dubious approach throughout the tape.

Sure mayuko: musicformaniacs.blogspot.com
Avatar 12:18pm
Tony Coulter:

Greets, VP!!
Avatar 12:18pm

Thank you MrFab!
Avatar 12:19pm
Tony Coulter:

By the way, these two Private Studio tapes are not listed on discogs -- which means they don't really exist, I guess.
Avatar 12:19pm

I once was lost, but now I'm back. Hello, Tony et al.
Avatar 12:20pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, hey, βrian!

Hi Tony - finally found a time I could listen in for a bit... just down the street!
Avatar 12:22pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Curt!! If you stand outside my house, I can keep the window open....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22pm
Doug Schulkind:

All roads lead to Rome, βrian. The good news: There are no Roming charges.

That would be a workable, low-tech radio experience!
Avatar 12:23pm
the Canterbury wood-elf:

This is kinda "My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts", isn't it?
Avatar 12:25pm
Tony Coulter:

Audio collage + steady, funky rhythm always works....

Sardines are brain food.
Avatar 12:32pm

Inspiration for King Missile?
Avatar 12:32pm
Tony Coulter:

Mr. Pahl really makes you work to decipher the tracklist on this tape. After each song title, there is a series of numbers, each of which refers to a musician listed on a separate part of the cover. An insert adds mostly cryptic comments for further clues.
Avatar 12:35pm

Huh. Frank is a Michigan boy.
Avatar 12:35pm
Tony Coulter:

Yep -- as are all the folks on this tape (that I know anything about, at least).
Avatar 12:41pm
Tony Coulter:

Correction: The Blurbs are on Vol. 3, not this tape.

Go Manny Go!
Avatar 12:51pm
Tony Coulter:

Vol. 4 in this compilation series is on vinyl and is much easier to find than the tapes. It's a great release and reprises a few tracks from the tapes: www.discogs.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm

i must depart. Thank you Tony. Great program!
Avatar 12:56pm
Tony Coulter:

Cheerio, coelacanth!
Avatar 1:02pm
Tony Coulter:

This Tim Zukowski track could possibly feature the group Pliny the Elder.
Avatar 1:09pm
Tony Coulter:

By the by, apologies for the semi-crappiness of today's playlist photo. I tried.
Avatar 1:17pm
Tony Coulter:

One thing that has always puzzled me: It almost seems like there are more musicians making weird music than there are people that like weird music. Where do they all come from?
Avatar 1:23pm
Tony Coulter:

I mean, all people, *including* those mystery musicians -- meaning, the numbers don't add up!

Lets test your theory Tony: who here makes weird music?
Avatar 1:25pm
Tony Coulter:

Or: Who here makes weird music even though they hate weird music?
Avatar 1:25pm

I don't make weird music, but I make weird-ish pictures and I used to write a little about weird music.
Avatar 1:27pm

Avatar 1:30pm
Tony Coulter:

According to the liner notes, Marco Novatchcoff & Tim Holmes were/are members of a group called Maelstrom (also featured on this tape).
Avatar 1:34pm
Tony Coulter:

"Touch my skull with your ecology symbol"
Avatar 1:34pm
V Priceless:

does making music your wife hates count?
Avatar 1:36pm
Tony Coulter:

Yeah, that does help make the numbers add up.
Avatar 1:36pm
V Priceless:

Avatar 1:39pm
Tony Coulter:

Let me state my puzzle a bit more clearly. Let's say, hypothetically, there are 10,000 people total who like weird music. Despite this, there are 50,000 weird records out there, involving 200,000 different musicians. Where do all those extra weird music fans come from? Are they space aliens?
Avatar 1:44pm

I think weird music is like writing experimental poetry. The practitioners outnumber the audience if you count non-performers and are the audience if you do.
Avatar 1:44pm
V Priceless:

perhaps it's fair to say not every musician who makes weird music is a fan of it? I mean, a gig's a gig, to some, I suppose.
Avatar 1:45pm

that too, VP. Love, friendship, duty and drunkeness probably all play a factor for the musician non-fans.
Avatar 1:49pm
V Priceless:

...especially drunkeness, C! ha!
Avatar 1:49pm

You could be making music you don't think is weird but everyone else thinks is. Like people who build bottle houses with stairs that go nowhere.
Avatar 1:49pm

& hi everyone!
Avatar 1:50pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Cecile & VP: Well put -- and I'm sure that's true. Still, it really does amaze me how the weird music well never runs dry. There's always something new to uncover, even if you limit your search to a single decade.
Avatar 1:50pm

my 1st theory: Possibly it's all same small number of people using 200,000 different names?

my 2nd more realistic theory: artists don't buy each others work too often, like there are way bigger population of artists than art collectors/buyers. Maybe same thing is happening in the weird music industry.
Avatar 1:51pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, geezerette!

What you say is true too! There's also a giant boatload of unintentionally weird stuff out there, of course.
Avatar 1:51pm

Mayuko I really like theory 2. :)
Avatar 1:52pm

Howdy Tony!
Avatar 1:58pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Mayuko: There's definitely something to your theory number one as well! The musicians in Die Trip Computer Die (up next) all have dozens of pseudonyms ... as in Amos = L. Voag = Xentos ... and on and on.....
Avatar 1:58pm

geezerette I kinda prefer my 1st theory though, I like to imagine there are a few super crazy people who are totally obsessed and making weird music under 200,000 different names 365 days every year so that it never gets dry. Kind of encouraging somehow.
Avatar 2:00pm

and they have good enough social skills or charisma to drag their friends along even though they might not be clear about what they're doing.
Avatar 2:01pm
V Priceless:

Spanking Bozo = band name of the month
Avatar 2:02pm

oh!! it's also L. Voag?! Bummer I'll miss it! Need to leave soon :/
Avatar 2:02pm

Mayuko, that's not unlikely.
Musicians making music for other musicians too,cracking each other up and seeing who can be most outrageous.
Avatar 2:02pm

Avatar 2:03pm
V Priceless:

this is a really swell comp, TC! Thanks for sharing!
Avatar 2:03pm
Tony Coulter:

Yer welkum, VP!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:12pm
listener james from westwood:

Fun stuff so far, Tony!
Avatar 2:13pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, James! Glad you likee....
Avatar 2:13pm
Tony Coulter:

There's no tracklist on this tape, but they announce each track, so...
John Davison:

When house and techno became the dominant styles of dance music in the late 1980s, it was popular for artists to issue material under a variety of project names. Here are some of the reasons that I could think of:
1. A new project name will not carry associations or expectations associated with a previous project name.
1a. Footnote: the Human League rev. 2 tinkered with "Red" and "Blue" releases in an attempt to leverage the goodwill associated with the "Human League" name but distinguish between musical styles.
2. Consumers searching for something new and fresh tend to prefer a new project name to one they've encountered already.
3. A new project name prevents consumer fatigue toward an artist who issues too much material under the same name in too short a time. Of course, this doesn't prevent consumer fatigue toward labels if all of the material is issues on the same label.
Avatar 2:15pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, John!
John Davison:

Avatar 2:16pm

Too bad I need to go now, it's been the best radio show on earth to listen to while drawing a group of people whose heads connected to each other. Thank you Tony for the great music (as always!) Have a great rest of the day all.
Avatar 2:18pm
Tony Coulter:

See you, Mayuko!!
Avatar 2:26pm

Is it "angry dad" he's saying? this might be a Simpsons reference.
Avatar 2:29pm
Tony Coulter:

Nope: "Angry Dan." The full name of this tape is "Angry Dan Presents: Stop Killing Jelly Trousers."
Avatar 2:32pm
Tony Coulter:

He is angry, though....
Avatar 2:32pm

Have you guys seen Joseph Cornell's films? This is almost like the aural equivalent. ("Angry Dan")
Avatar 2:34pm
Tony Coulter:

Love Cornell's films....
Avatar 2:37pm
Tony Coulter:

Though I like his collages and boxes even more....
Avatar 2:41pm

Then don't miss Bruce Connor!!! You'll be ecstatic!
Avatar 2:43pm

He made wonderful films but that's just a facet.
Avatar 2:43pm
Tony Coulter:

Yes, have been meaning to explore Connor's stuff. Thanks for the link!
Avatar 2:45pm

More than welcome! Thanks for wonderful music!
Avatar 2:47pm
Tony Coulter:

While today's show was in progress, this Bing Selfish tape arrived in the mail: www.discogs.com...

Listen for it on the next Tape Hiss!
Avatar 2:48pm
Tony Coulter:

'Twas a promo, I'm glad to say. Thanks, Bing & Co.!
Avatar 2:51pm

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:51pm

Did the postperson ring twice, Tony?
Avatar 2:53pm
V Priceless:

thanks Tony!
Avatar 2:54pm
Tony Coulter:

@ JtotheK: No, but he did thump loudly twice.
Avatar 2:55pm
Tony Coulter:

Learned over the weekend that, according to the post office, Portland leads the nation in mailing and receiving LPs.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:57pm

Interesting - I'd like to read the full results of that study! b/w Thanks for the show, enjoyed it very much!
Avatar 2:57pm
Tony Coulter:

Also, NB: The second part of my out-theme (up next) is by Die Trip Computer Die!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
listener james from westwood:

That Portland mailing datum doesn't surprise me a bit!
Thanks, Tony, as always, for the Hiss!
Avatar 2:59pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks for showing up, everyone! See you next week!
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